You only don’t like whites because they know they are better then you and they aren’t afraid to say it. Let’s see, whites are >better looking then shitskins >live way longer then shitskins >often times more scientific then shitskins >better warriors then shitskins >often times better and older more successful civilization then shitskins >know more about the hidden secrets of the universe then shitskins
Shitskin lovers are basically incels who hate that which is superior, the alpha chads that are handsome pretty white man who can also gut a nigger in a second. You are just jealous and scared that whites are literally superior then shitskins in every single way, stay mad.
I don't like whites because of their we wuzzery and historical revisionism. Also they feel the need to try to impose their sense of morality on others.
Michael Barnes
A large component of white progressivism is a sense of superiority generating a sense of pity and feeling of paternal responsibility for the idiot browns who tragically can't take care of themselves
Nolan Jenkins
>I don't like whites because of their we wuzzery and historical revisionism. Whites are in fact the least likely race to wewuz, mainly because they actually have a lot of achievements of their own. Other races wewuz white accomplishments more than whites wewuz other races. >they feel the need to try to impose their sense of morality on others. Good heavens, imagine not being able to practice cannibalism or suttee because some pesky white man told you not to! The horror!
Lincoln Wright
You guys would perish without us. Most whites believe they are above the lowly yet necessary jobs, which is why a white ethnostate is impossible to begin with.
Jose Ross
It doesn't help that brown people are infantized and want to be coddled
John Lee
Wuz we, or wuzn't we kangz? we wuz, wuzn't we?
Wyatt Robinson
>Most whites believe they are above the lowly yet necessary jobs You're an American aren't you? You fell for the propaganda about "they do the jobs americans won't do"?
Whites don't consider themselves above necessary jobs, except for basedboy citycucks. Rather, employers consider themselves above actually employing whites, because that would mean they would have to pay them in full, so they import shitskins they can basically force to work for free.
Connor Young
i wonder if that's a wig
Henry Peterson
The "white" label itself is a tool of we wuzzery so everyone from Ivan to Luigi can claim everything from founding America to landing on the moon via the "white" label.
>cannibalism If I want to smoke a blunt, apparently it's a "problem", but killing unborn babies is just fine.
Adam Brown
Chase Harris
>The "white" label itself is a tool of we wuzzery so everyone from Ivan to Luigi can claim everything from founding America to landing on the moon via the "white" label. This coming from the guy with the black nationalist flag. One amerimutt pot calling an amerimutt kettle black.
Kayden Rodriguez
What is white exactly? Seems like no one knows who's white and who's not One day its white skin the next day it's specific aryans only
Dylan Brooks
Define a living wage? Whites let their pride get in the way of competing in a global market, then complain and get mad at those willing and able to do what it takes.
David Clark
You'll know it when you see it.
Brody Sanchez
only white people know that they are white. if you have to ask this stupid question then bad news for you...
Adrian Mitchell
In the US racial labels are considered politucal more than anything. Sudanese are considered "white" per the US census.
Hunter Allen
Behavior is 99% controlled by genetics. White boys are genetically programmed to be BBC worshiping cuckolds, and any white boy claiming otherwise is in deep denial. They know how they feel about the BBC and many of them will lie about the truth, but deep down they know they would give ANYTHING to be a white girl, and even if just for one day, submit themselves completely to the BBC of a big, strong, virile, violent, savage, primal nigger. No Jew-blaming, media-blaming... out with this scapegoating. Face the truth and embrace it.
“All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.” — Arthur Schopenhauer.
>Whites let their pride get in the way of competing in a global market, then complain and get mad at those willing and able to do what it takes. Translation: "I am willing to get conned into working like a slave, because my ancestors were slaves, my grandparents were slaves, my parents were slaves, and I am a slave, and I hate those who actually want to be paid for their work like a human fucking being."
Gabriel White
that wouldn't disprove his point. Calling someone a hypocrite isn't a defence of your own point.
Justin Perez
Imagine believing the memeflaggot had a point.
Isaiah Price
whites are larping apes who hate themselves and project their feelings of shame onto everyone else. Subhuman. Chimp. Baboon. Monkey. All their hate is projection. Whites hate no one more than themselves. The proof of this is clear as still in the modern era, they remain blissfully ignorant and delusional about who they are, and where they came. They have been consumed by their own hubris unable to contemplate their true reality. Brainwashed into forsaking their own ancestors who rose to two feet and walked the earth for 70,000 years. The so called master race couldn't even master themselves. So far from self actualization I doubt you will ever unlock the secrets laden in your DNA.
Take the US and the new world at large. Why would they import black people so extensively and so early on? Is it because they just liked hanging around black people? No. It's because when the America's were considered a dangerous backwater, even poor Europeans mostly scoffed at the notion of working the fields there plus they would have died, so yes black people were needed to build the foundation.
Julian Kelly
This pictures sums up race relations of the last 100 years
Connor Scott
its the same with the black label
Matthew Sanders
Notice how blacks try to lighten their skin and the ads on tv are lighter blacks, not africa blacks. It's said they can't be fine with who they are. Thank the Jew media.
>I don't like whites because of their we wuzzery and historical revisionism. Also they feel the need to try to impose their sense of morality on others
Why do you speak a white language on a white computer network then? neither were made by you or for you. If you are going to be ungrateful, why not stop riding our dicks and leave us alone?
Daniel Morgan
>not willing to compete capitalistically >complains about ppl that are Next time you want to complain about immigrants, think about the fruits and shit you like to buy at your fresh grocer.
this post is so jewish or chang, im gonna go ahead and say chang leaf
Ryan White
its for globalism, you are the new tax livestock, and what happened to whites culturally and spiritually they will do to you. Reject globalism and build your own place in your homeland.
Caleb Foster
>You guys would perish without us. Most whites believe they are above the lowly yet necessary jobs, which is why a white ethnostate is impossible to begin with
Then how were whites able to build vast civilizations without mud people?
Ethan Diaz
>Why would they import black people so extensively That was the Jews, you nufag
I literally don't. You hate yourselves for willingly giving the world away to jewish parasites in exchange for the death of your race.
Noah Wright
That's only reactionary, and whites hypocritically fight it tooth an nail, which is why KANGZ threads ALWAYS reach the bump limit.
Charles Mitchell
have you ever heard of thise great white man invention called "organized labour" maybe you should try joining a union
Colton Fisher
>Next time you want to complain about immigrants, think about the fruits and shit you like to buy at your fresh grocer
1 percent of illegals work in fields, 42 percent collect some sort of taxpayer funded benefit. They are a cost of 100 billion to the US. They are parasites.
>You're an American aren't you? You fell for the propaganda about "they do the jobs americans won't do"? I try an tell my moronic fellow burgers this is just what they say so you cant compete. No self respecting white man will do those jobs not because of the kind of job but because they want you to do it for free. Its about money, and jose will do it for damn near nothing.
>Then how were whites able to build vast civilizations without mud people?
They weren't.
Leo Bailey
>jose will do it for damn near nothing This, because deep down the shitskin knows he is worth less than a white chad, and has less self-respect.
Dylan Diaz
Whites who are angry with the blacked meme like to emphasize that whites colonized other races for generations. But this only further emphasizes the impact that BLACKED represents. That's the fundamental difference that DEFINES what the Blacked meme embodies to a biological degree.
For thousands of generations, the white man built weapons and tools and tried to enslave and overpower other cultures throughout history. Swords, arrows, guns etc, all of these tools are essentially the white man's penis, because his own penis simply isn't good enough. In effect, the white man was building his own phallus, a substitute for a tool God did not grant him.
Thus the Blacked meme is a celebration of the fact that black men never had to resort to such means and have no desire to conquer or colonize other cultures through military or industrialized force at all. There is no sexual frustration with life that leads blacks to do such things. Even after hundreds of years of colonization and enslavement, still white women give themselves willingly to the POWER of BBC. Black penis is god's gift to womankind, the emancipation of women in Western society lead to interracial reproduction and a mixed race President like Obama almost as if it were always meant to happen. No matter how long or hard white men fight, they will never be able to match the length and stiffness of a big black cock.
>That's why black americans have Jewish surnames The demand was coming from somewhere.
Lucas Roberts
Neat. None of those are his design. Can you show me his phone, and not someone else's?
Josiah Rodriguez
Because you know unions are all inclusive and have no issues with nepotism and corruption.
Unions stifle opportunity.
John King
Bahahahaha who told you that? Your BOSS?
Carson Watson
Doesn't matter
William Green
The fact that whites are ashamed of themselves, who and what they are, where they came from. Forsake their own ancestors who fought tooth and nail against bears, lions, and wolves, and all the horrors of the ancient past. Just so their chimp ego could get giddy to the two slyllable mk ultra control word, huwhite and larp a monstrous and baseless pride. How can you be proud, when you are ashamed? The matrix has you snow bro. There was never a white race.
Wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Luke Smith
they all have hair extensions. emulate whitey coon
Carter Cooper
You must think agricultural ever paid well, if at all? How do you think black ppl ended up dispersed around the world? I get that you don't want to work botton tier jobs, but then don't complain about the types of people that are willing to living in the same country as you, because if not for them your ancestors would not have been fed or clothed.
Mason Reyes
>>That's why black americans have Jewish surnames The Jews imported them. Some nice Christian families owned and educated them though. Fool
Luis Bell
I'm black. There you happy.
Daniel Barnes
I don't think this is an issue today, as much as its an issue of wage suppression. Its pretty obvious that its not that a janitor or a banana picker should get payed less than a doctor, its that the corporation wants to maximize profit at the extent of society, and uses the mechanism of the state to support/protect him.
Benjamin Howard
based. not because I agree with you, only because you unintentionally(?) radicalize those on the fence
>if not for them your ancestors would not have been fed or clothed. There were never africans in my country in large numbers. Good assuming everyone is an amerimutt though.
Josiah Smith
The cuckold in denial with his typical accusations. Cease and desist. The coming of truth is inevitable.
Your genes control you. You are what you have been genetically programmed to be.
Off with the Y-chromosome festering with cuckold genes. Off with the accusations and scapegoating. You will know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set you free.
I thought it was an antithesis to white. I guess you don't know your ethnicity, which I'm sorry. You are probably as mixed in terms of African ethnicity as I am in European so to claim that calling ourselves whites is just " we wuzzing" and a false claim to past glory is disingenous when blacks do the same. I'm proud of my pan European heritage as I would hope you are pround of your pan African heritage.
Colton Miller
For you then it's probably gypsies, Arabs, or North africans then, maybe even pops.