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do undocumented pay taxes?

Yes, I’d they have a tax id

But fuck em they are still here illegal


Spics got utterly BTFO lmao.

Thank you Corona

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thats right my fellow mutts you tell them!!
only us privileged goys get to fund israel :")
USA dominate




>Mexican citizens don't get a US stimulus check
Why the fuck would they?

some do, because the IRS is the best law enforcement agency we have (eg they were the ones who brought Al Capone down), so immigrants fear them more than ICE

Why would non-Americans be getting these checks anyway? If that were the case, then the whole world would expect them

Jokes on you they will be out infecting people in order to gain shekels

Fuck off Pedro. Go mow my lawn



Occasionally Dumpf does something right.

Hahaha? This will start riots. You won’t be laughing when pedro and lucia are robbing you of all your beans and rice

We need to activate the removal squads to round up all the latinos and remove them. The virus isn’t being used to our full benefit. Delaying deportations only makes the social situation worse.


>Los Angeles burned down by its culture
Don't care.

Eh.. illegals are EVERYWHERE in this country... especially in our farms

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How does that even work.. how can you even give money to people with no documentation...even assuming you wanted to.. What a massive nightmare. I’ll be they use his as a ploy to give everyone IDs to ‘normalize’ the whole situation.

>there is a political party that thinks this is a problem

green card before green paper

Uh yes, hello Democrat’s? There’s 10 illegal immigrants in my basement. I’ll be taking that $10,000 now.

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No, ILLEGAL ALIENS do not pay taxes

Not nearly as much as they end up costing taxpayers. They can get a tax ID but many illegals use stolen social security numbers to recieve benefits they aren't normally entitled to. They're still leeches and on top of bringing up crime rates, lowering wages, and being an overall nuisance, their contributions are dwarfed by the problems they cause.

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That’s fucked up! Oh well my white gf should be getting one.

I use accurint for my job. It’s a tool used for background checks and such. Whenever er i look up someone’s address i would say about 50% of the time there’s a mexican name associated with the address

They claim max deduction they pay zero payroll taxes because non are taken out.

They’ll be the ones still working, mcdonalds, pizza, and home maintenance are all “essential” jobs.

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Whenever you buy stuff it’s sometimes taxed, so you can be a tourist here paying taxes
But illegal immigrants work under the table. So they do not pay into the system. They reap the benefits heavily.

illegal aliens

I guess sales tax

They pay taxes indirectly, i.e. sales/gas tax, etc. They do not pay direct taxes like income tax.

Well that's one way to get them to admit to there being millions of them

HahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaHahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaHahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaHahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaHahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha! HahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaHahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaHahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaHahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaHahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha!

Remember to pay your taxes and vote.

The illegals can work while we get our Trumpbux

Remember to put up flyers in spanish directing them to call and leave a message with their name and address if they want a stimulus, then turn it all over to ice

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Yes, we do ; my whole family does

All the tourists to this country "pay taxes". Should we send them a check?

illegal immigrants consume way more than they give in taxes. go to any food bank. they'll have a sign that says "no illegals" and illegals will be crawling everywhere while the guy at the counter only denies you if you're white.

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The coronavirus is fake
The check is to take your eyes off what the military is doing
They will force vaccines and mandatory check ups on everyone

Remember this in April.

I wish I were lying. Time is up.

I get SSI only, do I get the trumpbux?

Most don't pay more than sales taxes. That's why we can't have nice things like a functioning health care system.

Based. Good idea

Literally not true, 99.9% are in city centers

Some pay income tax by TIN. Doesn’t matter they deserve nothing.

>make over 100k
once again The Middle Class gets fucked to keep niggers in line

Leave you aren’t wanted here.

If I don't get a check because I made 77k in 2018, illegal spics DEFINITELY don't get one. Fuck em all.

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It's true
Agenda 21 has been put on full go since the last G20 meeting

you have to go back

All taxes that don’t require a social security


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Go back

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