Take one image back 100 years into the past and show it to your ancestors...

Take one image back 100 years into the past and show it to your ancestors, warning them about your country's current situation.

What image do you show them?

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Attached: do it again armando.jpg (2289x2289, 2.25M)

>human race is a space faring species, actually has walked on the surface of another celestial body
>every single person on earth has a supercomputer in their pocket
>we have nuclear bombers and stealth planes that can fly across the pacific ocean in 2 hours
>we have advanced to the point that we can take an actual photograph of a black hole that is millions of light years away
and some user did this with it....

never change bros... i hope we are still shitposting 10,000 years in the future, long after we have joined the intergalactic federation and colonized multiple galaxies.

Attached: 536835685368568.jpg (357x342, 27.32K)

People in 1920 didn't know that black holes existed.

Attached: 1585356753432.jpg (729x714, 106.38K)

it literally won't change anything because it has already happened, or you've created a paradox that threatens the life of everyone in this timeline. this thread is stupid

I don't have it in my phone but I would show the picture of the classroom in france with all niggers except one white girl ofc with FRANCE written over it. And show that this happened because the 3rd reich lost

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>long after we have joined the intergalactic federation and colonized multiple galaxies.
Dude, it's going to be planet of the apes in less than 80 years, keep dreaming faggot

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I guess the graphic designer that was in charge of touching that photo up was having an off day

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With eczema?

>Hey grandpere Napoleon (yes that was my great great grandfather's name). If you can't support yourself enough to buy this stuff, the state will give you just buy it for you.

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See the red patches and patchy complexion, that was due to the camera lens using the wrong filter , and wrong color filter on the flash
The photographer was also amateur hour , you most likely wouldn't even be able to see that IRL

and you can see the cake shadows from the foundation, both the photographer and graphic designer were amateur, it has nothing to do with the model , shit like that is almost unnoticeable to the naked eye IRL

It's not a skin condition, it's seriously caused by the incompetent photographer not picking the correct tools for the presented conditions

The only smart answer

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the stupid roastie says
>aww how cute, love is love!
the nigfag says
>so brave! they must be applauded for their courage!
the impressionable child says
>this will get me many likes on social media and positive social reinforcement is my Skinner box dopamine hit
Pressure cookers are cheap, or?

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I don't mind, she actually quite beautiful I'm more pissed off that she didn't have a quality photographer and digital touch up artist

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looks like a claw lol

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yeah same

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>best parenting you dirty straights

>Dude, I just wanna jack off to tits
this is not the board for you then

>queen lactacia
more like King autogynophillia the peado

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Maybe a verbal warning about pesky kikes to go along with it.

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I would show them this photo and tell them to pogrom now and make it into a permanent Constitutional amendment.

Attached: Fag_Queen_Grooming_Hour.jpg (438x512, 76.93K)

jumpin Jack flash it's a

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I also just noticed the books it's reading to the impressionable young minds. I can't tell for sure but I think there all fag normalizing propaganda. The one on the left says something about "family," you can guess it's one of those "my two dad's are a totally normal family!" kinda shit.


What parts of my family aren't Irish Catholics are Northern Protestants. If they saw this shit, they would 100% believe some satanic shit was afoot. Seriously, look at the horned, bald, crystal-encrusted-balls freak of nature with non-functional muscle mass fucking creeping around the kid seemingly in the preliminary stages of the freak's state of being.

It would be the tipping point in setting up agreeing to Nazi peace terms. This picture would condemn Europe.

more like occupied Imperium Orientum

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>condemn Europe
to a racially pure future free of kike degeneracy and debt slavery? o the horror. I sure am glad I don't have to worry about my kids speaking German, boy-howdy!

but yes, that faggot has absolutely rented it's body out to some malevolent being of metaphysical substance, beyond a doubt.

Attached: D2658032-60AF-4C44-89E4-C69DCC50796E.png (1021x768, 922.35K)

an infographic for hitler to make nukes

>families, families!
>not all princesses dress in pink
kike fag propaganda confirmed.

My man!

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Obama, then the South would have fought harder....

guess i'm still in denial

They make iwatches for rancors?

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That's a good one.


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>Take one image back 100 years into the past and show it to your ancestors, warning them about your country's current situation.

"This will be president in the year 2008. If you want to avoid this travesty, make it 110 countries NOW!!!"

Attached: obama_-_Google_Search.png (537x398, 327.74K)

God, why can't drumpf be more like him? Canada's so lucky

Attached: A48C6390-EF3B-4560-9191-6997C29A5AB9.jpg (718x960, 108.71K)

better, more accurate image

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Attached: TimesSquare.jpg (1200x1798, 976.28K)

based stones poster

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