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Epstein didn’t kill him self
Now the soldiers can get shit done without traffic, bystanders, or press
user: what are those military vehicles rolling down the highway?
down syndrome nothingburger user: those are just the flu
>Martial law
I don't think you know what that means.
>Martial law
>Can still go outside and shop or goto work
>tfw I've been doing this for decades
right because during martial law you can't leave your house it's written in the constitution
>only asked to stay at home on weekends, not even during week
>martial law
A US Marshal just flew over my house!
It says and weekdays as well hans. I thought germans were supposed to be smart.
Trust in the plan they are rounded up all the pedophiles and baby sacrificers.
>until April 19th
Cute. They put a date on it instead of saying "indefinitely." We'll see how many times that's extended. These mayors and governors are nothing but fucking tyrants.
Our civil liberties are now effectively dead forever due to an overblown media panic. To think that we used to make fun of the UK for their government infringing on their rights when we rolled over and took it like a bitch just the same.
I didn't get this text
I'll believe in that crock of shit when I see it.
why ban trails
the county is trying to ban you from NATURE? fuck that
That's not martial law dumbass
>inb4 no one follows it and there isn't enough resources to catch them all
its like they are preparing for a ground invasion
I wonder if there are large numbers of state sponsored rebels living in our country loaded to the teeth and waiting for orders
or it's like they are doing the responsible thing and trying to mitigate the spread of the virus. With so many at the LA beaches last weekend they were forced to take further steps.
Actually YOU are the ones being rounded up, inb4 is a kike and he explicitly warned you to run and flee LA beforehand. Although I'm one to talk, something is going to go down in Canada that the US sees fit to guard the whole border from us.
What happened to all the beachgoers?
Gone, reduced to atoms
LA needs a Chimpcon level 5 event!! burn the rats out!!
alright jimbo
It's real, nigger lips.
Stay safe ano
Chicago here
This isn't martial law, the military is not in control therefore it is not martial law.
when was this picture? how old was she when she hit the great wall of china?
and checked
>phone posting
La creatura
>something is going to go down in Canada
Violent civil war when the east takes our food
Any updates on the millions of homeless tents that lined the sidewalks and the hotels that they were supposedly moved into? I haven't been able to find out anything about this lately. Are they still out there or are they now smearing shit on the hotel walls and covering the floor with needles?
testosterone levels are 50% what they were 60 yrs ago and people have endless entertainment on the internet. there is no need for marital law
WTF is up with her feet?
me too, too bad for me I live in the only damned country that DOESN'T implement a FUCKING quaranteen! FOR FUCK SAKE!!! I just started playing pubg and I love it! BUT NOOOOOOOOOO have to go to work every fucking day!!!!
extremely underrated post
just kill your boss bro
Almost like it was planned or something.
When did you realize you were retarded?
I loved reading the stuff in the background. Quality.
every time I start enjoying a thread...
>doesn't repel somalians
>doesn't discourage racemixing
>doesn't implement quarantine
At least you still have Koenigsegg
Apparently you will not ever get to see it. It is being done so quietly and so far behind the scenes that it will be like it never even happened.
Imagine living in a country where the government has to enforce social distancing because the general population is too retarded to fit the concept of flattening the curve into their tiny heads.
God bless and good luck you fucking idiots.
I had a koenigsegg wallpaper on our home computer for like 4 years when I was younger
so the latest book out shows Epstein to be a psycho young vagina hound with an unsatiating appetite for sex, not a blackmail spymaster.
So in all likelihood he did just off himself.
My boomer parents have been going to the grocery store because they're bored.
I’m definitely going surfing next week. Fuck this noise.
Checked. Nice digits.
What exactly is going on with your Somali population and the infection rate thereof?
How is that martial law?
Oh hell yes, thrill of their lives. I now understand why the Chinese had to nail people's door closed.
hows that nigger dick taste, Sven?
I don't even let my boomer dad go to the store, I do it for him.
Whats the tipping point for these fuck niggas?
Grats on correct usage
Contrary to my previous post ITT, I actually haven't quarantined myself either. To me, this is the ultimate karma and culmination of all my warnings to people not to deal with china and other globalist bullshittery. So now that everyone dismissed my previous views as folly and the predicted chickens have come home to roost, they can all go fuck themselves and die suffering.
So don't roll over and take it like a bitch. Ignore their fucking orders.
Enjoy the $500 fine bb
Just stay home faggot and play with your buttplug collection.
Very nice of you, user. My dad's health is declining but he lives pretty far away. Not much I can do for him right now.
How do you get a boomer to do anything he is told to do? Even reverse psychology does not work since they do random irrational shit.
Your mom's asshole
fpbp all of this crazy ass horseshit to distract from the actual happening.
I have a stay at home wife and three kids, I'd probably hate it come to think of it, at work I have a bunch of bantz and hot soccer girls.
Maybe I shouldn't complain.
Let's just sound a Purge siren already. Or light off controlled detonations and let CA fall into the ocean.
I told them about Coronachan last month. I stocked up on rice, water, NATO filters, ammo and canned food. They said I was crazy. Why didn't they listen. I tried to warn them. It's too late.
So you're a faggot and should demonstrate via livestream just how Epstein killed himself.
I never pay those user
Can we just start nuking each other already. Fuck this is tedious.
Epstein isn't dead you retarded nigger. If he were dead all the blackmail tapes would have been released. He's sitting in Israel and Weinstein will join him as soon as he "dies" in prison from coronachan
I really don't think you're affecting the right people, though. The politicians are the ones you should be sneezing on.
You fuckers don't have nukes.
Maybe you can build a giant intercontinental boomerang.
he was mossad asset jew
cut the bullcrap
he was blackmailing politicians with child porn