This is about installing complete martial law before the real happening. They have been moving all the pawns in place this whole time. Moving military equipment into densely populated areas, activating 1 million reservists. But why are they doing this? Ayylmaos about to invade?
This isn't about a virus
Where this?
Get used to living inside
(You) are never going back to normal again
Reservists aren't combat mos's. They're support units.
This is going to get highly amusing.
>nobody shoot anyone
(Bang bang bang)
Nope. Its gotta be the virus. Why else are chinese here spitting on doorknobs and coughing on food deliberately to infect us all?
Yeah, I don't think you're going to get a bunch of reservist nurses and truck drivers to go house to house confiscating guns.
But, whatever, keep believing your insane Alex Jones martial law fantasy.
That's Jew York. Weird military is in black vehicals isn't it?
Ha. Okay, COD user.
New York, like 2 fuckin weeks ago. Nothingburger
The fact that about 50% of the fucking population is eating this shit up is what gets me. I didn't think this would happen in my lifetime, but the entire Western world have all become neutered housepets with smiles on our faces.
Yeah, wtf. Take more photos and report back.
This should at least get gun owners spidey senses tingling. If comms and/or power goes out, we know we're dead.
Rhode Island police began stopping cars with New York plates Friday. On Saturday, the National Guard will help them conduct house-to-house searches to find people who traveled from New York and demand 14 days of self-quarantine.
How is that not martial law? Stfu shill.
>Ayylmaos about to invade?
fuck you talkin' bout Willis?
I found that from another source. I'm thankfully not in Jew York.
It's because people are waking up to the elite child sacrificing and blood drinking (adrenochrome), so they want to control us before we imprison them.
It's fucking weird ian't it? That's why I'm wondering what the bigger picture is. We're not being told something major.
Assuming it is an actual happening we got a couple scenarios requiring mass militarization in the US.
1. Financial collapse
2. Alien disclosure
3. War with a major power about to break out
4. The virus is actually going to mutate and be a lot worse
5. action from one group ie Trump against deep state (unlikely)
or some combination. the whole thing stinks to high heaven
Its about Israel, all the earmarks are there.
Iran military and government being targetted initially, right when they are targetting it anyway
Established Victimhood early with the initial New York Case
White Supremecist False Flags, expect more of these hairbrained schemes
Anytime they are in trouble, shit goes down and everyone else gets hurt
and fuck you
Well said. Even NRM in Sweden fell for the corona meme. And nationalists here have dwindled ever since the shutdown of and the end of the wretström march.
I just like to larp about the ayys invading but seriously how weird this year has been I wouldn't fucking doubt ayylmaos inbound.
They keep us in the dark so we can't make an informed decision. Feels bad, man.
They aren't using the Reserves, because the Reserves are Federal. Also, the Marine Corps does have combat units in the Reserves.
Is there actually any proof of this besides schizo assumptions?
It's a legal Quarantine because idiots haven't been listening. We could have been halfway through this already if we all had just stayed inside but NOOOOOO lets go out and party.. Fuck user.. i know you can't honestly be that dense. I get your frustrated and paranoid but this isn't the happening.. and if you think the Reserve would attack it's own people.. you don't know our reservists. Let the situation play out and in twenty years when the real happening happens.. you will be like.. ABOUT FECKING TIME.
kinda shocked that considering all the autist power available here nobody has been able to figure out what is going on. your list is the best I've seen yet, but still.. could be any of those.
Fucking this.
That (((they))) would try shit like this doesn't surprise me in the least, but I'm fucking scared by how rapidly people accepted this breach of their liberties and how docile the masses are when scared.
We've been neutered by media programming and school indoctrination. All the predictive programming worked.
>disclose aliens exist
>people say "cool", then go about their day
as if you'd need the military to detain a chimp out over something everyone already assumes to be true.
Ayy disclosure will flip out the religious types thinking they're demons.
nothing happening folks.
pic related
Because it was over before we started.. They don't need us. They used to but that period has ended recently.. give them five years and they will only need a token amount of people to keep their world operating.. and with less people overall.. well.. life will get better to a degree for the survivors.. but forget your "rights" you never had them people always go on and on about rights.. our ancestors didn't have fucking rights.. they had duties. We don't need rights.. we need to fucking be responsible.
The outside air is poison now.
You are confusing a make believe drug from a movie starring Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro with a benign byproduct of epinephrine oxidization.
Inability to distinguish movies from reality is usually a warning sign of underlying mental illness (e.g. schizophrenia) so you should discuss this disability with a mental health professional.
Preparing for antichrist
All the guardsmen I’ve had to deal with are either
A: unwilling to follow through with this
B: too stupid to do this
They are going to round up every chinese nationals and execute them for purposefully spreading the virus, the chink purge has come.
Based rational leaf.
Now that would be beautiful.
Because you guys are armed.
Fascist takeover.
Trump will use "public safety" as grounds to suspend the election until the virus has passed, but the virus is never going to pass. The troops are being pre-positioned in places expected to riot when this is announced.
Every nation is locked down essentially not just the U.S.
if the ayyes were so sart why would they even allow earth to place in defense measures? Wouldn't they just attack while we're not ready?
explain this
Hi I’m right here
Another Paranoid Demonic Rat.. you can tell by the way they talk.. What is a thousand to 5 thousand troops gonna do against Millions idiot? use your fucking brainlet for a moment.
Maybe those asteroids are something else? We have an sky watching anons able to actually confirm?
Personally I think a pole shift is incoming, or some other such global disaster. Been reading up on Velikovsky and Chan Thomas to get comfy in the meantime. However, in all likelihood, as always nothing will happen, this will all blow over in a few weeks/months, and at most, we can enjoy a special one time stipend of NEETbux.
And hey, maybe the happening will happen, and I can enjoy the end of the world with a new pipe, some fine tobacco and some good scotch.
UNCLE FRED! so there's where you went..
I'm from Sweden but Yas Forums won't detect my location for some reason while whatismyip and whatismyipaddress do. My ISP is bitcom. More proof: svennar har ingen kultur de käkar kebab.
Geeze I haven't heard of the poleshift in years.
Mark of the beast coming soon
"Rational" explanation of things we aren't allowed to discuss on this board
Trust the plan, trust Sessions. As martial law and nationalization of corporations happen.
Bill mother fucking Gates. They will push for a cashless society because money can spread viruses.
when you look at this map and see no planes in the sky, shit may be happening
Nice well rehearsed NPC dialogue boi. Suck dix.
First of all...
Second of all, its been mentioned in the writings Huxley and Anthony Burgess. Huxley was definitely of a higher caste of the "elite" and "architects". He tried warning the populace that we were heading for a voluntary slave society, but idiots like you exist, so here we are.
I don't trust the local police, much less martial law hierarchy. The few police chiefs in my city are well known bullies from the time of childhood, serial killers and molestors, one was even convicted of raping a woman on the way home from the hospital 2 years back. Police should learn their place in the system: that is enforcement of law. Not "control of body that is not offending another body" dishonorable actions beget dishonorable ends.
I used to work with police as an emt I can concur they are shit heads in the big cities. But my town a lot of them are pretty cool. But good rule of thumb is never trust government agents especially ones with guns.