NEETs aren't getting the Trumpbux

You're all either dependants, or too old to be dependants but still mooching off your parents anyway and didn't file taxes in 2019.

>i-i'll j-just file f-for 0 dollars tonight... or maybe tomorrow im tired... actually it's a weekend so maybe s-sometime next week............

COPE. You don't even know how to file your taxes. Even if you somehow manage to muster the agency it's going to take MONTHS before some jew at the IRS even considers giving you the money. LOL.


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Neets ineligible for neetbux.

What a time to be alive.

neets live off welfare, scabbing off their parents, swing trading crypto, petty drug dealing, scammy social media marketing, earing 'money' in vidya and similar cuntery

Forget the current NEETs. With an additional $600 per week being given to those on unemployment, most Americans will now make more on unemployment than they do working.
There's going to be a shitload more NEETs. People are going to actively look to be out of work.

Wow...$1,200 for free...sure worth going out everyday to work in this literal hell.

we're not getting $1,200, but we are getting $600. You're still a faggot.

Damn, I need to find work. Both jobs i usually work are shut down, hospitality and education are both shut down. Fuck, i wish i was a neet.

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>The government is letting me get back a tiny little fraction of the money it takes away from me by force from my slavery contract
>I win!
Sure you do, wagie, sure you do.

>the Virgin neet vs the chad part timer
Part timer here. I still leech off my parents, but I’m also rich because I have no bills.
I invest a large portion of my money. Now I’m getting $1200 despite my job not being affected.






>APPLY YOUR AUTISM TO RUNNING MACHINE EFFICIENTLY (I know your autistic ass has seen every episode of “How It’s Made”)


Yes they are, you disinfokike.

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they usually want cert holders(minimum) with 2-3 years experience and if not it's because they flood positions with mexicans for pennies tier pay

>be me
>made over 10k last year so I filed as an independent
>still live with my parents
>haven’t had a job since last September
can’t lie feels real good, man

are you sure we’re reading the same bill?

that’s for children I’m pretty sure. are you not only a dependent but also a literal child?

No NEET is willing to do manual labor (I had to shovel apples out of trucks for a farm through a temp serv one year, fucking sucked and only got $5/hr), its why they are NEET to begin with.

>getting up in the morning to work

Fuck off

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>I know your autistic ass has seen every episode of “How It’s Made"
Get out of my head!
Also I do have a job already.

I did back breaking work for 7 months last year and that’s why I’m a NEET now

then you are not a NEET...


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NEETs are getting it. All they have to do is file and put in like 15 bucks for misc income. Then they get $1200. Doesn't matter if their parents claimed them. They can contest that, but will be paid before it's even able to be contested.

>filed taxes last year from brief wagecuck gig
>registed as dependent

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Yeah, if you got injured, that will do it. Temp serv's are pretty shitty anyway.

he needs some attention
social distancing and no crowds means he cant dance around in the gay pride parade at the moment

No, they don't have to file, see

I did, couldn’t dead lift for 2 months. really made me question a lot kek. and the old timers couldn’t understand why I didn’t wanna dedicate my life and health to their stupid company


This says you don't need to worry if you've been working and paying taxes since 2018. That's... exactly what I'm saying. The NEETS need to file 2019 now, and claim like 15 bucks of misc income.

kind of remarkable they managed to fuck it up so badly that out of high school waitresses, college students, and disabled people are virtually the only exclusions, for no reason after they specifically removed minimum income requirements.


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Calling me a NEET because bees run for the honey, i prefer the bitter sweet.

>i-i'll j-just file f-for 0 dollars tonight... or maybe tomorrow im tired... actually it's a weekend so maybe s-sometime next week............
If you have 0 income you have to mail it in. No e-file for NEETS.

No, they dont. The treasury is going to do a campaign to tell everyone what to do if they didnt file taxes. Most people eligible never file taxes ever, so instead of jumping on speculations by some user, wait until the IRS/treasury gives official word on what to do.

>proud of earning less that 99k a year
>wrong about NEETs not getting BUX
>type of person to care about other peoples money
lol this sad fag is gonna be so assblasted when he see's NEETs posting threads about what they bought with their gibs in a few weeks.

Your single mother is, not you.

the first revision of the bill pelosi had written up was made to include every person that works or is unemployed or child or atleast has a SSN, the 3rd revision was never stated to have changed that but there is a hope that it did purely to spite NEETbux and corporate funding

That's where you're wrong. As a NEET I don't need 1200 Jew dollars unlike wage slaves like you.

>b $0
>not claimed as dependent but mooching hard
>didnt file shit
i thought about filing, but honestly it's not worth the trouble. i don't need the money, i don't want to owe the irs anything, and i like being a non-entity off the radar. your sarcastic assessment is terrifyingly accurate.

Do not be swayed by the NEET degenerates.

>NEET degenerates
The only degenerates are the ones paying money to IRS so federal government can send it to Pissrael.

>implying the fascist memeflag is not israeli
user i..

>Doesn't matter if their parents claimed them
well, you got that part right

in the end people who didn't file still came out smelling like roses compared to those that did because $1,200 isn't shit

so much conflicting posts. am i getting neetbux or not?

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based on the image attached to your post, no

>I had
>I did

neither of you could hack it, stfu

if you filed in 2018 or 2019 yes. if you filed but also got claimed as a dependent maybe not. if you really want it, make sure you've filed and wait and see. who fucking cares? there's anime to watch.

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Files for 2018 and claimed $0 income. Stay mad, wagies. You will never be free as us neets.

Youve never worked a day in your life, dick smoker

real neets are set for life and don't need money.

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Not true. I did manual labor on a horse farm for years and loved it until fuckin Fibromyalgia and Lyme Disease ruined my life and now I'm a useless disabled fuck. Why don't they legalize voluntary euthanasia already?

Same, except it was 18 months. Destroyed my body, and somehow only saved up 15k.

Maybe, but mommy isnt always gonna be able to afford gaming consoles/games and autismal anime figurines

>but mommy isnt always gonna be able to afford
True NEETs have no attachment to anything but their freedom, like Diogenes.

>hack it
hack what? what’re you talking about

>"Would most people who are receiving Social Security retirement and disability payments each month also get a stimulus payment?"

Wrong user, I get the trumpbux. I am not claimed as a dependent, as I got my benefits from my father and have a Social Security Number.

sounds pretty based 2bh

U can lie u know.

dude stop giving away my fucking secrets

"Those who receive Social Security retirement or disability benefits but earn too little to have to file returns, will also receive stimulus checks, based on the information sent to the IRS on 2019 forms SSA-1099 and RRB-1099 ."

Can someone explain exactly what this means? Is that form the yearly form that confirms how much you get in disability? Or is that form some other form?

Just filed on 6000 dollars I made with uber last year. Gave them my bank info. Did I file on time to get direct deposit trumpbux? Am I too late?

Homeless people don't pay taxes, neither do those who just got out of prison. Before rushing to file $0 tax returns, wait for the IRS to update their trumpbux page that will tell you what to do

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It was from when you filed in 2019 retard not this year


Wagies (unfortunatley) will have to get back to work when the jews say so. Most will die of the virus.

Neets will inherit most of their stuff.

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Independent filed NEET here waiting for Trumpbux

>People will be looking to be out of work

Why? For some shitty unlivable amount of money you can't spend on anything recreational, where you can't supplement your income with anything at all or you'll lose everything?