Imagine voting for this.
Dis Nigga is bald LMAO!
I don't have to imagine. I've already done it once and I'm going to do it again.
Look at the top of his head!
you shouldn't not vote for someone because they're bald
you should not vote for someone because they're a jew
Stop talking like a nigger or gtfo
I dunno man, 73 years old, what do you expect
>Imagine being a memeflag
I'd sooner suicide.
Still voting for him. Kys.
>trump is a human! BTFO!!! xD
Based beyond belief
The dude next to him is balder wtf is the point of this thread? Take your blackculture sense of humor back to Twitter/Facebook and stop shitting up this board.
he should shave his head
grow a beard
maybe an eyepatch
Who cares? It's hair. Are you a man?
Imagine living in a continent debating about whether or not letting people into the EU during a world wide pandemic.
Let’s see the deaths why don’t we.
Italy 9000
France 2000
Spain 5000
Isn’t baldness in men usually caused by increased testosterone? I don’t see the problem.
>Imagine voting for this.
Imagine being dumb enough to think you've uncovered the story of the year -- POTUS is bald on top! *gasp* Say it ain't so, nobody's figured that out until now.
And imagine that we would give a fuck who you'd vote for, eurofag.
Oh so we shouldn’t vote for someone because they are bald.
You got a problem user?
He's always been bald you stupid outback, gas huffing, nigger
Yo Muh Nigga if only Fabio was the head niggs in da house we'd have bitches twerkin and bring my bois fo dees and sheet..
You have to be 18 years or older to post on this forum Wahleq.
73 with that hairline is pretty fucken good. The men in my family have much tinner hair then that at 65. But at 65 who gives a shit
Look at this dood
>Who cares?
It was so bad CNN had to cut away at that point and do a far away shot for 10 seconds.
Trump should shave it off for his second term as we transition to a National Socialist state.
I think the Hairdresser/make up artist has Corona Chan, did you notice that the Hairdo is all mess-up, and the Orange makeup is all wrong!
See, baldness isn't the issue. Its the insecurity. This dude is so insecure about his appearance that he purposefully does that to his hair to try and cover it up. That is some schizo mental gymnastics to look in the mirror and think "yes this looks better than the alternative." Its a warped delusional mind set to live in. And insecurities stretch much further than their targeted area, he has kept this hair do throughout his entire presidency which means he's spent god knows how many hours wasted fixing that hair which could have been better spent leading the country instead of wasting our tax dollars.
And you think this dude with that huge insecurity issue should be the president and be involved with foriegn leaders? Dudes a fucking basket case and lashes out at anyone who hurts his pooor wittle psyche.
Oh and btw, the fucking country is falling apart all around us currently and look who the president is during the whole thing.
Don't be a cutie pie (((memeflag)))
Lol i don't think so
Trump is 73, i'm turning 30 and my hair is sadly already getting weak. Fucking meme cucks need to chill out.
America does. DEMS already gave up
god dam he would look so kino with an SS cap on.
Meme flag = meme politicians
I trust the guy on the right more.
Lol thats a muscular bald head. Trump has never had an ounce of muscle on his pudgy fat body.
Also, he's got awful scars from his botched hair transplant.
Let's see one with a thick beard.
trump bux incoming, cutie pies BTFO!
Now you have a few choices
>Bend the knee to your new masters (The Trump Regime)
>Get the Rope
>Get the Gas
If you choose the ladder options I recommend the Gas. Both gas and rope have about the same amount of mild suffering before you succumb to death. But the Gas is just the cooler way to go.
Your choice.
And don't be a cutie pie
Im fucking 25 and more bald then him... RIP me I guess :/
70 something years old.
OP is a useless faggot
Trump's genius comes from his hair. He is nothing without them.
The last bald POTUS before Trump was Eisenhower.
goalpost: displaced
>op is making fun of a 73 YO man for losing his hair
>imagine being this desperate
Imagine being as insecure as this user.
Sniffing kids cures baldness
The guy on the right reminds me of Joe from Reservoir Dogs, or maybe the way EAR/ONS looked in real life when they caught him
How fucking old are you eurofag? Go to bed you little bitch.
he looks very based
cringe. Almost as cringe as your rap music/drilltrash
stop copying america eurocucks
Yes, I am proof of it. How is your head looking?
Good to know the mods are doing their duty by not deleting this shit! Keep at it mods, this soooo does belong in pol, talking about bald men is such a pol topic.
alotta niggas are bald, so what?
We don't need a gay europoor's critique.
You would probably vote for a chipindale stripper on their looks alone.
This, but unironically