>can't get unless you worked last year
>can't get if you owe child support
>can't get unless you worked last year
>can't get if you owe child support
can't get unless you worked last year? I didn't read that anywhere
doesn't say it in the article either
Yup , I hope they starve no not just blax but all people who don't pay child support you fucking filthy uncivilized tribalistic barbarians.
Dude, wtf?
Niggers btfo.
you don't belong here
Don't worry it's a dead thot. She got what she deserved.
based goreposter weeding out the shills
Aww, poor babies.
Don't respond to mentally ill subhumans. That poster has every obligation to sort themselves out and stop acting anti-human. Giving them direct attention in any capacity should be avoided. Bad faith actors = no reason to engage with at all
Child support is partly to blame for increased divorce rates.
No nig gibs for u tyron
nike and malt liquor stocks crash
>can't get if you owe child support
delicious if true. fuck deadbeat dads.
This means my slut ex-wife will get over $3k, wtf.
ooga booga bix nood muhfuggas wher da munny at?
you don't belong here either
is it can be wrong location nigger tiem?
goddamit why do I get banned for bri posts? I wanna post necked thots too.
at least I got white pussy
>illegals don't get money, niggers dont get money
are you ready for the 2020 civil war user?
Oh yes my drunk and drug addicted ex who got fired from her job for substance abuse and who even had the cops called on her and the cops reported her to child services (who are absolutely pathetic) and who doesn't even take care of our child (I do) will get $1200 because obviously the government knows what's best for our kids.
it's always like this as states petitioned the federal government because when negresses use welfare or food stamps, etc they sign over their rights to child support collection to the states so the states got the federal government to seize any tax refunds, etc from dead beats so at least they get something once in a while for giving food, housing, etc to Shenneegra and Tyrones kids
>>can't get unless you worked last year
not true.
but single coalburners will get $500 per sprog. that sure is fair.
Yes it is.
These jobless niggers already get their welfare gibs. Why should they get anymore, especially from money specifically to help WORKING Americans?
Laughing at a demographic that had to endure slavery, who get harassed on the daily by cops, get called N-word thousands of times a minute throughout america. Everyone is a human being who should be treated with respect, dignity and equality. Sadly, this isn't the case when it comes to African-Americans and it;s shameful
Black child suppowt daddies can lynch themselves.
They are going off of your 2019 tax return, so yes you did.
no, it extended out to all citizens. this was the change between attempt 1 and 2 and the last bill passing with the democrats supporting it
You sound like you where built for bbc
and before you call me a deadbeat dad (I take care of both of my kids. me.) this child support order has been vacated but for whatever reason the state tells me it will still be recorded but not enforced BECAUSE... they are absolutely fucking retard. So I have a really good feeling they reported this past debt to the treasury in complete defiance of a court order because, and I quote, (after they ILLEGALLY garnished my entire bank account which they eventually gave it all back) because first she laughed in my face and then said "WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT"
>But back taxes or late student loan payments don't disqualify people from getting the full amount they're eligible for.
those poor niggers.
all non-whites need to leave white countries immediately for their own safety.
it's not. they use your 2018 returns if they're available, alternatively they use your 2019 returns.
>Everyone who is a human being should be treated with respect, dignity and equality. Sadly, this isn't the case when it comes to African-Americans
Based leaf-poster
That's because he made it up
I mean unless SSI is interrupted theyre still leaching off of our tax dollars
>can't get unless you worked last year
The neets are going to be pissed when they find out.
Based New Jack poster
>black people screwed by stimulus
>can't get unless you worked last year
>can't get if you owe child support
anything else, you useless leech?
So now we throw white kids into nigger infested shools run by niggers and taught by niggers... kid grows up hating the fucking world and starts popping off caps... what's the 1st thing you say?
>the article
>think it makes sense to give everyone $1000
Good, negros shoudnt be having children out of wedlock.
Also not getting it if someone claimed you as a dependent, so no doubt a bunch of college kids who aren't living at home but are still being claimed by their parents (because you know boomers are doing that shit) are gonna get fucked.
go moralfag on plebbit, GTFO
As a father that doesn't get to see his kid cause of the delay in courts right now - fuck you.
i couldn't find a source for that either, post pls
should have picked a better woman
are u a nigger?
Any harassment of niggers post 1960s is well deserved
> Black swan
YoU sHoUlD hAvE pIcKeD a BeTtEr WoMeN
Is she ok?
That's a negative.
women aren't black swans. there are clear risks which you clearly ignored. most likely with the "but she is different" excuse but that was just your dick thinking for you.
oh ok then im sorry to hear about your predicament there bud.
did she ded?
Come get some.
Deers a good chans mu babbiy mmmmamma die from de virus
based goreposting.
And here I was thinking she was forgotten.
>can't get if you owe child support
Feminist really have taken over the government. I had to provide my social security number to get a fishing license so they could check if I had outstanding child support payments. I don't have kids, all I wanted to do is go fishing and end up needing a background check so single moms who destroyed their families can get their gibs.