Brit/pol/ - Proper Big BinFire Edition


>Youths in Glen Parva set Poo-Bin on fire and claim 'it's funny' and 'it gets you high'

>TRAIN STATION FIRE caused by burning wheelie bins

>Youths sought over raging bin fire near housing estate

>Dozens of firefighters called to Binfires at Edinburgh high rise blocks.

>Bin lorry driven into house and torched in arson attack in Sheffield

>Fire crews attend two Binfires in Canklow in an hour,fire-crews-attend-two-arson-attacks-in-canklow-in-an-hour_35591.htm

>Pensioner's Wheelie-Bin filled with fireworks and set ablaze in Breightmet

Eddie is a nonce btw, treat him as such

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder to hang nonces by the neck until dead

What the fuck is a poo bin? Do you have so many pajeets there now that they shit on the street like in india, and some poor bastards job is to scoop up after them and throw it on the poo bin?

What will the great Deano novel be about? I think one will eventually be written. Novels about different sorts of classes in society have always been written just inevitable we'll get a Deano novel at some point.

They are not going to lift the powers given to police will they? It's over - report your neighbour to get your loo roll ticket.

Bow before your champion

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your offies are all run by the state, stay in your hole you chilblained poof

It's for dog shit. Pick it up, bag it and pop it in the bin.
My dog prefers to shit on leafs though.

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A very drab story about sorrow and love; it will be distasteful and bland, less about the spirit and more about the flesh

you need to enter a code

Possible titles:
Love and Fifa
If You Can't Handle Me at My Worst You Don't Deserve Me at My Best(written by female Deano)
Made It
Big Dave

Attached: apu.png (686x525, 80.27K)

you cunts and your binfires, always keeps me entertained

>set name as nignog
>nickname already in use
based never change britpol

you've battered me lad
my fucking cranium feels like a warm trifle

British toilets can only handle urine, so most Brits have to shit in a bag and deposit it in the poo bin, with a name/address label attached to it so they can get charged by the council for waste disposal

Attached: WheelieBinHigh.jpg (615x409, 49.59K)

Live Laugh Love
30000% APR
Next to Ngubu

what code? im setting up the lobby right now and there's no code

nvm im a spastic

Boys I'm becoming more partial to them posh Southern birds what do I do

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You cunts and your country fires always keep me entertained.

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Okay /brit/pol, but Katakuri is the true king.

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Have sex incel

>Open the fuck up, there's been reports you didn't clap for diversity

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why did you turn chat off you poof

Seems like the goal pill was lodged in my throat all along, yet wouldn't quite go down.
Yet now it seems it has fully gone down.
How ironic...
Tribalism, the pill I avoided most of all, in all my politcal pursuits is now the one I have redeemed with most value.
Expect more autism in the coming months, tribalist user is here to stay.
>Fuck the Windsors
>down with tyrants
>fuck parliament
>Down with kike bribe takers
>and most importantly
>fuck jannies

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can you see me typing in chat?

yeah fuckin' oath, love me a barbie

Had plenty of shags in my life lad I just really want to have a go of some posh ones

i didnt wtf

>Youths sought
Pakis, just part and parcel.

Posh means upper class right?

Says it's disabled

Americans are not allowed ITT

why has the chat been disabled?

how do i turn it on

i've put my name in but i don't even know what we're playing or how to play it

no idea how to turn it on ffs

no clue am off for a smoke and a piss

It says there are too many players on the server

Yes i am

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was rwally looking forward to rinsing you all at scrabble as well

Don't be a loo
Bin that poo

keep clicking it
it said that for me too but it worked eventually

I bet their elbows touched

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worst game of scrabble ever

i fixed it lads

new lobby

Like Daughter of Albion?

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it's for the FOBs and tourists so they can shit on the street then bin it. They have bins designated for poo and bins designated for lighting on fire.

Business idea: Write a series of Deano novels in the style of Emile Zola's Les Rougon-Macquart.

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Seriously Brit/pol/, nobody can stand against Jiren.

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At my socioeconomic bracket even the middle class ones are posh to me. Fucking Hell though they're all in London and fuck going there

but i've become so powerful recently

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I hate teenagers

Yeah fuck that. I want a cute white trash gf but i dont think they exist.

fucking retard

this is a well shit game is based tho

Well, well, not bad. Freeza. Yes, I could see how you could have won. But then I transformed...

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Everytime I burp it tastes of cum