Are there any non-mason Hermetic organizations that aren't just fat larping boomers?

Are there any non-mason Hermetic organizations that aren't just fat larping boomers?

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How is Islam hermetic?

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a lot.cerca trova.masons aren`t hermetists anyway.maybe they are and `hermetists`.

Sufism and esoteric Islam are kind of neat

Hermes tris the alchemist aka (Thoth) will lead you down the path of Hands.

No. All hermeticism since the beginning of the early modern period is LARPing.

If you want the OG thing, go to and look at the digitized alchemical manuscripts from the 13th century. That is assuming you can read latin.

Latin (western alchemy) as well as astrology come from Islamic renditions of Greek mystery knowledge (alchemy, astrology theurgy)

sufism is not hermetism

It has the same exact Chaldean roots as hermeticism

he was from kem,but he was not `alchemist`.these are medieval innovations

Look in Martinism.

nothing to do with trismegistus,basic book the kymbaleion.

What about Evola? Does he know what he's talking about?

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Lol. De la merde. Lis Guénon.

Not gonna lie, that's the most evil-looking jewstar I've seen yet.

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Evola is based and well-respected even among non-far right, esoteric circles.

Rosenkreuz maybe?

Although... The geometry does tickle my autism so.

martinism is rosicrusianism,meaning esoteric christianity(essaic teachings)+alchemy

Of course it is. The Sabians were practicing in Edessa right into the muslim era.

The Kybalion? That was written in the 19th century.

I think the idea now is self-initiation. If you want power or socializing you join a group. If you want spiritual growth you self-initiate, and everything you need to learn is on the internet, or you will find a guy teaching it online through books or courses who is better than anyone you would find in a secret society.

hermetists took their name from thoth,hermes.kymbaleion is the it,and then read it again.everything else is `based on hermetic teachings`.unless you call every secret study,not published, `hermetic`.

His books are decent but dogmatic. Jung is a decent place to start in reading alchemy, but you might get bogged down in his theory as well. I would go to the source.

A good start would be the The book of Morienus, which was the first alchemical book translated in Europe. Look for the translation by Lee Stavenhagen as it has the Latin and English side by side.

Before you read that, though you'll need some context or else you won't understand what's going on.

I'd recommend Holmyard's book simply entitled 'Alchemy', or 'The Alchemists' by Frank Sherwood Taylor

Islam is still Masonic and full of boomers.

krisnamurti tore the veil of aquarius


So I can start doing actual work after a leghty period of time? Yay.

islam was a psy-op of a small tribe,in order to conquer the rest tribes.even mohamad wouldn`t believe what happened.

Why not just figure it out alone?

No you're right, Jabir and Al-Razi were just made up and alchemy appeared in Europe in a puff of smoke

I have been reading about some of the old mysteries surrounding Apollo and Dionysus, as well as the prophecy of the Book of Revelations in the Bible.

The Kybalion was written in the 19th century, it's not an ancient work...

who says that?

Isn't that what Judaism was anyways? Or Yahwism, whatever you want to call it 'specifically'.

'Sufi' is literally "Sophia"

Can you point me to some sources of the Chaldeans and Sabians? It's interesting how in daily Jewish prayers, we thank God for freeing Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees. IIRC this has been interpreted as saying the children of Abraham aren't subject to astrology/the motions of the stars (but plenty of Kabbalists have cucked and embraced astrology)

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>Small tribe
Which were kosher forcing their tribal customs into foreign lands. Islam is literally the broom of Israel

Everyone? It was published in 1908



Don't rely on others to enlighten you. Individual empowerment is better than group indoctrination.

Read classical texts, but understand it is your own beliefs that create power, not anything else outside of what you believe.

Don't overcomplicate this shit.

Tat vam asi and all that.

Good article, not long.

David Pingree, ‘The Sābians of Harrān and the Classical Tradition’, International Journal of the Classical Tradition 9, no. 1 (Summer 2002): 8–35.

Doesn't make astrology less legit. Or any of the principles.

If you want to read some really crazy shit read the Neoplatonic theurgists.

"Iamblichus on the mysteries"

you could say that.but judaism is the religion of another ethnic group,it is a mixture of chaldaic,egyptian and babylonian religious elements.from the begining is a collage,but ancient jews were a sub-nation among the arabosemites,that is why it puts nationalistic elements.mohamad and his tribe want just to conquer the neighboring arabs.

Might as well check (zen)buddhism or Gurdijeff.

and it was writen by whom,if it is published in 1908,who is the writer?

imagine trusting an Armenian, the guy was a total hack.

If you closely read my comments, you find that the Jewish position *affirms* the power and influnce of astrology. Some sects just asserts that the fates of the righteous children of Abraham (alternatively, righteous children of Israel) aren't subject to the movement of the stars and planets.

Portions of Kabbalah, especially the Sefer Yetzirah, specifically endorse Astrology. Little-known fact: Hebrew months correspond to zodiac signs and zodiac signs have traditionally adorned synagogues in the Near East.

That last fact is part of why I'm interested in the Chaldeans and Sabians.
More ingo

I'd guess William Walker Atkinson among others

no, name is from Hermes Trismegistus, who was the author Corpus Hermeticum.

>non masonic

sufi were haldaists or parsists who fund a way to secretly continue to worship their gods.the dancing stuff is more close to parsism.

Yes, it’s called pol, dummy.

Well, the idea of celestial influence was basically akin to the law of gravitation today. Everyone believed in it.

Abrahamic traditions had issues with astrology became it undermines free will, but they still believed you could make your own decisions, you were just more likely to behave in certain ways based on which planets were in apogee and the effects said planets were having on your humours


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sure, why not?

first,romean emperors saw the manipulative force of monotheism+manihaism and invented christianity.mohamad did a simplistic replica.


user... all Hermetics are LARPers. All occult are LRPers

you know or you guess?i did not guess.

It's better to just study it alone and develop your own system for it.
Organisations will always attract people that are into powerplay and titles.

cerca trova.continue.thoth,egypt 9000 bc.

Many of the Islamic philosophers believed Hermes was either Idris or Khidr from the Quran, look it up. Also look up Suhrawardi and Illuminationism, you'll understand where their heads were. The Muslims LOVED dealing with Greek philosophy, either in support or in criticism.

> Suhrawardi then discusses how hikmat and the "Science of Light" (Him al-ishraq) originated with Hermes and passed on to such figures in the West as Pythagoras, Empédocles, Plato, Agatha- daimons, Asclepius and so on until it reached him.38 In the East this science was transmitted through two main channels, namely the ancient Persian priest kings such as Kayumarth, Faridün, Kay Khüsraw, and such Sufis as Abü Yazid al-Bastami, Abü Hassan al-Kharraqãni and finally Mansur al-Hallãj, who deeply influenced Suhrawardi.

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