4,200 years ago 8 people and a boatload of animals repopulated the entire planet

>4,200 years ago 8 people and a boatload of animals repopulated the entire planet

God expects us to believe this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

jesus-is-savior.com/Evolution Hoax/noah-animals.htm
jesus-is-savior.com/Evolution Hoax/old_earth-young_man.htm

>hey guys what's a metaphor :DDDDDDD

>lol it isn't real, pick and choose what you want to believe
I must have missed the 'it's a metaphor' disclaimer. Believe all of it or believe none of it. God doesn't accept inbetweeners.

last i checked He accepts everyone

or did you forget the "Go forth, and sin no more" part?

It was closer to 12k years ago and there were multiple boats.

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But the world is only 5000 years old

No where in the Bible is that stated.

More like ~12,000 years ago there was massive flooding because ice age glaciers melted, and stories about the floods were transmitted orally for generations, and eventually people decided to write them down exaggerating certain details and getting certain facts like exact dates wrong.

How we left Venus and came to Earth.

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The glaciers didn’t melt overnight, they melted over a long ass period of time.

Someone did the math, that’s how they got that number. If you know how old people in the Biblical family tree were, you can just count backwards.

It’s a jewish story. Very few of these jew testament fairytales are represented in Catholic art. They actually cared about Jesus and his teachings. Unlike Protestant circumcised Americans

>shitting on Christianity to be le edgy atheism xd

Did the boat make landfall in Alabama?

That story is a lot deeper than you could ever conceive mate, the Ark is representative of what Jesus is for mankind, he is our salvation from Gods wrath, accept him or face that wrath.

Op check this out and start your bread tomorrow. I will wait for your godless nigger heathen ass if any thing you will get a good experience


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nice id

It was more than 4200 years ago, there was no boat an ark is a box, and the flood was regional not global. Read the bible.

there is only one unforgiveable sin and there is only one way to God. "noone cometh to the father but by me".

if you dont understand what this means, i think perhaps that you should read the bible more before you talk about it.



Get right with Christ, OP. Before it's too late.

How is this any more difficult to believe then the idea that every single thing came from a random energy explosion and then all life randomly, accidentally, developed into every single thing today

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Is it written in Israeli law or something that all these evolution threads are made by memeflags? Every single day they're trying to get people to renounce and turn away from the faith.

Good Job user, have some more evidence:

jesus-is-savior.com/Evolution Hoax/noah-animals.htm


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I .God created the angels.

2. God made a place of suffering-Hell.

3. God placed Hell as a price on sin if the angels sinned.

4. The angels were fully warned.

5. One-third of those angels sinned.

6. God had no choice but to do what He said He would do.

7. God made man.

8. Satan came to man and wanted to drag man to the Hell where he was going.

9. Satan persuaded man to do what he had done and commit the same sin he had committed.

10. The price had already been set.

11. God had to let man go to Hell, though Hell was not prepared for man.

12. God was willing to break up the Godhead for 33 years so that man could be freed.

jesus-is-savior.com/Evolution Hoax/old_earth-young_man.htm

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This. The Bible is word of God and if science doesn't confirm the Bible then the science is wrong.

Untrue. Genesis 7:20-23. Why would Noah need to construct an ark to house every kind of animal if the flood was regional?

There's no need to mesh a secular worldview with biblical historicity, see

Please please someome make this image with a slave shopped in it

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hey OP, where are the missing links for evolution? why is the scientific community currently going through the largest result replication crisis since the literal dark ages? please tell me why i should put my faith in your religion rather than mine? evolution is a cult of the newage popscience fed by illegitimate scientists from shitholes like china and india.

>muh darwin

darwin did not find proof for interspecies evolution.

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Please please someome make OP's image with a slave in it

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Just gonna make a point here.
There has been some evidence to suggest a massive world wide flood at some point in history.

So I wouldn’t say it’s too far fetch.

It was a hoax, none of us has seen any videos or knows anyone that was on that boat

thats not the complete chain of missing links user.

Sven, they're called ice dams. There's a massive lake in Montana that sprung into existence overnight in the 1970s because a wall of ice which held a river back partially melted and then broke and the water released flooded a valley. Catastrophic, violent things happen in Nature all the time, dummy.

>The glaciers didn’t melt overnight, they melted over a long ass period of time.
Sven, they're called ice dams. There's a massive lake in Montana that sprung into existence overnight in the 1970s because a wall of ice which held a river back partially melted and then broke and the water released flooded a valley. Catastrophic, violent things happen in Nature all the time, dummy.

it's a parabole retard
language is largely a patchwork of similes

you didnt answer the part about how evolution claims everything came from single cell organisms. find me those missing links too buddy. im more willing to beleave God made neanderthals and they evolved like darwins finches than i am willing to believe that everything on earth came from a single celled alien organism from space or whatever it is that is floating around the zeitgeist nowadays with the young and dumbs.

It was literally just a guy in the 4th century counting up all the years in the Bible. God is implied to be ageless and no where is it implied the actual age of the earth.

believe* sometimes i really wonder if not using autocorrect is more optimal for me. whatever.

WTF I love incest now

there has been evidence of a few floods, with one specifically that could be considered cataclysmic enough to be the great biblical flood.

"respect nature because it sure as hell doesnt respect you"

according to creation.com the flood happened in 2300 BC

This is right at the height of the Akkadian Empire, Sargon of Akkad was making his conquests across Babylon. It's also right in the middle of the Egyptian age, the pyramids had already been built in 2500 BC, but many other structures were known to be built after 2300 BC. Somehow we must assume the egyptians were wiped out, but then regained their language after the flood.

We must also assume all the human races, languages, and animal species diverged in just a very brief time, maybe a few hundred years.

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>tfw Venus is controlled by women and is majority women
>Saturn is jew artificial planet aka Nibiru
>mars was controlled by Jews and later got nukes to oblivion by humans and grey alliance
Fucking kikes hiding galactic history from us.

We will get it when the world unites, that’s what the one world giv is about.

Perhaps it's a metaphor.

Greeks answer that.
Paul was a Greek as well, Romans too.
It all branches from one group.

The flood killed those above ground not below it.
India has a myth about the ant aliens saving people in their hollow earth homes.

>falling for the scofield bible

>pick and choose what you want to believe
genesis is very clear metaphor, dumbass

Build a wall is also a metaphor too you cock sucker

please dont quote internet tabloids for boomers when talking about the bible. go find a credited scholar. 2300BC, can you please link me to the specific article that creation.com has posted which states that this is how long ago the flood supposedly happened? your point of civilizational scattering post flood is moot because of darwins finches ironically which prove that micro evolution at an accellerated pace is not only possible but expectable under extreme duress applied to any collective species.

If people can't figure it out water has been a metaphor for primordial chaos since Kek
If the world is underwater that means civilization has collapsed because of corruption (moral decay)
Dude on the boat represents the ultra-rare non-schizo prepper
If things keep up you'll see the story for yourself

>tfw atheist surrounded by normie christians

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Just get in the ark and stop being so stupid

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Egyptian chronology exists in a seperate fantasy land that resists all revision because of the sheer amount of people's reputation, works, and studies that don't want to admit they're wrong.

Also every source of dating is questionable. Either it is based on a radiometric system (which are all ridiculously inconsistant) or it is based on the geological column. The geologic column is a joke if you know how it's made. However the geology and layers we find can only be explained by a global flood.


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It's a story about an ancient colonization mission with exaggerations. "Take breeding pairs of the animals you want in a new land, or you might never find them again," basically. That's not a biblical quote btw.

whats confusing about it? you dont need every animal in existence just their common ancestors. easily done.

"Reed wall! Reed wall!"


How do you feed a boat full of animals for forty days and forty nights while preventing them from eating one another, as well as the handlers?

Yes. Why do you struggle to believe user?

It is allegory you stupid fuck.

The problem is what apologists say *Those who say * THIS is allegory but THIS is historical FACT. Its when the cherry picking happens is the problem.

I support the good things religion has done. Especially the social cohesiveness it has always provided which is desperately lacking in our modern era. And which more importantly HUMANISM can NEVER EVER provide.

*WannaBE Desist here.

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hello rabbi