Coronavirus has revealed that workers make society run, not greedy landlords, CEOs, and bankers.
Coronavirus has revealed that workers make society run, not greedy landlords, CEOs, and bankers
bankers are the root of all evil
What sort of retarded argument is that? The workers are hired and paid by those bankers, landlords or CEOs. Everyone is doing their part.
no one should be allowed to make more money than 10x whatever minimum wage is. want more money? raise minimum wage.
The fire rises.
Oh, bankers don't issue loans for businesses? Interesting. I had no idea low income workers financed business endeavors.
Most of the rich have their shekels tied up in their businesses. Seems that they are less evil than we might have thought.
killing bankers and CEOs is antisemetic
mutts law II - for whenever a banker is insulted, a mutt is obliged to rise to his defense
Cool, get rid of the CEO's and the rest of upper management...see how fast everything falls apart.
>landlords, CEOs, and bankers.
Those are literally all the societal leeches. Has a single banker, CEO or landlord made life better for anyone other than themselves?
Epic poorfag cope.
Everyone with a braincell knows this.
Coronavirus has revealed that workers make society run, not greedy landlords, CEOs, and bankers.
Financing is just stealing with extra steps. Not a single finger was lifted by a banker to do anything related to the business. Not even logistics and planning! How's that boot tasting huh?
The question is, if those workers were laid off, how easy would it be to replace them given the sudden surplus of labor from other markets?
This. The average person is retarded and 50% of the population is dumber than that.
Yet if I tell you who the bankers, landlords, and CEOs are, you'll call me a Nazi.
Coronavirus has revealed that workers make society run, not greedy landlords, CEOs, and bankers.
niggers, anglos / prots and kikes are all the same creatures
Can you make a meme of this? I'd do it but I'm too busy making meme making jobs instead of doing the actual meme making.
That's right, goyim, the landlord-hate that suddenly appeared everywhere on the same day is totally organic and 6 gorrilion percent real!
It's definitely not G_ds Chosen People trying to use a panic hoax to incite stupid pinko bullshit, take yer meds and go to sleep ya mook.
Median, not average
Someone has to pay them, and they have to pay them back
Anyone who's worked at a company and seen multiple CEOs come and go knows that they're useless cunts, especially when it comes to the most common businesses, retail and food service.
So why not do it yourself?
Who do you think houses, pays, and finances the companies for the workers, exactly?
The smartest people are the biggest retards
this is obvious and if you didn't know this before than you're part of the problem..
this is why workers want AT LEAST $15 an hour and they deserve much more because I worked at Walmart for 5 years and worked 10x harder than my post office job where I made 4x as much
yet without a paycheck from the ceo or the plot of land on which to work from the landlord or the loans from the banker to live in the house to go to their work in their car they dont work
>everyone is expendable
>It's definitely not G_ds Chosen People trying to use a panic hoax to incite stupid pinko bullshit
This is one of the more retarded conspiracies currently making the rounds. The Jews ARE the landlords, you moron.
yeah that is bullshit
>amerimongrel rushes to defend his jewish overlords
No shit
Yes. Their shareholders.
the positions make our society (note: not economy) run. Every last one of those single task monkeys can be replaced in an hour.
you can work without any of those
labor != value you fucking idiot
Grocery store workers just want you to believe they're downtrodden slaves being taken advantage of by huge corporations, they actually have absurdly good benefits and belong to some of the most powerful unions around.
How did you lose the post office job?
Wuhan flu btfo globalism
You are dumb
The hands of the hated jew are many and long.
Sometimes one works at odds to another, but they all connect to a head that wants nothing but power and control over as many as possible.
CEOs are paid too much and never face issues even if a company goes bankrupt. No more golden parachute.
Jesus christ you're a retard
>landlords, CEOs, and bankers.
so... jews
until the supply chains run out
Arrest yourself pig
keep running your mouth and you'll be replaced by a robot that doesn't talk back.
Duh. The bottom supports the top.
capitalists supply these people with jobs through investing in property plant and equipment
>a jew let alone a rabbi
>doing manual labor
you’re funny user
Especially not kike journalists
Why rent in the first place if you don't like landlords?
Apple doesn't make iPhones run, a 110 watt household outlet does.
Therefore Apple must give everyone free phones and stop collecting bills or information.
Maybe don’t work at the Walmart then?
Try to get a job that pays more?
If I stand in the rain and get wet, will I complain about it? No I’ll go inside because I’m not a fucking retard.
>automation will replace millions of low wage workers
>low wage workers are the most crucial part of the work force
‘Revealed’ ... who didn’t already know this? The problem is there are more low iq and unambitious people on the planet that are content doing low skilled jobs and never aspiring for more. The rest of us realize this and see the potential for profit off these idiots. So as teenagers we took the low paying job, learned the skills we needed to move up the ladder all the while our eyes on the end goal of being the one in charge or starting a business using these idiots as our labor
4 days - 6 hours work please.
People knew this but what do you want anyway? What do you want exactly with this thread?
>Why rent in the first place if you don't like landlords?
this place is really full of 90IQ / underage retards.
>don't like renting from a (((landlord))), just get a (((mortgage))), bro
fucking kill yourself.
Imagine a labor based economy blended with socialism and nationalism.
haha tell that to my managers who shit their pants when I quit because i was the only person that knew how to use all the power equipment.
I quit because I moved back to CA from Oregon
say that to my face fucker and not online and see wut happenz
I did, I quit and now make a lot more doing almost the same thing for a differnt company... with less stress
So does most of the CEOs, every single one of those walmart monkeys can replace half of the fortune 500 companies that are now begging for gibs because they were to stupid to save any money or invest in anything beside stock buyback, dividents.
I don't see bankers building houses daft lad
Why would you need a mortgage?
Only smooth brains deal with kikes.
Shh. Not so loudly, otherwise the Jews will attack you.
i always thought that was blatantly obvious
So youre telling me the goyim cogs are what make the machine run? holy fucking shit what a shocking revelation.
but like 80% of them got laid off and society is still running
>the people that do the work are paid for by the people who sit back and pretend that they put together all the work
Based. I came into the thread to post some Ford stuff.
"The Jew is the only and original international capitalist, but as a rule he prefers not to emblazon that fact upon the skies; he prefers to use Gentile banks and trust companies as his agents and instruments...
The invention of the stock exchange is also credited to Jewish financial talent. In Berlin, Paris, London, Frankfort, and Hamburg, Jews were in control of the first stock exchanges, while Venice and Genoa were openly referred to in the talk of the day as "Jew cities" where great trading and banking facilities might be found. The Bank of England was established upon the counsel and assistance of Jewish emigrants from Holland. The Bank of Amsterdam and the Bank of Hamburg both arose through Jewish influence.
There is a curious fact to be noted in connection with the persecution and consequent wanderings of the Jews about Europe and that is: wherever they wandered, the center of business seemed to go with them. When the Jews were free in Spain, there was the world's gold center. When Spain drove out the Jews, Spain lost financial leadership and has never regained it...
Unfortunately the element of race, which so easily lends itself to misinterpretation as racial prejudice, is injected into the question by the mere fact that the chain of international finance as it is traced around the world discloses at every link a Jewish capitalist, financial family, or a Jewish-controlled banking system. Many have professed to see in this circumstance a conscious organization of Jewish power for Gentile control, while others have attributed the circumstance to Jewish racial sympathies, to the continuity of their family affairs down the line of descent, and to the increase of collateral branches."
(((they))) always find someone to blame dont they?
This is true, I work for a pretty big bank and we've had 3 CEOs in my time, they've all had huge salaries and basically done nothing except get embroiled in scandals
Hard times make hard men.
usury is the root of all evil
very based
They're the bare minimum needed for a country to survive, but they're not going to make the country wealthy and prosperous all by themselves.
Stocking shelves all day is something that can be easily done by anyone. If a grocery store lost all of it's employees, they would be able to hire 50 people overnight who would be able to perform just as well. There is no training or special talent needed.