I'm doing my part by ignoring calls from boomers when they peek out their curtains and call about kids playing in the parks.
I end the call saying they were already gone upon my arrival.
How else do you think I can help?
I'm doing my part by ignoring calls from boomers when they peek out their curtains and call about kids playing in the parks.
I end the call saying they were already gone upon my arrival.
How else do you think I can help?
Other urls found in this thread:
My dad browses 4 Chan yucks
Ticket that boomer for abusing the emergency system during a national crisis
America sounds like proud country with virtues women and honest men
*like a
>How else do you think I can help?
Don't shoot any innocent unarmed people.
Best idea I've heard in years.
I've seen the Argie cops cracking skulls in that public park while wearing tyvek suits.
Remember that?
tell us stories user
How are you preparing for the inevitable civil war that will break out over these tyrannical orders?
Post proof fellow LEO
Also, are cops even prepared for county-wide comms to be taken out?
Hey now, there's TWO kinds of cop. OP is what I like to call a 'Smilin Dave' they're the good ones.
>Dad called about his 18 year old son who was not socially distancing.
Fuck off
>Old lady called about 11 year olds wrestling in a field
Fuck off
>Concerned citizen saw more than 10 people playing basketball together
Fuck off
>Fambuhleez be stuck inside outta work are chimping out and slapping each other around more often
Been pretty annoying lately
>tfw work at a police station and boomers keep calling to report abandoned cars on their street
bitch we don't have time to deal with your usual bullshit right now. gas all boomers.
Based cop.
Excellent idea.
Arrest niggers for preemptive looting
Its been pretty cool, not gonna lie. Ive put in earplugs and cranked my guitar amps to as high as they will go without massive feedback. Now the boomers that call the cops anytime I play music over 50 decibels are calling but the cops arent coming.
You and all your co workers take sick leave, and stay home to protect your family so we can kick this boogaloo off proper.
Write yourself a ticket. Then arrest yourself.
We are not prepared for broad non-compliance over stupid shit.
Even if we wanted to clear 50 non-compliant people from a park, it would take help from another town. And if 50 more trickled in when we were busy with the first round, then....uhhh...
The emails we get about dispersing gatherings sound simple if you're not the one doing it. Commie governors think we are their personal army.
No, faggots. They can read my name then Google where I live. And it's not in a mansion with security.
Motherfucking BASED
Good work based fed!
Don't buy this bullshit, anons. Cops are just waiting to gun down "civilians" en masse. Steer clear of em.
base tax burner
>They can read my name then Google where I live. And it's not in a mansion with security.
I've always wondered about this. I've stalked a few asshole cops and am amazed that I could kill their wife and kids easily. It's like they have no security at all, one sniper in the bushes and it's all over. Good thing I'm white but it makes me wonder why these black lives matter people don't do this.
You are blissfully privileged and unaware of the amount of bullshit you HAVENT been bothered about, because we've told some old crone to get a life, even if a technical violation were occurring.
25 years ago, you'd be that guy in the Army surplus store browsing Soldier of Fortune and popping your zits.
Too high time preference.
Depends on the state. Some states have laws that exempt almost everything about where you live.
Here the sheriff deputy pled guilty for raping his 11 year old daughter as part of some satanic ritual. He implicated 8 other people, cops and politicians. He got 20 years but nobody else was investigated.
Ok nigger
Weird sociological observation I've made. Black kids only bully white kids after a careful vetting process to ensure they are helpless and without people and resources. It doesn't seem to happen on impulse. They fuck with each other way more often.
Blacks must think that laws and administration is like sorcery they dont want to fuck with it. They think, on some level, average whites can sue and imprison them into oblivion. Blacks fear the corporation and thinks most whites have it on their side.
So...they just dont go there in a pre-meditated fashion.
>How else do you think I can help?
Gotta ID anti-American cops and organize against them. They usually are shitting all over the Constitution every chance they get.
Still comes up on Lexis-Nexus. Cops always have loans. They can't afford to buy houses for cash and bury it in a holding company.
>How else do you think I can help?
keep an eye on glowies
family groups intermixing like that is the problem right now you dumb nigger. fucking die
This is too fucking real. In my town they give the police report over the radio and the other day mentioned a call about "kids loitering at the basketball courts in the park". The cops showed up and sure enough some kids were playing basketball at the park.
What goes through ones mind that this is worthy of a police call???
How many more men do you think you'd need to enforce social distancing measures meaningfully?
Yikes. Could you please post a link? Was he a Mason?
>Cops are just waiting to gun down "civilians" en masse. Steer clear of em.
some of them are, some of them won't comply.
somebody find that post where it is explained how the beginning of a civil war would fare and how fucked USA army and police are
Yeah. You spam this. Thanks.
I'm always astounded when we get any Intel from behind the blue line. If you complain about cops, they will endlessly intimidate you, The DA will never press charges, and the MSM will look the other way unless the victim was a nigger. From what I've researched cops are extremely overrepresented in general racketeering (i.e moving drugs, weapons, and trafficking kids) and domestic abuse.
So, you let the niglets "play" in the park.
How nonracist of you.
Just quit.
Were they niggers? I'd call too.
Arrest immigrants
I'm 44 years old kid. Yeah, I was that guy
Arrest niggers AND Jews.
You have Accurint? Insurance fraud investigator?
There's more kiddy diddlers behind the blue line than in the church or boy scouts. Stop molesting kids and report your frat Bros for rape and you can redeem yourself.
You are welcome to my thread officer.
Nah I live in a town of less than 10,000 in the Midwest, I think there's 2 or 3 black families.
Best part is the sheriff at the time is now the county commissioner. The CPS department head who was proven to cover it up was later a senator. The county was using the orphanage as a child sex brothel. All these people have been in power ever since.
It's not enforceable if people dont comply. On duty police are like 1 per 10k people.
People are social and like good weather. Go figure.
Not happening.
You're doing God's work. I wish cops here weren't such assholes.
Why are so many (if not most) cops masons?
Most people at least. t. Autist who has been in good health so far thanks to hermitdom.
True. This shit was never in the media, they arrest people running for office who mention it. You can read the cases at the courthouse though. They were running an orphanage as a child sex brothel. The kids run off and call the cops got brought right back.
U can't ignore calls faggot. Quit pretending to be a cop.
It's going to have to be enforced, especially as part of a long-term plan to contain the virus. If cops can't currently do it, I'm wondering how many men you need to shore yourselves up or if the national guard will need to help.
You sound like a cool cop user. We'll spare you and your family.
In my 15 years, 5 teachers went down for that. I literally interrupted one reddezvous. No police in my dept or surrounding area I know of.
Btw, what makes you think a rapist pedo comes into blue collar work anywhere to high five his bros about it?
Walk yourself through the mechanics before you say dumb stuff.
Oh shit!
My brother is a narcotics detective. When I ask what he's been up to lately it's always, "Oh, nothing exciting really happened" followed by a retelling of some of the craziest nigger crackhead heroin shit you can think of. Sometimes I wonder how he holds it all together.
Keep your head on a swivel and hopefully you'll get out of it on time. Much love to you user.
>The CPS department head who was proven to cover it up was later a senator.
There's a pipeline between the local police departments and the elites like Epstein. You'll never see Epstein types lurking around playgrounds, or harassing kids that are out alone. At risk kids are identified by cops through their parents run ins with the law. The news in the UK is always hinting at this but never makes the accusation. You'll see articles about how thousands of kids were being raped and then the question is always posed "why did the cops not do anything?" The answer is the cops are fully aware and in on it
Cop here.
You’re full of shit because that’s not how dispatching works.
Pic not my story. Couldn't find one I posted of how american cops would be faced with moving from single and double person patrol cars to small squad and then into just platoon sized elements to do anything. Shits gonna suck for you guys, wish it didn't have to be this way.
They could drop a cool mil in my lap right now and there is 0 fucking chance I would do what I did overseas here. People have no idea why that is and its not even because of 'muh constitution'. No fucking clue.
Also, you fucking niggers need to stop going home in uniform, much less using your cop cars. NOW. if you love your children you will do this. Hopefully you have good leadership in your area, the kind that wont agitate shit and let average plebs support you guys. If not, find a place to hide and send them off soon. Any cop on the chan might actually be somewhat redeemable, so try and make it to the other side. Good luck.
What should I arrest them for?
If they try I won't hesitate to engage in open insurrection.
Arrest them
Execute them on the spot
Blame it on Hysteria and say you were assaulted by them because they lost their minds
Enforce Natural Selection, salt the earth with their blood, make the world cleaner from their filth.
Thank you Based Cop Stay safe.
>Btw, what makes you think a rapist pedo comes into blue collar work anywhere to high five his bros about it?
This is extremely poorly phrased but I'll assume you are making the "one bad apple" fallacy. Read the article again. The entire police department was in on it including the chief.
No charges ever pressed. They all just resigned and I assume found cop jobs in neighboring police departments.
Let me walk you through it, retard.
Dispatch gets a call from anonymous citizen. She says kids are in the park.
I am alone in my squad car.
I arrive at the scene and see kids at the park.
I say something vague over the radio like: "uh, looks like the kids are about ready to leave anyway. I'm clear."
Call closed.
That's literally how it works.
Fake ass story.
You didn’t do shit nigger. And you’d tongue nigger anuses for a mil.
Some agencies require using a take home unit, particularly in more rural jurisdictions and undermanned agencies that need off duty officers to be on call a few days a week.
I disagree with rape.....
No, you won't. It's a silly little fantasy you have. This nation will unite to fight this virus, slowly and half-assedly as we are. It will not accept a disgrace on the international stage of letting millions of its citizens die.
You'll be confronted with actual authority, and you'll obey.
would you arrest a person with LSD?
At least 50% of individuals involved in a rape disagree as well.
Gee whiz thanks for the lesson.
thats cute.
They got $50 million in my story. The whole sheriff department was in on it and kept their jobs. There were other cases as well. OK Boys Ranch case. Also, the Ed Murray case. If CPS ever knocks on your door, don't answer, pack up what you can and leave the state with the intention of never returning. Let someone else sell your possessions.
Fuck you too.
My drug arrests have all involved some FUCKING RETARD making a goddamn spectacle of himself and I couldn't avoid it.
So yes, but....
Yeah, you needed it apparently.