Life without nazis

How much further along would we be if it wasn't for Gaydolf Shitler killing millions of Jewish people? Ashkenazi Jews are responsible for a disproportionate amount of scientific advances compared to other white ethnicities.

If it wasn't for the holocaust we probably would've cured cancer, perfected nanoautomation and advanced to building Dyson spheres by now. How many centuries did this retard's actions set back mankind?

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Hitler killed thousands of geniuses in the gas chambers

Every major leap in society starts with some man or deity telling you to kill a large, large number of people.

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>cured cancer, perfected nanoautomation and advanced to building Dyson spheres by now

We already have the technology, but the jews!!! the jews!! only see money.

Unironically, yes. The Ashkenazi IQ is a standard deviation higher than most other whites. Even Christianity, a Jewish invention, is credited for lifting Europe out of being a continent of savage pagans living in mud huts. We would be nowhere if it wasn't for the Jews

Woah mesoamericans built THAT? Pretty based

Source faggot?

If hitler didnt exist we would be having mandatory gay anal sex each week to promote lgbt rights, and newborns are required to drink milk out of penises instead of tiddies

Extremely cringe and falsepileld

Even though the best minds in Europe when it came to Aerospace Engineering were German

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And then ~200 white guys destroyed it.

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>Racial IQ differences are real!
>except when they don't make me look good!
Lmao, proof that you're retarded and illogical. You're all hippocrates.

You needed a jewish film director to convince the world you landed on the moon, lmao.

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Nazi Germany losing the war set us back if anything Goldberg, you dumb fucking kike.

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How has anyone benefited from Shitler's little temper tantrum? America and the rest of the west are catastrophically fucked because of Hitler's autism universally painting nationalism and Fascism in a bad light, now we're stuck with gay democracy forever.

ashkenazi - literal translation: german jew.
ashkenazi are germanic by race, they just believe in kike religion.

so what you are saying is, that germans invented the world. i agree.

>You needed a jewish film director to convince the world you landed on the moon, lmao.

I've never denied the moon landing, nice strawman

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>America and the rest of the west are catastrophically fucked because of Hitler's autism universally painting nationalism and Fascism in a bad light
This. Thanks to German spergouts, now only Israel is allowed to have a right-wing nationalist government. Thanks, Nazis!


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Yes they would have
We wouldn’t be alive

So you're just extremely bluepilled then? I could've guessed. Only edgy children idolize Nazis



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FYI I didn't type "hi" in my last post when replying to myself. My phone put that in because autocomplete

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>How has anyone benefited from Shitler's little temper tantrum?
Nearly every useful technology you have now was invented in WWII.

>So you're just extremely bluepilled then
>I could've guessed. Only edgy children idolize Nazis

Go back to Chapo you illiterate nigger.

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Get the fuck out of my country. I hope you catch the COOF you sub-human retard.

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What's that, your home site? Tell me more

There were no gas chambers faggot, stop trying to deceive people.

Only reddit niggers use redpilled and bluepilled unironically anymore you retarded new faggot

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>Hitler was based and btfo the Jews
>Hitler didn't do anything
Pick one you retarded not-see faggot

>Mad when we deny it
>Mad when we approve of it and cheer it on

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You seem to know a lot about reddit. Are you their ambassador to /Pol?

>contradicts himself
>doesn't see the issue
typical gentile IQ

if it wasn't for the nazis we would be probably living like madmax rn

There is more than one chain of thought on the Holocaust you retarded kike, i personally never deny it because i don't care if it happened or not, i'm more worried it won't happen again if anything.

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everyone knows kikes are the source of most of humanity's problems. If they all succumb to chinese virus tomorrow, humanity will benefit greatly

There's no need for name calling, you fucking asshole. Try an argument.

That guy definitely got shit on his sac... he probably sits on his balls by accident all the time, he needs a helmet for his balls.

maybe i'll try a bullet instead

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Kys heeboid

To get things moving again, Jews should all be killed, very mercifully and quickly. The Jewish Question is an evolutionary, statistical effect. It is not a conspiracy. There are many groups in the world, conspiring for various aims, but this is not the Jewish Question. The Jewish Question is average group behavior, and it is a problem to be solved by exterminating the group.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics

Can you really see Jews as human after you have understood their genetic character? They pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. College is a whore factory. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. It isn't a conspiracy, it's genetics. The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide.

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Never argue with a kike... you're just asking for the Hall-of-cost reminder.

Good idea, suicide seems like a good investment for you

seething no-argument retards

I meant for you kike

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Should have looked at the picture
Oh gee i wonder who could be behind the leaf flag

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>whites are the master race
>whites are the most intelligent
>whites have been completely subjugated and controlled by a tiny club of dumb jews to the point of turning their boys into girls and refusing to breed in favour of third world immigration and video games/pornography
Pick one.

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>Can't even express himself clearly
>n-no u
Nice low verbal IQ you've got there.

IDF really hitting new lows nowadays i guess.

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Stop victim blaming. Jews are not capable of creation, only corruption. If Napoleon had not gone around emancipating the jews, they would still be in their ghettos, and Faustian man would be building universities on mars--universities which no jew would be allowed to attend.

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You wonder why your people managed to rise to the top it’s because they think like a tribe
A average jew wakes up in the morning and thinks “what can i do to help my tribe today”
While a white man things “what can i do to help myself today”
Jews only hire jews into important positions.

lmao brah u realize ((they)) orchestrated everything right, hitler didnt appear out of nowhere

Why do you come here kike? Get the fuck out before we gas you in a soap oven.


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Nice that Hitler found talent to paint his portrait, we all know what a shitty artist he was himself. Thats the joke, none of this wouldn't have happened if he didn't fail art school like a retard. Even liberals pass art school.

Initially the first solution was the Haavara Agreement

Too late Bolschevistenschwein.
By a couple of decades.

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A Nazi is literally why we landed on the moon, dumb shit.

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>Too autistic to realize the bullet was for me
>Thank god i'm an inbred jew with a "high IQ"

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Wasn’t talking to you,
the reason why we arent successful is because they keep us divided and bickering amongst ourselfs instead of focusing on the larger threat.
For example just now

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"other White ethnicities". Jews aren't White you faggot.

Youre a shitty jew and a narcissistic homosexual.
Go fix something on you, everything is broken.

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One of these strategies is failing, the other is highly successful. I guess we know where the intelligence is.

You didn't do anything

>Thank G-d I'm a stupid gentile
Lol wow you showed those Jews huh

Yeah i know, tell the kike.

Hitler was a soldier in WW1 and it was there his hate for Zionism began.

Jewish children’s verbal IQ is considerably higher than their performance IQ, with visual-spatial reasoning being greater among Gentile children, especially those of northern European ancestry. This would suggest an evolutionary preoccupation with outward display, which is reflected in the lack of Jewish original thinkers and inventors. Jewish economic activity has tended not to be characterized by technological innovation related to mechanical abilities, but by economic “mediation” in the form of importing and exporting goods, and by commercial flair. In 19th-century Germany, for example, the inventors of new technology--such as Rudolf Diesel and Werner von Siemens--were predominantly Gentiles, while several Jewish fortunes in technical areas--such as those of Ludwig Loewe and Emil Rathenau--were made by importing technology that originated elsewhere and were dependent on capitalization provided by Jewish private banks.

And, of course, a preoccupation with outward display is certainly reflected in the traditional Jewish tactic of deception. Jews retained their genetic and cultural separateness for centuries while living a double life as crypto-Jews in Spain, Portugal, and parts of Hispanic America, and that after the Enlightenment Jews were effectively living double lives, outwardly giving loyalty to a particular state, while privately retaining loyalty only to their race.

Have you even looked at his art you fucking Jew? He was a good artist.

Anyway this is a shill thread

>Flies the flag of a loser
>Posts a literal Rabbi
Top kek, good one

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Oh fuck off you dumb kike. Almost all scientific advancements made during WW2 were done by Germans, from computers to rocketry. If the Reich hadn't been destroyed, we'd have colonized the solar system by now.

What's failing is you.
Let's see : you changed nothing and never will. Ha ha ha .

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We as in the nation you troll. He obviously didn't mean himself personally you mentally crippled faggot.

That wasn’t the white strategy to begin with it was christianity that pushed individualism sure we get short term gain but we lose in the long run

Without the Nazis, and if no other country started the world war, we would not be near the level of Scientif progress we are at now.

Easy - look at the ashkeNAZI jewish homeland. A shithole.

Implying a lot of things there are you not?

Admit it, you will never achieve anything on Yas Forums and just get bashed left and riht like a proper kike.

Get the fuck out kiketard. Get OUT NOW.

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