Only retards can't cook

I give you chicken wangz

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More like poverty wings

Hey guy! That's not very nice!
Yas Forums is a land of fren-ship

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muh tendies

me n /pol :)

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congratulations on cooking something at home for once you fat fucking bastard ... ?

Thanks fren! I love you


Are you telling him, or are you asking him?

Yes, that is a big black chicken.

If chicken wings are poverty I don’t want to be rich.

why are they raw and why are they in a ziplock bag? seems like they wound taste pretty bad

are you cooking them sous vide?

He is marinating them retard


What sorta flavor you brewin over there?
Garlic mesquite?

jesus fucking christ

i bet you live in the city

>I can add garlic and a sauce marinade to chicken wings

>In a plastic bag

Oh you poor poor fool. I don't even have the heart to tell you. Let some other user clue this guy in on the bad news.

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For me, it's beans on toast.

It's a weird combo but fucking delicious

2 tablespoons onions sauce
1 tablespoon rice cooking wine
2 tablespoons of honey
Tons of raw garlic
Tons of raw ginger

Black pepper
Chili flakes

That's it

Thanks fren!

Where does one buy onions sauce?


Newfags cannot into super secret onions recipe

i got some chikchik on deck im gonna give it a try right now
daylong marinade?

Man just use sⲟysauce.

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You are jew. Op is a jew

Ehh few hours but go as long as you want

Throw a couple tablespoons of sake in there if you got it

Also dont forget to poke alot of hole in your chiken so they can suck in flavor i use a few toothpicks

>seasoned chicken wings
hello nigger

They were originally junk meat now turned expensive(if you eat out). Just like lobster was poor bug food until douchebag hipsters of 100 years ago realized it was good.

This meme is becoming stale

And pollute the meat with Chinese filth no ty.

>Liquid marinating fatty collagen loaded proteins.
Learn to dry marinade, faggot.


Bitch, this was last night.

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>He doesn't enjoy the rich, tangy flavor of gutter oil.


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mmf yes daddy are u gonna bake those for 35-45 minutes at 350?

you're welcome it looks like fucking shit

Kek, got me with the SonOionsY sauce.

Fucking drunk

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The more your eat the more you become resistant to industrial filth

You have such a way with words user
Stop my penis can only get so hard

Were make white wine scallops tomorrow fren

Get off Yas Forums joel

Kitter is happy for wangz

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I just made chili with some of the beans I have been hoarding, will dehydrate the leftovers and vacuum seal them for easy /innawoods/ meals.

Thanks for restating common knowledge for the millionth time summerfag.

I'm also enjoying my prep

You may know me from my other threads

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what a beauty
kitters love helping cook
everything must pass muster for small monkeysnake

>I had a rooster named BBC. He got his ass beat by a bantam every day.

Did I make them right?

Pic related

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>thinks marinating fucking chicken wings is cooking
>pepe poster
>le fren poster
You are the reason this website is garbage. You are the reason it has collapsed into a shell of its former self over the last decade. Go fuck yourself.

Looks like a random politician to me.
So, yes.

Oh I'm sorry fren
1488 gas the kikes race war now
Hitler did nothing wrong
The goyim know!
Shut it down! Oyyveyyyy

Happy fag?

Those are common flavor profiles and not weird at all user.

Fuck off, leaf


You have to cook them longer nigga You get sick if they two pink. My cousin died that way homie.