She said she hates racist cops. Without mentioning any statistics or the small frontal lobe of the negro brain, I simply stated, "If blacks know that cops are racist, why do they challenge cops and give them a reason to open fire? Why not just comply and go about their day."
"Shut up, I'm done talking about it", she said angrily.
Are white mudsharks irredeemable?
Just had an argument with my coal burning sister about cops
Did this actually happen or is this a shit tier larp
sister literally built for BBC
Where did your parents go wrong?
you won
enjoy it
I’m sorry user. She’s almost certainly beyond saving, but I understand you wanting to try. At this rate all that will be left for her is the inevitable paying of the toll.
fuck cops, they are not friends and they work for the state to hunt you down
Coping mechanism. Assumption that the other side “just won’t get it” and subsequent abandoning of the argument leaves less risk of sustained damage through conflict
Your only course of action is to act like a gangsta nigger to show your dominance over her, go RIGHT NOW and bust into her room wearing a bandana and screaming, YO BITCH GO MAKE ME A SANDWICH! And if she talks back you grab her by her arms and shake the shit out of her "LOOK HO IM NOT PLAYIN AROUND, IM THE THE MUTHAFUKIN G UP IN THIS BITCH AND IM HUNGRY".
Trust me she will do whatever you say because they love to be treated like that, hell she might even get horny thinking about that black cock, if that is the case tell her to suck it.
Why are you arguing with idiots in the first place ?
Force her into your bed room, chain her up or to a bed post, bring out a camcorder, oil that bitch up and send your lil snuff films to her dirty nigger BF.
Teach your whore to love white incest (you too, user ;). It's better than fucking niggers.
Your sister needs a good british dicking. Once shes tasted big british cock it will be the only BBC she lusts over. American girls love british men cos of our accents. American ''men'' cant compete.
>trying to speak logically with a female
this is your proplem, OP
It's not a larp. I came to visit her today and she started drinking. That's when she she brings up political stuff.
I haven't seen her in a while. The conversation was random.
High IQ post.
I’m married to an African man and I kind understand her. I love our cops but yeah there are cases where some can be racist.
Younger women need to be taught in pictures, they struggle to understand rhetoric, but are easily swayed by authority, start with drawings.
>why not just comply
you sound like you're the on with the small nigger brain you bootlicking faggot
>Trying to use arguments with women
Should have just called her a bitch and cunt punted her, might not convince her of anything but you'll feel better I guarantee.
>arguing with women
White boys never cease to amaze me with their social ignorance
tell her how you actually feel
>I love cops
>I'm with an African man
Into the trash it goes.
>Posting garbage bait like this
Remove yourself.
You'll need to put her down. She's a lost cause
women can't into politics they only value authority and power
she values niggers and brutes as authority and power and therefore hates men with true power and authority (cops).
you should have slapped her when she said you to shut up
>coal burning sister
why is she still part of your family?
have a spine and get rid of this destructive influence on your family!
Probably definitely not a larp. My sister is a coal burning retard. To be fair, she lost the genetic lottery and turned out dumber and uglier than me who made out well in the genetic lottery
Go out and challenge a cop to fight, or better yet just attack him and see how long you last, retard.
Have fun seeing the mixed nephews every Christmas. At least you won't have to see their dad.
My sister is attractive too. She could've gotten anybody. Threw her life away. Has a kid by one too.
Yes they really are, it is called brainwashing for a reason. My own sister won't even admit the fucking IQ gap exists.
The father refuses to pay child support. He has a warrant for not paying it. My dad is a christcuck that refuses to take action. He even gave him a bible.
i believe it because ive had the same conversation with one of my black friends.
you are a cuck by proxy for not slapping that cunt
I'm starting my own family soon, so it really doesn't bother me anymore. She's not getting any money either.
Obvious kike shill post. I'd love to my hands on one of you faggots, snuffing you out would feel almost as good as reproducing
A few cops are racist.
MOST niggers are paranoid, childish, emotional, low IQ and irrational, so...
Is it Mutt’s law if it’s true?
Beat her and then dare her to call the cops.
Prove that I'm Jewish.
Cops, Niggers, and Coalburners are all symptoms of the same disease
Fuck them
Fuck Jews
and Fuck Jannies
My mom does the same thing, and I call her out for avoiding debate all the time.
>This is why we can't have a productive conversation about anything. You always say "whatever" if you don't agree with it.
>This is why I liked dad more growing up.
>You'll always be wrong no matter how much you deny it.
I've dared her to ban me from visiting multiple times, but she never does.
LARP confirmed
When they break up either late or short... just whisper this in her ear
>Yas Forums was right again
The point is that racist cops knowingly target and harass black people due to their biases.
Telling them to "just comply" completely disregards the problem.
And your solutions to bring up fucking eugenics?
No wonder your sister needs to drink when hanging around you.
Based. I should also not that I hardly drink. I stop after one or two. My sister drinks every day, no exaggeration. Do you think it's a coping mechanism?
You're a racist piece of filth
Clever way of pushing for your degenerate fetish
You offered a practical solution, women hate practical solutions - they don't want you to tell them how they could have solved the problem, they want to whine about the problem and have you agree about how horrible the people who caused the problems are.
This is in regards too all things btw, not just NIGGERS and cops.
She'll pay the toll sooner or later. Sorry user.
Eugenics is the solution to most of our problems. That being said, since Obama was president, cops decided the unprotected classes were easy pickings, Whites for instance.
Get out of my thread, you faggot frog.
Not your blog faggot. You should hang yourself for letting your sister be a nigger lover. How does it feel to get cucked and have her father pay child support in bananas?
Not the one fantacizing about my niggerlover sister you degenerate muttlord
Shouldn't this bitch be happy that she scares off racists?
I haven't had a drink since the 27th of February
not a teetotaler faggot just taking a break from drinking for Lent, good way to learn some restraint
Being racist isn't much of a problem except in inter-racial diplomacy.
That's my dad's job, moron.
Pic related
Blood atonement
Sorry, but i take niggers above american cops any day.
Way to miss the point.
good, niggers will die on their own lmao
Disown sister. Never contact again. Easy.
I got good news for you :)
Disown her. Tell her why you won't accept having a nigger fucking whore for a family member. She doesn't get to be an aunt. Will make the roastie seethe
>british dicking
>avg. penis size is 5 in
ok britcuck