Yas Forums humor thread
Yas Forums humor thread
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Post golicaust redpills
Now he gotta buy a new bike
I remember that hebrew filename shitposter.
>taking memeflags seriously
>>taking memeflags seriously
>Yas Forums humor
>its not actually humor its just a bunch of political circlejerk comics
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads. Face it. most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history. get over it losers
shits real mayne
This is a garbage humor thread.
Fuck off Xang
Looks like they should only allow immigrants that are Goats.
Your overconfidence is your weakness
I can't stand Yas Forums anymore. I remember the good old days when it was a jewel of the internet counter culture. Now this place is a circle jerk of white supremacists. Seriously, there is nothing funny about hating African Americans, Jewish people and other oppressed minorities. What's your problem guys? Anyways, I mainly post on reddit and twitter now, the content is much more interesting.
You all have to realize that you are angry because the world is moving forward and you decided to stay backward, disconnected from reality. As an urban and educated person, I can only feel sorry for you.
Looks like their crime prevention measure was a slam dunk!
Is this the new leaf copypasta?
Being right-wing is the new counter-culture
Its a prototype I made an hour ago. What do you think?
updated version
It's pretty good
how do i into scholarships now
Is this new pasta or is it old?
thank you. I am a snowfrog nigger so my english is not perfect but I am feeling creative recently
Hmm, it's okay, but it lacks the bite of most Leaf pasta. It's sad that we've had to resort to this, what with Finland stealing our job.
New. Just made it today.
Humor "my ass". This is gold. Good job on this one.
maybe you can improve it a bout. I have a documents with all leaf posts. I am at ~5 leaf pasta. I am trying to get a good arsenal
Nice flag
>some guy fucked my wife
>I was pretty bummed about it
>but since my wife and Tyrone were happy, that's two happy people and one sad person
>two are greater than one. So, whatever
I hope this happens to guys like that
best thing is it was made unironically kek
>I can't stand Yas Forums anymore. I remember the good old days when it was a jewel of the internet counter culture. Now this place is just a circle jerk of. What's your problem? There is nothing funny about hating oppressed minorities. I mainly post on reddit and twitter now, the content is much more interesting.
>As an urban and educated person, I can only feel sorry for you, being stuck here.
Shortened it a bit, took out unecessary fluff, made it a bit catchier.
I'm getting sick of this stupid website. Yas Forums is cool but the people who use it are retards. You cant even have a conversation here every reply is just angry memes like "nigger" "kike" "leaf" etc. Is that how you idiots talk to people in real life? No wonder nobody here has a job or a girlfriend.
I don't get it though whats the point of this place if every body just says the same thing every time. I thought it would be funny cause you guys make all the memes but all you do is call each other names.
Looks nice. I will keep both versions and compare which one is the best bait. Thanks fellow pasta leaf
You guys are really growing in a new way here. Sure, some of this material is old, some of these ideas are not new, but you are focusing on something here that is the right path to the next big thing. Keep going.
I like it
It being less crass and more serene makes it sting more, you have to think if it's true.
Then, this is the last bastion of free speech so it doesn't matter how bad it is. Sticking to humour threads I know I'll at least see some posters that are not paid shills
you know, I am hesitating right now. unecessary long post are good especially with a cringe picture so it sounds like a moral fag redditor. While shorter without picture is more punchy and is good for fast posting (for example: lmao you pathetic racists...)
Please drown in the mediterranean sea you fucking nigger.
took a nice trip on the bus today senpai, nothing out of the ordinary #noglyfe
the leafs are conspiring while the finns are in a slumber
Every time a leaf say that certain behavior is bad is a shitpost?
as old as this is i never got the context beyond niggers happened here
I'm leaving Yas Forums guys. I've been going here since about mid-2013 while I was in college, but now I've graduated and have an actual professional career and can't be associated with this place anymore. I know some of you will miss me as I've always been an active contributor in /ptg/ threads, not to toot my own horn but I think I played a pretty huge role in helping this board grow more popular thanks to spreading memes on Reddit. I'm actually far more liberal after my life has improved and i hang out with my bros and smoke weed, i have a nice job now and i cant be associated with right-wing memes. It was fun spreading memes with you guys, but its time for me to grow up and leave this board, and I suggest many of you do the same
>None of these animals produce any milk
>and they consume massive amounts of hay
almost sprayed my milk all over the keyboard