What's your view on this Kunt eating animals alive?
What's your view on this Kunt eating animals alive?
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built for bbc
I hate her with a genuine blood thirsty passion
truly lacking a soul
Daily reminder they're programming you to give your life in a war against China.
Greatest Youtube channel of all time. Entertainment in its purest form.
does she at least show her feet?
She obviously needs an immediate injection of hot beef
The number one cause of depression and mental illness in Asian women is lack of access to adult sized penises. Please support the Asian woman's bill of rights. Life. liberty, the pursuit of sexual happiness and big white cocks
There is never going to be another war against a nuclear power country.
no all asian women need white cock they don't want niggers
nigger in chink form
Well, it's a zipperhead. Those subhuman insects do shit like that. Not surprising really.
I just jacked off to one of her vids imagining I was the octopus she was eating :3
They saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb on his way to Judea. He said to his disciples, "That man is round about the lamb."
They said to him, "So that he may kill it and eat it."
He said to them, "While it is alive, he will not eat it, but only when he has killed it and it has become a corpse."
They said to him, "He cannot do so otherwise."
He said to them, "You too, look for a place for yourself within repose, lest you become a corpse and be eaten."
Don't be mad at China, goy! We need the Chinese so that Mr. Shekelstein can keep his factories in China and employ cheap labor!
I've always loved a woman with a healthy appetite
Damn shes willing to put A N Y T H I N G in her mouth.. .. .. Anyone got her number?
South Koreans are basically insectoid chinks , no wonder the Japs raped them to death and did all sorts of torture on them
Mutt's law by second post.
Not that I've seen. A shame too because Korean women have the best feet in the world. They rarely show them off though.
Just how in the FUCK does this insectoid abomination have 3.3 million subscribers? I hate non-whites so much.....curse them all to hell. Only white people have souls
There fucking needs to be. There needs to be a radical global initiative to glass that whole fucking shithole country. We could even call it Operation: Kills Bugs Dead.
people let jews eat foreskins while they are still alive so I dont see how thats any different
Squid don't feel pain do they?
If not then it's okay but still it's kind of strange
>picture of slope eating an octopus
And you wonder why people giggle at american stupidity...
Unless you miraculously create a weapon that can intercept ICBMs that reach mach 6 and are accompanied by a swarm of similar sized missiles to mask their presence then you will never see a conflict like this
The octopus can feel existential fear.
yes THIS !!!!
She is way less evil looking than THIS SATANIC BITCH THERESE NEUMANN
Her videos are fucking DIAMONDS. She knows what she's doing and does it because animal crushing/zoosadism fans support her financially/
There's even a small Chinese/Korean forum that discuss and jerk off to her killing/eating live animal videos. I want to post it but Yas Forums won't allow me.
ignorance, not stupidity
don't blame the faults of terrible education systems on the populace
I want to be eaten by her
Traditional hangul waifu
>Squid don't feel pain do they?
They are creatures who are surprisingly intelligent and self aware. They know how to recognize subhumans and fight back
Squids are /ourguys/
>Squid don't feel pain do they?
they do
>Squids, though, may feel pain very differently. Shortly after a squid’s fin is crushed, nociceptors become active not only in the region of the wound but across a large part of its body, extending as far as the opposite fin. This suggests that if it feels pain, rather than being able to pinpoint the location of a wound, an injured squid may hurt all over.
>injured squid may hurt all over
Fucking same.
How did you freaks feel when many of you expressed sexual arousal over pic related killed her daughter and said some deranged shit over her needing a strong man in her life rather than being a single mother?
Better the animals than actual human beings right?
Doesnt surprise me, asians do shit like this all the time.
>nothing like that exists
Just because Romanians can't do shit doesn't mean America, Russia, and Japan hasn't developed those kinds of countermeasures. America has been working on nuclear defense plans since the fucking 1950s Red Scare dude. You were still the USSR's bitch back then.
>What's your view on this Kunt eating animals alive?
It's borderline psychotic. I say "borderline", because you could make the argument that she has delegated that part of her thinking to culture, in which case you could call her culture with a psychotic personality that thinks it's okay to devour terrified animals in immense pain.
I am a vegetarian and I still eat eggs and drink milk, so I don't get preachy about it, but this shit is another level of cruelty.
How did you freaks feel when Brenton Tarrant mowed down all those innocent Muslims? Not a thought was given to Westernizing them. but an octopus being eaten alive disturbs you? Fuck off.
I love when she talks to the sea creatures/animals she killed and cooked then explains how she wants to devour them
I have a vore fetish this is so fucking hot. I'd let her eat me alive easily
Does she ever swallow bugs or rats whole?
Then do it start it and see how it ends, in my view at this moment there is not one country on Earth that can have a 80% intercept efficiency of nuclear warheads.
Imagine if you were an oyster and she just slurped you right out of your shell and then down her throat?
I want to take a bite out of her fake as fuck plastic surgery nose
Not worth it, she'll bite it off.
You can get the same meaning without using false gospels.
Acts 15:29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.
>in my view
Ok Romania. I keep forgetting that you guys are the final word on large scale military tactics.
Pure Nut
This retard inadvertently brings up a good point about cultural differences and how we relegate morality. Just like sand niggers coming to the West and still putting women in garbage bags.
Well, at least they have a Seoul.
Asians aren’t people.
It's a sea creature that's not conscious. It experiences pain only in the sense that it limbs communicate to its limited brains the need to move them away or claw at the stimulus.
Yet, what of the human beings crossing over the Mediterranean sea, including children who Yas Forums openly mocked when they drowned and washed up on shore? A crab or an octopus being eaten alive disturbs you? Please!
Not even your supposedly superior country does not posses a defence platform capable of reachin more than 51% interception rate of nuclear warheads. And this comes directly from your own governments mouth.
This is why no one takes us serious you dumbass
he didn't kill enough
they want to be like their bear master and eat beings alive
Cruel, needless, despicable. Not that western slaughterhouses are any more humane, but still
>double negative
>statistics with no citations
Bro, this is why the world laughs at you. You're like France but retarded.
These animals being mercilessly tortured for no reason at all have more innocence to them than sub-humans that rape and kill my people en mass.
Kill yourself ANTIFA , you deserve nothing but rape by packs and packs of aids ridden niggers.
meat eaters need to be purged, they started all of these virus outbreaks
I can smell your neo-vagina rotting from here. Dilate.
it's a fetish
God. I wish that were me.
I hate Asians
If you guys want a recommended video, I would suggest her Tuna video.
She purposely shows off her sadistic vibes and devours a tuna's head including the eyeballs. I've jerked off to that one like 8 times.
I'd let her suck on my hog
I want to flay this gook alive
Eating stuff that is already dead is way more humane than eating something alive. We're not Klingons for fucks sake.
Religious garb draped over a person's body is far more preferable than the freedom to have a Pitbull, for example, maul a child's face or the ability of a psychopathic woman to murder her child because of the misguided notion in the virtue of no "double jeopardy".
Carlos I'll fucking get you!
There are many channels where people eat ridiculous amount of junk food and look healthy and young and hot.
I don't quite get it, I'm talking massive amount of food. Should be all over /x/
Built for BTS
>attention whore clickbaiting for ad revenue and donations from degenerate Amerimutt s #67346356
Okay Pajeet
>insects eating animals
more news at 10
Its quite difficult to have a discussion with someone who came with the reddit influx of MAGA cult members
asian subhuman
But they are
Yea she is barefoot and jumping around in the vid with the banned shark ,her channel is ssoyung or something like that
This is exactly what this thread needed. Good job user.
Report this whore, it literally takes 5sec
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>Just showing the world what chinks do on a daily basis