Yes, Trump REALLY just said that! His ignorance is no laughing matter -- it's deadly

Yes, Trump REALLY just said that! His ignorance is no laughing matter -- it's deadly..

Over 100,000 cases, over 1,000 deaths.

When will the President take this seriously?!

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Hi Chang. How' is the weather in shangai?

Germ Theory has been debunked. Only retards listen to the CDC

>Germ Theory has been debunked.

He's saying you can focus on the name but that we don't we really understand what it is. Which we don't we don't understand it enough to. The point we can really do anything other than keep people at arms length and hope they don't get it

>can’t quote Trump so let’s get my sock puppet account revved up.

Proof that we know this is a man made virus.
Don't be a wise guy

Take the Miasmapill

>i defend everything trump says and does

>(((Walter Shaub)))

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Good thing he’s not a licensed medical professional

No one knows what to call it precisely because it doesn't even exist.
Hard to keep your story straight on something that isn't there.

For sure make your argument on semantics
Trump is NEVER hyperbolic & his supporters tottaly dont understand exaggeration & love it when he does it for effect...
You are def. Winning hearts & minds with great threads like this ,OP
>your'e a real cutiepie

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Do you mind explaining what's erroneous about that statement OP?

Why do you type like you are on Twitter faggot

Germ theory is not a fact, and is still disputed. He is scientifically correct.

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Chinese bioweapon confirmed.

bahahaha! i was watching that press conference too, current events gold star.

>not sure what it is
So bio weapon confirmed?

>I'm not sure anybody even knows what it is
"Hidden Enemy"

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Slide, bait, and hate... Useless OP is a phaggit.

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He who shall not be named. Ill take it Mr President.

He's right. People don't even really know what viruses are.

Trump is signalling that this is one big hoax

8 people died from tide pods

still legal in 50 states

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Jesus. Why republican presidents are complete retards? Oh wait, inbred rednecks that vote for them are no better

I watche dthe speech and you are taking this out of context. He was talking to all the children in america letting them know they will be fine and that younger people have much better immune systems then adults and older people. Don't be a buffoon and play on words like the MSM.. OP is a faggot.

But seriously, we can't let him keep the nuclear codes.

>Words spoken on Earth
I thought jews were supposed to be funny.

Well its true, since the MSM comes out with new shocking UNPRECEDENTED SYMPTOMS OF DOOM every day. Who knows what the fuck it is. Seems more like a bioweapon every day.

>you can it many different names
I'll be sticking with Kung Flu then.

nice emoji fag

based ORANGE MAN???
plenty of mexicans and blacks and faggots voted for trump, you shitting on them too?

This. Saying it's a virus isn't really an answer. The disease is the relationship between the virus and humans, not the virus itself. And just because we have seen this virus through a microscope it doesn't mean we 100% understand the disease.

Also, I'm not sure the quote is even real. It's accurate though.

>If you hate trump you must be chinese
why don't you go back to your r/donald containment subreddit

>it's not a virus
>it's nanotech

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I suddenly feel an urge to chug fish bowl cleaner. Is this one of those dog whistles I've been hearing about?

Not when you consider it does not exist

Good thing you need a medical license to understand what a virus is, not like it’s something that can be explained to a person of average intelligence.

>not understanding the meaning of semantics
>not understanding the meaning of hyperbole

Yeah, this guy is a Trump supporter.

Do you have a license for that information

Trump supporters can eat whatever they want, IDGAF.

TBF, Trump supporters don’t know what a virus is.

If you'd get a brain morano, you'd understand he's saying it's bullshit. Maybe if you could get over your hate for everything you could actually process reality


Go dilate gook.

>plenty of mexicans and blacks and faggots voted for trump, you shitting on them too?
coconuts and uncle toms? pussy ass motherfucking race traitors who betray their own for a pat on the head from whitey? yeah im shitting on them.

I'm not sure you understand either.

I’ve said it for a week or two now. This is not a virus

Look up the work of Mr Antoine Béchamp

>I have been wrong for over a week.
Well, that’s nice user.

Why do you assume that he was referring to Coronavirus? He was actually talking about Pelosi.

trump always sounds like he's rambling when taken out of context

It's actually the government performing eugenics on undesirables under the guise of a virus. They tested it in China first.

Go OD on opioids, rural retard.


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>>One post by this ID
Sage in all fields

>>>One post by this ID

Bernie bros are really seething tonight.

Hes talking about the (((pedos ))))

>Not sure anybody knows what it is
So he's saying it's alien. Ayylmaos confirmed.

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Consider this:

Whatever "Covid-19" or the "Corona Virus™" is, the idea of so much as even contracting it scared the TRUE powers-to-be behind the scenes so badly that for the first time in the history of the human species, every country and our entire culture has been shut down. Imagine a virus so utterly horrifying to the highest-ranks of every single world government, that they shut the entire human-condition down over something that has a 90% survival rate. Whoever (((they))) are, and were talking about the highest echelons of (((they))), found even the mere possibility of exposure to this virus, so wildly undesirable, they shut down human culture. THINK ABOUT THAT. Its almost as if no one on the planet has the full story here isnt it?
>maybe its a virus that once you get it, you can never get rid of it, and you are alternately sick & not-so-sick forever?
>What if it's some kind of bio-engineered virus that has no post contraction iummunity, and you can simply be re-infected time and time and time again, forever?
>What if once you are colonized by the virus, it never truly leaves your body and you forever have this in trace amounts in you forever a carrier and vector to others indefinitely?
>what if it was designed to infect you once, weaken you, then infect you again, and now your immune system is in a weakened state, and the 2nd or 3rd time you get it you finally die?
"Corona is like AIDS" they say

I mean there are some really, reaaaally dastardly and horrifying possibilities a virus that
>hurr only kills like 2% of people durrrrr
could unleash upon our species, that would prompt the kind of WORLD reaction we have seen our 'leaders and elites™' take in response to this.

What i've come to find is that everyone and espcially Americans, Had this
>"it'll only happen to other people and never to us mentality"
untill it started happening to us

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> its a virus, which IS a germ, which causes symptoms similar to "The Flu", but kills you with bacterial pneumonia (a second germ)...
he is right faggot.
most people have no idea what The Wu Flu is.
also, he is The President Of The United States, not every american's personal Primary Care Physician.
he doesnt have to know the difference between a virus, a bacteria, a prion, a plasmoid, a parasite, an amoeba, or a bad case of Taco Bell Braps
he has actual doctors for that, and smarmy twatter posting (((Lawyers))) "who specialize in government ethics" should know this.
i grow to hate kikes more every day.

>we literally dont know what it is
>trump says this
>waaa trump dumb it virus!
ok cure it then niggers

Seems like an odd comment from someone who considers himself a medical natural

>Chinga chong chang ching chong
nice argument rice kike

>I attack everything trump says

Fuck you, bat-soup-nigger. Enjoy your rice rabies you soulless bug eyed chink.