Can I be trans and a white nationalist?

Can I be trans and a white nationalist?

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Why the NK flag?

Did she use a filter to make her skin from yellow to more white? Literally built for BWC tho

yes post boipussy

no but you can be hung from a lamppost

built for bbc

As long as you're not being a faggot about it

Are you confused about your gender, confused about your beliefs or just confused?


North Koreans are the cleanest race. They value racial purity.

Yes, shoot up a synagogue and then kill yourself.

i have the opportunity to fuck a cute asian tranny after the quarantine.. should i do it?

>Can I be a normal person while acting like a mental degenerate?

Sim, eu te protejo

When will jannies start cleaning up these obvious discord spam threads? We know you organize there.

fuckn schnoz king lmao
hope he gets railed by bbc

No because you’d be hanged


Sure. You'd still be a degenerate, but they are not mutually exclusive

not gonna lie, I'd go gay for that sissyboi

if incels can be WN, I don't see why trannies can't be. In fact trannies are our best last defense and weapon against wamen.

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No, but you can train your blowjob skills by sucking the barrel of a shotgun and becoming a succesful part of the 41%

Yes but you'll have a significantly shorter lifespan.

I've seen this thread at least 5 times

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i see a lot of confusion in this photo

>1 and done op post

Think before replying to bait threads anons

Because he is an edgy contrarian and doesn't belong in any serious far right movement.

Huehuehueland really has the best girls (guys) around

Just about all 13 year olds are this cute.

That thing is cute. Is it a boy pretending to be a girl, or the other way around. Need to know if I'm gay or not

No, women should hold no political stance and should be seen, not heard.

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why would u even want to combine those two things?

Well, no, but you can just go a head and kill yourself!

I fuck him, im not even gay

this is correct and true

nonpolitical gf > redpilled gf

im just confused as to where the hell they got a trans strasserist flag

no it's clearly a quantum impossibility

I didn't think there were any true limits to mental illness.
You can be a black nationalist lesbian that thinks she is a reborn dragon.
There are no limits.
You just be you.

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You can buy custom flags online

it used some skin smoothing tool...

And it isn't built for anything but my chamber of secrets :)

Whats the traps name, does anyone know?

its a man

No, now go dilate before your axe wound heals

I mean you could
It’s not healthy but entirely possible

You have to be white to be a WN.

Comete 40%, paneleiro degenerado

Kill yourself, faggot

You can be mentally ill but you can never be a different gender.

>care about the future of your race
>*chops dick,*

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Not really. Trannies bring shame to everything with which they are associated. They bring shame onto themselves, their family, and their race. You're not much of a nationalist if you're a disgrace to your nation.

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This. Bet pic related is underage too.

A part of Nationalism is a healthy family unit and a part of that is healthy gender definitions. So no. Also, your identity is a sexual fetish, so no.

Degeneracy must be removed. Not for fear, but out of disgust.

if you're european you're christian. then no.

Didn't this trap twink get gangbanged and bykkake'd by AtomeWaffen members or someshit ?


Its a young tranny..nice little tight boipussy...large cock and balls for such a small sissy boy too.
Sorry to break the news user but yeah youre a fagburger confirmed.

>Are you White?
>Are you genuinely commited to the cause?
>Can you not act like a degenerate and at least act with dignity?

If you can answer yes to all 3 then go for it. We'll need prime boipussi to round out the coal burners and roasties that are gonna die anyway.

Yes..there is actually videos of said trap getting railed.
Also trap confessed sexcamming in discord with some other atom members...literally became their trap sex slave...lmao

What the fuck is this shit

Did this fag kill himself yet? Jesus christ, what a cringe depot.


Sure, and you can be made fun of endlessly

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>white nationalist
>black sun
user I don’t know what you are but I’d fuck you & make you hot chocolate


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Yeah according to the tranny themselves, with zero evidence. Atomwaffen are cunts but still this shit is clearly bullshit and you're an idiot if you believe it.

Fuck off and go dilate you faggot

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sauce on video?