Weird White Pill on Race Mixing

It occured to me the other day that no other culture in the history of the world was ever more open to race mixing then the current western one is.
No people has ever allowed their daughters to breed outside their race in such large numbers as the white race does today.
And No race has ever been this degenerate, this cucked and allowed it all go on for so long.
And when i thought of that something struck me.
"Racists" really are the only ones having white babies anymore.
We are currently undergoing the biggest mass genetic culling of the any race in human history, and any person who is even VAGUELY open to mixing races is likely to do so under the regeims that currently promote it so heavily.
The result will be that only people high in group racial preferance reproduce, leading to children who are consistently more and more racially aware every generation
Liberal Cucks are all fucking niggers and Breeding themselves out.
Right wing whites are the only ones having white children.

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and monkey appears built for bbc

Lol’d. Niggers really are the missing link

Yamnaya killed all the men and raped all the women in Europe though.

Chimpanzees are notorious for freaking out and ripping the faces and genitals off people. That said, this stupid bitch Katy Perry is hot as hell and I'd gladly pump her vagina full of my sperm for months on end before I got tired of her.

Same thing with abortions and vasectomies. It's basically eugenics.

But yes, as long as racially aware whites keep fucking and impregnating our women, and raising them properly, we’ll be ok. Being blackpilled is gay

The only problem is that political ideology is not heritable, retard. Children very often rebel against their parents' beliefs.

>1 post by this ID
>What is the Roman Empire?
Zoom zoom!

Quite the other way arround.

Our brains are programmed to seek out the best genes. So if we meet people from other cultures, they have multiple benefits:
- probably good genes, because managed to travel far and survive
- new genes for the gene pool avoid inbreeding
- different phenotype (build, skin, eyes and so on) hint on a complety different immunse system, thus craeting offspring with a high survivability rate

That how it is, that's how it was and that's how it's supposed to be.

Get mad redneck and fuck your "aryan" retarded niece.

Also check 'em.

logistic growth is always attainable when population is below carrying capacity, all that is needed is a sudden culling (war) of the current population to make way for said growth.
it should be noted that carrying capacity is, for humans, a psychological factor and non-europeans have much higher tolerances for dense populations; therefore they will always have an edge on europeans in cohabitation (living together).

Thank you for your input, retard.
You have shown us all your lack of critical thinking skills and it is appreciated.
I'm not going to correct you because you are too stupid to see beyond a child's understanding of the issue.

Yeah but niggers smell like coconut butter and spoilt milk.

Just stating biological facts, bro.

Oh wait, you are a creationist, aren't you?

Dude, to each their own.

But it's not only about coal burners, it's also about guys getting the yellow fever and what not.

I'm not here to judge, just telling you how it is.


>- probably good genes, because managed to travel far and survive

ah yes being ferried to italy and pampered requires such great strength

Yeah but chinks have those slanted soulless orbs. Their foods hot as fuck too.

China and India are both mongrelized nations.
Before they became that way they were great places of culture and power. As they became mongrelized they began to see themselves deteriorate into the subhumans that they are today.
It's sad to say that Italy, Greece, Spain, France, and Egypt have suffered the same fates. All of South America and Mexico are further examples of the result of mongrelization. Race mixing does not improve your offspring. It curses your progeny. It damns your nations.
We have too many examples of the pitfalls of racemixing but you retards choose to ignore it. We're witnessing the fall of the USA for the same reasons. Mongrels will destroy the world if they are not stopped. There are no examples of a mongrel nation ever becoming great.

>Our brains are programmed to seek out the best genes
true. that's why racemixing is still unpopular and has negligible numbers despite endless stream of propaganda everywhere in the western media. other than white men breeding women of all races and colors racemixing is virtually nonexistent issue in real life and primarily exists only in porn and the heads of cuckolding enthusiasts

>The only problem is that political ideology is not heritable, retard.

Your "facts" have no basis in reality. No proof of concept. It's theoretical nonsense disproven by history.

>I have read Marx, and he doesn't fetishize unneeded violence like you suggest.
It is on a long enough time line my dude.
Why do you think virtually every culture in the world banned homosexuality, sexually suppressed women and had inherently xenophobic laws and customs?
It is because only because those civilizations which embraced these traits survived causing evolutionary selection for thos who believed thusly.
Its the same reason virtually all human babies show in group racial preferance before their first birthday
Physiological traits are just as heritable as phisical traits
And you can se examples of this in everything from propensity to alcoholism to IQ.
>Our brains are programmed to seek out the best genes.
Our brains are designed to seek out OUR OWN Genes. So that they can better reproduce themsevles regardless of their quality.
If this were not the case primates would never have diverged into so many different sects.
Instead morphing into one blob of whatever they considered to be "the best genes" as you suggest.
Despite the lack of and contradiction to scientific data.

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>a complety different immunse system, thus craeting offspring with a high survivability rate
I know you’re a cuckposting memeflag but this is the opposite of how it actually works

Nigger detected

Interracial couples elicit a neural disgust response among observers – as indicated by increased insula activation.

Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems

Racemixing leads to outbreeding depression & pairings of non-complementary traits.

A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”

A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.

Often race-deniers and cultural Marxists will bring up Haldane’s rule, arguing that since races can mix and create fertile offspring, the genetic distance is not too great. Haldane’s rule is “when in the offspring of two different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterogametic [XY] sex.”

Indeed, although Black-White mixes are not sterile and males are not absent, males (the heterogametic sex) are more rare than females.

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>It occured to me the other day that no other culture in the history of the world was ever more open to race mixing then the current western one is.
brazil, the middle east, central asia, north africa, s/e asia are all centuries ahead of the west.
specifically white people and nignogs we can look to brazil to see the future and youre right, typically the few genuine whites left will only mix with their own

I remember my mom telling me that when I was 8 years old, so you're gonna have to come up with something a little bit more substantive.

Show flag.


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How fucking new are you? People say this in every fucking thread.

Just look at the states, the two big white demographics that are growing are the Mormons and amish. So long as a subset of a race is growing, it doesn't matter what happens the race has a whole as that subset with endure.

Then why do so many white men have yellow fever? Why do so many black men chase white women? Why do so many white and black men chase latina pussy?

>Just stating biological facts, bro.
No you arent.
There has never been a serious scientific study that shows primates to seek out "the best possible genes" in their mates.
Chimps will hardly even breed outside their tribe unless as a result of conquest.
If you have some data to the contrary please provide it.
> it's also about guys getting the yellow fever and what not.
And these guys who have a propensity to get the "yellow fever" are going to breed outside their race
Once again selecting the white race for those who ARENT attracted to those outside their race.
You dont really get how evolutionary psychology works do you user?

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>sexually suppressed women
That's not really true.
Just off the top of my head the celtics didn't and the Japanese didn't.

Again dude,
all of this is being BREAD out of the white race.
90% of people (and no that isnt a stat i pulled out of my ass feel free to check it if you have the balls) mate within their own race.
We are currently just culling everyone willing to do that from our own leading to a race with even HIGHER rates of ingroup racial preference.

>- probably good genes, because managed to travel far and survive
if they were sweeping their way across europe on horseback decimating everything before them like the mongols did in eastern europe and taking women by conquest, you could argue theres an element of those fighting genes being left behind that are adding something to the mix, we saw it in northern europe as the bravest and toughest form the north came south in winter and pillaged the english and german coasts for centuries changing the genetic makeup of both areas.
thats not what is happening in the west at all, these coons are treated like children and protected by state forces from genuine competition.
that protection is actually a massive problem for the west in of itself even with no invaders, its the same elements that have created a race of white people unrecognisable from their ancestors, its the same conditions that spawned the fucking boomers.

Literally the opposite of how it works, no wonder you use a memeflag.

Good genes because you got on an airplane??

People racemix because they look for immune systems??

I swear to God you better be larping otherwise you're a full blown retard

I'm banging a Chinese girl right now.

Both primative societies that were conqured and subjugated at one point or another by civilizations that did.
Its frankly a miracle they werent genocided
(And the Celts arguably were)

>biology is not science
>the immune system is evil, because it doesn't fit my masterrace plans

Oh user, sorry to burst your bubble.

"race" is a social construct. Our whole history is based on the thought of spreading our genes as far as we can.

>oldest tale of european civilisation
>basically a big battle only to fuck a chick from a foreign country

>roman empire
>dudes fucking around in different countries
>roman females citisens having literal male sex slaves

I could go on for hours..

No you couldn't you retarded monkey.
You have failed to defend your positions. Just claiming bullshit that's already been disproven by actual facts.

Most black men desperately want white women. Lots of white and black men chase latina pussy. It's way more than 10% that chase after them. It's women who are the gatekeepers. Men will fuck anything.

Half of all Chinese women want white men.
More than half of all black men want white women.
Half of all white and black men would fuck a young Salma Hayek if given the chance.

Explain Latin America my friend. They race mixed so much that the only pure people there are Indian tribes deep in the jungle

>Oh user, sorry to burst your bubble.
> arguments.jpeg
Why is it that whenver you make a point to a leftist they never actually respond to it?
They just try to avoid it and then act as if they are still "right" even though you just demonstrated they are wrong.
>"race" is a social construct.
"Race" is about as much a social construct a chair, a house or the sun is.
"Race" is a word, and all words are language which is a social construct we use to explain the realities of the material world
But the fact that the language is a social construct does not make the realities any less real.
People would have the genes the same genes they do regardless of whether or not we had a word to describe people with the same genetic make up.
Race exists regarldess of whether or not people believe in it
It is a biological construct
Not a social one.
>Our whole history is based on the thought of spreading our genes as far as we can.
Both are cases of meds being simps dude
How does this have anything to do with being white??
(jokes aside)
Literally has nothing to do with History
If you think the Trojian war was actually just over the chick you dont understand how war justifications work (rememberthemain.jpeg)
Rome collapseds as a direct result of multble ethniticies in the empire
hardly a case for a multi-racial inbreeding.
>I could go on for hours..
And i would be happy to hear you
But only if you're going to respond to the points as they are posted
I'll reiterate from above.
"There has never been a serious scientific study that shows primates to seek out "the best possible genes" in their mates.
Chimps will hardly even breed outside their tribe unless as a result of conquest.
If you have some data to the contrary please provide it."

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I have lived all over the UK and I doubt I have met more than 10 race mixed people.

my last point in the post above is a point thats often overlooked in these genetics threads, that being that we've had WAY too many fucking generations of dysgenic white breeding on top of the shit we see in brazil.
theres only a handful of futures for us and none of them include a mass white revival, the genetic stock is fucking gone.
transhumanism is unironically the only viable and positive future, gene editing and crispr will create a technocratic 200+ IQ species that blows every fucking race out of the water.

when it comes the only question we have ahead of us now is will it be a kike trans-humanist breakaway society ruling over a sea of kalergi mutts or will the technology be open sourced, leading to some kino future race wars that the new race will 100% win.

Always a memeflag.

not true, newfag

political ideology is 85-90% heritable

>No people has ever allowed their daughters to breed outside their race in such large numbers as the white race does today.

The problem with this idea is that white people (specifically white women) are the least likely group of people in the west to breed outside their own race. Perhaps multiculturalism is a western ideal, but whites are the least likely to actually practice it within western nations.

>Liberal Cucks are all fucking niggers and Breeding themselves out.

You're right, except data really shows that even liberals don't practice what they preach in this regard either. Whites generally stick to their own race, regardless of ideology.

However you're right in that liberals don't have (as many) children and glorify having children later in life, making them genetic dead ends and leading to the slow breed out of liberalism in white populations.

I suspect this is why zoomers are noticeably more predisposed to conservative ideology than millennials were.

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actually evidence suggests it is about 50% heritable. as is religiosity.

All in one family in your neighborhood I guess.

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Oy vey!

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politics isn't genetic

Why are white women always marrying white guys? Are they racist?

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Marriage =/= children.
At least not any more, especially not given the high rate of single motherhood nowadays.

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that's what it is.
I could never put my finger on it

Alexander the great had at least two Persian wives. Wives, not concubines

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That girls one in 70 million.

What is the secret of the white man?

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>"Racists" really are the only ones having white babies anymore.
Anti-racism is a jewish weapon. Ethnocentrism and racism are built into our nature; the alleles of those who support their own genetic family are more likely to survive than the alleles of those who do not. Anti-racism is maladaptive.

Agreed completely, except it’s a chimp. Had to ruin it, huh?

white women still fuck BBC

>hateful racist bullshit

Holy shit, how many trillions of girls exist in Europe??

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You're en literally every thread with this shit, and it's not true.

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>Why are white women always marrying white guys?

Well women tend to be more selective then men do and whiteness is the most desirable characteristic on the dating market being selected for.

Whiteness happens to be even more important than height when it comes to dating and that effect is even stronger in white women.

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Why would you think I care about Europe? I'm English.


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Love, hate and racism are all caused the same hormone--oxytocin.

Why are white marriages so miserable?

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WTF why are white women so selective? That sounds like racism to me.

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