NYU Tisch Students Demand Tuition Back, Dean Responds With Dance Video

Based and Covfefe-pilled


>Students at the New York University Tisch School of the Arts want some of their tuition money back because they say virtual classes aren't what they paid for — but instead of addressing the situation, the school's dean sent them a video of herself dancing to REM's "Losing My Religion."

>Following several communications between students and the school administration, Dean Allyson Green earlier this week attached her dance video to an email to students in which she explained that she doesn't have the authority to refund tuition and that it's "challenging" for the school to give students their money back right now.

>The video is now making the rounds on social media after NYU Tisch senior Michael Price, 21, shared it on Twitter.

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is she insane, or is she based?

or perhaps both?


Holy based


stupid fucking boomer fucking over stupid fucking faggots


Seems to check out, pretty artistic.

losing my tuition

boomer women in power are the worst

they do stupid shit like this and think it's normal

this is why society is tanking

we gave power to this

>Go into massive debt to get a worthless art degree
>No refunds

They deserve it.

Americans lol first you pay tuition for education with a loan I’m sure then you pay taxes and take out a loan to yourself to send the school bailout money lmao you are so cucked all that socialism and nothing to show for it LOL

They technically got what they paid for.

That kind of shit gets people hurt.

>no refunds

I love how bad boomers are at the internet. If she hadn't said anything and kept letting HR feed them stock answers it would've died, but now She's probably either going to need to give everyone a full refund or she's going to get strung up from a lamppost by angry students.



>I'm supposed to sympathize with leftist anti-white agitators who pay $60k/yr for an art school degree and get dabbed on by a boomer

No. Fuck them I'm glad they got ripped off. Stuff like this is good for us, the more colleges and (((academics))) are exposed for the bloodsuckers they are the better we will all be.

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Is she a Jew?

Boomer hate acceleration curve skyrockets. Boomer hate infection now at 40,000,000.

Fuckin based. Wish I could fuck this woman.

She's a woman.


hah, fucking brilliant

>New York University Tisch School of the Arts
lmao you know it's 80% niggers

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Will they realize that art school as a whole is a ripoff though?

College students destroyed forever.

Seems like a fair trade.

>boomer women in power are the worst

Yep. Women are the most destructive force in the universe. Blame the Jews for empowering/liberating them in the suffrage and feminist movement.

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what, zoomers don't like when they get meme reactions as a response just like they love doing?

lady is absolutely based at 5D levels

>Losing my tuition
anyone that goes to Tisch deserves it

This is the most 'no refunds' meme I've ever seen.

There is a powerful message here: 'Don't get fleeced out of cash by people who will certify what you want to hear by appealing to your emotions'.

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You're way off. It's an art school that is $60k per year.

It's full of leftist commie whites, jews, and some mulatto mutts who all hate white people.

Just imagine having to kiss these people's asses because they are gatekeeping your career. It will be 1000x worse when Jews take over.

I can't imagine what's going on in her head. How the fuck can you think that this is an appropriate thing?

this is the correct answer.

>WHEN jews take over

Why are there so many clueless idiots in this thread right now

Epitome of based

based and me in the corner-pilled

poor mr breitbart is racist. boo fuckin hoo

College is for retards. I know that because I have had to deal with a lot of doctors the last few years. Every one of them has been practically braindead they are so retarded.

Marie Antoinette lost her head for less

Yea art schools are terrible. They're always full of complete weirdos who huff their own farts. The girls are even sluttier than normal though

"If you have no idea what to do, do the simplest thing that could possibly work"

As you said, she should have just kept her idiot mouth shut.

>Twitter username is "Breitbart is racist filth"
>Gets scammed by a dancing Jew

Bernie's wife tanked a private college even without the chinese virus.

These people were ripped off the moment they signed up to art school. What classes they did or didn't get to attend is completely besides the point

>out of touch boomer lady answering a question with interpreted dance
so how is this different from any other day at art school?

Going to uni to study anything other than STEM or Medicine is a waste of time and money.

Liberals Arts fags getting what they deserve and they may realise that their "education" is just a scam to make boomers richer and students dumb and poor.

Just more proof women don't deserve work and have no empathy


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This right here

Online classes are still classes, though.

There's literal no difference.



>go to Art school named (((((((((((Tisch))))))))))))
>expect to not get screwed

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this was specifically directed toward majors in theater and dancing, which don't translate to online very well

Going to an arts school in 2020 is like going to study medicine at a medieval university.

You're better off as an autodidact before you're taught the wrong skills entirely.

Useless art students BTFO. Tuition at NYU Tisch is $50,000 per semester. Imagine paying 50k to draw into a coloring book at home during lockdown.

>No refunds

Seriously, I can't imagine what they expected. The money has already been spent and no one is going to spend the endowment. In a lot of ways this is a good lesson in how the world works so maybe some will stop being idealistic and naive faggots.
I wish I knew more about interpretive dance because I'm sure there is a message there.

No Refunds!
>School of Arts

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This. Is. Based.

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You are spared the day of the rake


Fitting that the phrase "losing my religion" means getting so mad you want to fuck someone up.

Insanely based?

I can see why everyone was so mad. Here's the video she should have sent.

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> Covfefe-pilled


...but this lady is just dabbing on retarded art students who were forced by their parents to go to university and they couldn't do anything requiring real intellect (STEM) so they went into this garbage. Art students deserve to be defrauded.

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NYU along with Harvard are notoriously for being 'Jewish' institutions. The former being overrated and overpriced for "muh NYU name".


You realize John Lennon was an art student, right? You just gotta know what to do with it

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That's a lot of cars for a bachelors degree....

Hmmm I have to keep going to doctors too. You'd think they were intelligent but they're just retards who love money.


Wait so Jewish people are a supermajority of famous feminists AND famous LGBT?

Women. Never once. Stop letting women be educators .