Amerilards will defend this

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His fault for being poor

he want to the equivlent of a referral office, there medical equipment amounts to a desk and a someone who might have a medical degree
they told him rightly to go to a hospital where he was treated.
stop fucking posting this you retard.

Every child in the United States is on their parent or guardian's insurance until age 26. There is no such thing as an "uninsured teen".

Legally not possible in the US. How are people so fucking retarded to gobble this up?

Medicaid or his parents coverage.

Illegals are the biggest drain on healthcare in the US simply because
we treat first then demand money after.

What if the parents don't have insurance?

Fake news

That’s illegal in the US

You get treated and they give u a bill you never pay

My state provides insurance for children without it until the age of 19. Can’t speak for other states but I imagine they have similar programs. Then there’s Medicaid for those with low incomes.


>denied treatment

You don’t know how it works


fake news. life saving treatment can't be denied regardless of ability to pay per federal law.

This, hospitals use 3rd part billing companies and you get your bill weeks after your hospital stay.

don't need health insurance for a hospital dumb nigger

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There's free clinics. Also, about 95% of all doctors will still treat you, out of fear of being sued. They will then bill you for far less than what they bill insurance (a 50-90% discount). If you can't pay, they will still treat you, bill you, and leave it up to you to file for bankruptcy (which is very easy to do).

Shut the fuck up redneck trash. No empathy for the common man, four your own kin. America is on a path of failure, already a decadent country accelerating towards Brazil. Fuck you bitch

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>is on their parent or guardian's insurance
Oh, so they are on some adult's insurance plan. Now what happens if said adult doesn't have insurance? I'll wait for your cope answer like hur durr, don't breed if you can't get insurance


Obvious propaganda is obvious. Dont you have a Somali dick to be sucking OP?

I'm not going to defend a damn bit of this,
ALL insurance in the U.S is a fucking scam.

See the replies to

100% fake bullshit
its ILLEGAL to deny healthcare in the USA
they bill you afterwards

Yep get your shit together, this is the land of opportunity. If you can hack it , get out or get dead.

Call it whatever you want, but “uninsured children die in Amerikkka” is a meme

protip: You're poor too

Hrs also not included in the death count for corna since he died from some other unrelated condition.

In other words, either it's socialism, get bankrupted, or dude don't pay the billl lmao, which will probably end up being sent to some claim agency which will come seize your car or house.

>OP is a phoneposter
>highly cropped headline only pic with no link to source
Reminder for everyone to tell OP to kill itself


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In the US, healthcare is usually provided by your employer. Failing that, there are some public safety nets. Believe it or not, most people in this country have insurance of one form or another.


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more like 20 different bills for one visit because each person you see works for a different company
>ambulance 1000 dollar taxi ride
>each doctor bills separately
>x-rays are a separate company
>other tests are billed separately
>every bill can be padded, 32 bucks for one asprin
>room charge
>other room charges can be separated by who provides it and billed separately
>treatment per day
>any tests, treatments, using any "specialists" or whatever can be a separate company
>pharmacy billing separate
>food separate
and they can refuse treatment and will always reserve the right to reject anyone they want regardless of what you think they "have" to do.
they are in a business, making a profit and can close the doors and are not really obligated to provide any particular treatment.
stop lying about it.

Absolute state

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It is illegal to deny healthcare to ANYONE if it is life threatening or appears to be. Illegal immigrant, rich, poor, nigger, jew, mexican, everyone will be treated.

Learn the laws swedcuck.

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This is literally against the law. Nice """journalism""".

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fake and gay

Switch to geico

>and they can refuse treatment
>Souce: dude trust me

...unless the parents don’t have insurance

>It is illegal to deny healthcare to ANYONE if it is life threatening or appears to be.

Covid-19 presents as a cough and a fever. There is nothing life threatening about a fever or a cough.

>be amerimutt
>lose job and therefore benefits due to Coronachan
>either die or live with extraordinary debt
>j-just don't pay it bro (nigger tier behaviour)
Press L to lmao at Amerimutts

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It wouldn't even be a lie.

There is no known treatment yet.
So you don't have to hospitalize anyone until; they require a ventilator by which time it's often too late.


>everyone's parents have insurance

I can tell you don't know any poor people if you think every adult is responsible enough to have a job

fake news by the Mayor. Notice how there are no names and how oddly informed the Mayor is of some random teen and what occurred a mere 2 days ago

Medicaid covers it
Medicaid covers it
Medicaid covers it
Medicaid covers it

Ok Chang, tell me why your people literally walk past people who have fallen over ill?
So much that you'll allow people who have fallen in the street to get run down, after laying on the ground for hours?

this is why ill never vote for republicans. the implications of this post are so many and yet they're lost on everyone.

I'm really glad you're spending your free time giving medical care pro-bono. It makes me proud to know I live with such Charitable people!
What's the name of your hospital, I'd like to send them a donation?

Im no chink, im a white man. And here we actually take care of the sick, dont let them die on the streets. Imagine living in USA where you need to pay thousands of dollars for a surgery and ambulance lmao. AND you still pay more for that shitty health service per capita as tax payers than we do here

The implication is that you need to get your retarded feelings about wealth out of the way, and work to be wealthy.

Dare I say.....based memeflag?

Under 26 can be on parents insurance. Blames the president for a minors death. Shitty propaganda.

looks like somebody's mutthurt

Ugent cares aren't real healthcare facilities. They are just barely over the line to be able to charge your health insurance for money but not enough to actually have to practice the standards of US medical facilities.

He was going to die anyway. He had a heart attack on a way to another hospital.

No way could they have saved him at this time when Corona hit his heart.

Julio Jose Ramirez, an undocumented citizen, was denied treatment when no one spoke his language and he flipped off the providers

He went to urgent care you dumb nigger. They couldn't have saved him even if he did have insurance.

What race was the teen?

>And here we actually take care of the sick, dont let them die on the streets
Yeah, keep importing Sand Niggers, that's about to change.
>and you pay more
Because we get more specialized care. We're still doing all the bullshit for the average joe that everyone else does (and more, considering what most nations actually do), but we're also inventing all the techniques, and we pay to invent the drugs and test them. You're a second class medical provider because you literally just take what we do and do it much later.
So keep paying 80% of your earnings so you stay locked in your class. You deserve to be a member of your community, and now so do those sand-niggers.

It's literally every third video from China. Someone has a medical problem as an old person, falls down, and everyone walks by for literally hours. Finally some truck with bad vision squashes said elder like a beef patty, splattering eyeballs and brains all over the sidewalks.

Health care isn't a human right.

This was explained on every other post about it. He went to the mcdonalds of healthcare offices. It's a place to remove splinters, not be treated for covid. Fucking morons.

cali so not not


He was gone as soon as Corona got to his heart. No one could save him.

so much cope, lol

It's scary because I literally don't have insurance.

You know a shit ton of large medical companies are European? AstraZeneca, Bayer and so on? And also if i dont give a shit what country produced medicines and patents, the humanity is the important part. I dont want to live in a society that is so socially disconnected and fucked up.
>sand niggers
Less then 50% of USA is proper white. What now?

>Because we get more specialized care
You pay more per capita in healthcare expenditure than countries with socialised medicine regardless. Ita possible to have both universal and private healthcare, you're getting raped twice and defending it. Good goy.

And what does that have to do with Sweden? You're coping, its pathetic. The amerimutt always instinctively defends the status quo until he can't, at which point he deflects.

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Lol teen nigger got dead again.

>we're also inventing all the techniques, and we pay to invent the drugs and test them.
Amerimutt has no idea that the vast majority of drug development is just creating patent-dodging analogues. Regardless, thank you for all the birth control, antidepressants, and HRT drugs, mutt. You've done the world a real service.

Boomer & Zoomer Remover.
God bless this wonderful virus.

PS:"American healthcare" is starting to be a joke akin to "Mexican intellectuals"

Especially since it's absolutely false. It is a federal crime in America for a hospital to refuse ANY treatment regardless of ability to pay. Keep trying Sweden, this is shit bait faggot.

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Low income families qualify for Medicaid and it usually covers way more than insurance through an employer.

I bet that "teen" had diabetes which required weekly visit to the hospital and also couldn't live an hour without an inhaler. But hey, let's assign COVID as a cause of death!

Don't be stupid dude. An emergency room has to treat you for anything that is an emergency even if you can't pay. It's a federal law. Please stop being a retard.

This is a LIE they have to treat you. I got my tests for free and a chest xray. Freeeee

>public safety net
You mean Medicaid for dirt poor making under 14k (usually 0), right? Because if you make more than that (the "working poor"), then you get to pay $1,000/month for Obamacare exchange plan, since employers in the lower wage range have hourly jobs where they keep hours under 30. Nobody can afford Obamacare in that bracket, and that's why you have millions of uninsured. The system is designed explicitly to fuck over the working poor so they die.

If he couldnt afford healthcare he probably didnt have any income, a job, and neither did his parents. They are abundant, they are too much, they are not needed. There is no place for them at our table.

Finally, someone in this thread isn't a goddamn fucking retard. Thanks for making me not the only one.

fucking stupid shit skin brown turd. no humans were harmed. dont worry. go back to treating the entire muslim population of the world you cucked faggot.

That's bullshit. You don't get denied life saving care for any reason. Doctors work pro bono as needed.

this is not how it works here pimp

too bad not every state offers medicaid to adults without dependents including texas with over 27 million people.
if you get covid-19 in one of those states, and you are poor and uninsured, you're actually going to die.