Could Trump Turn the US Fascist if he Wanted to?

>Major Economic and Health Crisis
>No serious opposition from the Left with Bernie agreeing to cuck to Biden
>People getting Fed up with Politician like Pelosi blocking the aid packages they need to feed their families
>Reasonable justification to cancel election over Virus fears
What do you think Yas Forums?
If he had the balls, Could he pull off a Fascistic Coup??

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Too much work. I doubt Trump would do it. Trump Jr however......

if he really wanted to. yes, And if you asked me in 2016. maybe I'd say yes.but not now. He's a pussy

We're already fascist, you dump pleb.

can but won't. He's too busy making israel great again


America has always been fascist.

Obama was setting up a coup.
Almost pulled it off.

Trump seems to be returning things to the status quo.

>could trump do X
No, because he's controlled entirely by (((them))), like all US presidents.

>if he wanted to
He doesn't want to because he's a good goy bitch, so the point is moot. Hypothetically if he did though, he would have a better chance at it than any recent president because he has a decently sized fanatical base who would march wherever he told them to. THIS is why the jew media has been attacking him for years, not because "he's their enemy" but rather because there is a 0.0001% chance that he COULD become their enemy so they want to build up a "counter-army" to oppose him just in case.

If Trump tweeted "My fellow Americans, we're taking this country back RIGHT NOW, patriots grab your arms and rally to me" and then elements of the MSM tweeted "omg he's literally taking over, fight back America your freedom is at stake" then I sincerely believe two militias would form and things could spiral from there.

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>>People getting Fed up with Politician like Pelosi blocking the aid packages they need to feed their families

Trump wanted a $500 Billion slush fund to lavish on his friends. She held it up for a day to have that removed. Good for her.

But the package is still heavily tilted towards big business. They will end up with an estimated $4 Trillion.

For comparison: Bernie Sanders health care plan would cost $82 billion, and they said we couldn't afford it.

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Sometimes i really do wish i could be a leftist for a day
The world in your head must be so comforting.
To believe that your own race really runs the show?
To believe that we are currently living under fascism?
To believe that there is no real possibility of the white race ever going extinct?
God it just sounds all so damn comfy.

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>Almost pulled it off.

Sometimes Yas Forums is so fucking stupid it actually depresses me.

Don't let redditors or ptg fags lie to you. Trump is a Zionist liberal.

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You yanks are so fucking delusional lol. Your paedophile of a president will not do anything. He will bring in the most legal immigration you've ever had given half the chance. Just admit he conned you all already.

Yeah but if you were a leftist you would see those things as a bad thing

I agree with this. Trump can set the ball in motion, but it’s a 10-year swing. Need a candidate that would carry on the process after 2024

Actually, we are a weird mirror-dimension inverse of fascism that still lands on a "similar" point on the political compass because of how oversimplified it is, this confuses normies into thinking we are fascist. Fascism used the state as a whip to reign in the corporations for the benefit of society as a whole. Modern Americanism uses the state as a whip to reign in the citizenry for the benefit of the corporations.

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People don't turn countries fascist, conditions do. Hitler would not have gotten anywhere if Weimar Germany wasn't a miserable, economically dysfunctional cesspit. But it was, the people were desperate, and so they turned to the party who promised to help them and actually meant it.

Trump is too early in the scene. Give it another 5 years or so. I can think of no better recipe for a rise in fascist/national socialist tendencies than a foreign plague causing a depression the likes of which hasn't been seen in generations.

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why does these trump fanarts always portray trump as being in good shape and skinny? he's fat

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my guess is that was the opposite of fan art. Some photoshop done by a buttmad tranny scared to live in "trump's america". Which would explain why he's skinny, because they just put trump's face on something that already existed

Which is why I would only want to be one for a day user.
And then be able to remember believing them latter in life.

Lol this

Corporate fascism?

>DJT is incompetent at political maneuvering
>there's far too many people to win over or replace
>there's far too few people with the drive and competence to replace current politicians
>fascism/nazism are both so hated that there won't be a cultural transition to it in America


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Per Benito Mussolini

>Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power
The only difference is which entity gets to hold the leash.

Fascism won’t happen but natsoc is plausible so long as it’s never called that until after policy is installed

Not really no, since fascism inherently puts the nation above all else and corporations do not, this term is somewhat of a contradiction. I think you're on the right track of understanding it, I just take issue with the specific terminology. Crony capitalism is a more suitable descriptor.

Ask Bernie how that's going.

>trump jr

> a zionist jew kiss ass becomes a nazi
Are you retarded?

Coporatism =/= Crony capitalism though, and "which entity gets to hold the leash" makes all of the difference, politics is not a 1-dimensional phenomenon wherein "size of government" is the only relevant aspect.

This guy gets it.

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It's going rather well actually. National socialism is not marxist socialism, which yes, will never get off the ground in the US.

Pic related is much closer to what hitler meant by socialism than what Bernie means by socialism. The state direction of corporate power for the common weal. All you have to do is make sure not to call it "socialism", and the american people love it.

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No, because he’s a shabbos goy.

well said

>Coporatism =/= Crony capitalism
No, they're more or less the same. Like I said, the difference is whether or not the state or corporate interests hold the reins.

>For comparison: Bernie Sanders health care plan would cost $82 billion
why would you tell such an obvious lie? even bernstein didn’t say it would be that low

Except that's an emergency act that runs contrary to the concept of free enterprise. It works in a time of emergency, but state control of corporations as a part of daily life will run into overwhelming popular and cultural resistance.

No they aren't, you are completely oversimplifying the issue because you are either a hyper-capitalist Lolberg or a Marxist who sees the entire world through a one dimensional lens. Whichever side "holds the reigns" fundamentally changes the relationship because each "party" in this equation is totally different.

Corporations using the state as a club against the people is essentially feudalism. The people using the state as a club against corporations is essentially freedom and justice, they are not the same thing just because "the club" exists.

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>force private business to shut down
>don't offer any aid
>expect those companies to stick around and just eat those loses
oh look another retard commie

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My boomer father thinks don jr or Kushner should be next president. Kushner absolutely rubs me the wrong way, cant place my finger on it exaclty. Globalist?

all capitalism is crony capitalism

Depends on how long the emergency lasts. People don't care for freedom as much as you like to think they do. Safety is a much more visceral concern. For now, the virus is the emergency. In the future, there's good odds that a depression will be the emergency. And desperate times call for desperate measures. And I'm sorry to tell you this, but the average american doesn't really care for "corporations" as such. Business, sure. But just as the corner bakery wasn't the target of state power in Germany, small businesses won't be the target of state power here.

No, I'm a national socialist. I don't see the world through the economic lens, I see it through the lens of force. And through that lens, the political, economic, social and military dimensions are inextricably linked. They are one in the same. You've misunderstood the point, sadly. It's not about the club, it is about the unification of force. The direction in which it is aimed is the difference.

And all socialism is crony socialism

Well, you are 100% right in that the average American has never given even the faintest notion of a shit beyond lip service when it comes to individual freedoms or liberties.
I just wholeheartedly expect to be executed by neo-Nazis for pointing that out.

>nat soc, lens of force
That's not how it works though. Nationalists do not hold two different "forces" as equal regardless of their origins. Corporatism (fascism) and Crony Captialism (modern americanism) are not the same thing, to say they are fundamentally the same because "both use force" is simply incorrect.
>The direction in which it is aimed is the difference.
That's exactly what I said mate, I think you're the one misunderstanding my point.

And how do these countries end up in such dysfunctional conditions that it drives it's people to fascism? (((They))) purposely do it. This let's their chosen "actor" like Hitler to take full control and do whatever he wants like going to war killing millions of whites. Also let's not forget about how Hitler convienientley didn't actually do the holohox and the Jews ended up with Israel.

It's all about getting the citizens of a country to give up their rights and freedoms. First they put the puppet in place and then create a situation that requires the government to take full control.
Trudeau is basically Hitler but instead of a national socialist he's an international socialist. He just tried to size control of the country literally on the same day that Hitler did when he enacted the Enabling Act March 23 1933 which was done in response to the Reichstag fire days before

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Kushner is a jew and should be shot for that fact alone

Utterly retarded magical thinking. So the jews, who already had total power in Germany and the rest of the world, decided to orchestrate a war to....gain power over Germany and the rest of the world? The war killed far less white people than the abysmal birthrates of postwar prosperity did. If this was truly their plan, then they are retarded and delayed white replacement by a few decades.

You anti-hitler posters are so obviously boomer schizos that never have an ounce of logical or factual backing, can you please go back to (((Alex Jones'))) comment section?

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>I just wholeheartedly expect to be executed by neo-Nazis for pointing that out.
Hey, if you can't beat us, join us. Think of it like this: classical liberalism lost the argument a long time ago. Communists and the left will take all your individual freedoms and liberties away. The only one we'll take are your freedom to be a kike bolshevik traitor to the American nation. Pretty easy choice, if you ask me.

Also, nice digits.

I didn't say the forces are equal. I said that they are fundamentally both the merger of state and corporate power used to different ends. Like the original user said, crony capitalism is like "mirror universe" fascism. Different ends, same means.

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Probably not. As soon as he hit resistance he'd take to twitter to post an all caps spaz out.

>the other user
that was me lol, check the IDs. I think we're basically in agreement and just clashing on the semantics here, sorry for calling you a marxist/lolberg ealier, I was clearly mistaken.

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oh, so it was. Yeah it was a misunderstanding from the beginning.

>Hey, if you can't beat us, join us.
Sorry, but no. I'm not a traitor.
If you win, be sure not to give me a chance to spit in your eye when you execute me for being an inconvenience to your rationalized destruction of the bill of rights.

Trump is a Zionist so no.

The Presidential election must be suspended.
It's too dangerous to expect citizens to gather to vote.
The Senate must change the constitution to extend the Presidency under emergency powers.
Trump can get congress to give him emergency domestic powers to enforce public safety.

>supports the bill of rights
>is against racial nationalism
Uh bro, the founding fathers didn't care about abstractions more than their own race, they never thought it would come to this because how could a people become so pathetic and stupid that they would destroy themselves? The founding fathers would surely shit on the bill of rights if it means saving their people, stop being loyal to abstractions and nonsense. The bill of rights is a tool, you're making it into an idol.

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lets see dumbass, was obama helping hillary's campaign funding her propaganda with state money, yes or no?
there you go.

Race isn't the problem.

No, he's not a great enough leader and the material conditions aren't condusive to a fascist takeover.


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Not if he is still working with kikes. BTW He's a kike


Then what is? Race is everything, it is the foundation for all that follows. You cannot have the Bill of Rights without the people that engendered it and you cannot have them without overt nationalism destroying this liberal degenerate shithole that we call "the USA". Joining us is the only CHANCE you have that any of your descendants might enjoy the benefits of the Bill of Rights, but your parents have sadly made that impossible for you.

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Race wasn't the concern between governmental systems.

Race is the concern of everything, you're just spitting out platitudes. Liberia has the same constitution as the United States, if all you care about is governmental systems then you should go move there, definitely cheaper cost of living.

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>I'm not a traitor.
Why would I execute you if you're not a traitor?

I think you misunderstood, my friend. I'm not a neo nazi. I am an American Nationalist. I just define the American nation the same way our founding fathers did, free white persons of good character.

>rationalized destruction of the bill of rights.
What bill of rights? The one that has been reinterpreted, misinterpreted, and relegislated countless times in the past 200 years? Which version of it? The constitution is a masterpiece, yes. But it is still ink on paper. Rights don't come from the pen. They come from the sword, and the willingness to use it.

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>nb4 the same
I meant virtually the same, not verbatim, just gonna nip that in the bud right now

I once heard a line from an anarchist chick (smoking hot by the way) "there are no politics but identity politics."

it's been tough to prove her wrong.

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>anarchist chick
Well, even the broken clocks are right twice a day. Identity obviously matters, anybody who says otherwise is either lying, naive, or retarded.

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Literally and unironically end your own life
>Muh trump jr
Why are newfags so gay?

>you're just spitting out platitudes
No user, I'm trying to politely explain that being white is a non-issue because I already expect that of Americans.
You're just too stupid to figure that out without blatant explanation.

>Why would I execute you if you're not a traitor?
You can't win me over to your system of governance because it's a solution akin to shooting flies with a combat shotgun and incompatible with established American ideals of personal liberty.

Based & Redpilled

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do you believe the Holocaust happened?