Reminder that if you haven't read this book yet, you are bluepilled on Israel
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What is this website exactly?
If you haven't read this book yet, you shouldn't even post.
Fuck off, this thread is about real things not imaginary fairy tales.
Kikes arent Israel.
Leave OUR board
dude it's only a weir fringe of american protestantism
Zionists appeared to have no power in the 1930s. The Rothschilds were originally against Zionism (but always for Bolshevism).
> The Rothschilds were originally against Zionism (but always for Bolshevism).
I'm not sure that's true. Rothschilds were instrumental in getting Zionism going. They had huge implications in the Balfour declaration and are seen signing off on many Zionist Congress documents.
Adolf Schicklgruber Rothschild
Was listening to an old Power of Prophecy episode with Michael Collins Piper and that's what he said. Makes sense, because the Rothschilds entire business model is having memberbanks spread out throughout tne world. If yoi move all the kikes in one place, that includes them.
>Adolf Hitler's dad was a Rothschild!
Oh dang, I totally believe this now.
He begins speaking about Rothschilds here
This is a subversive meme that shills spread through here. It's one of the worst and easily disprovable.
>Michael Collins Piper
Try to stick to better sources. There's an issue of fake quotes that float around the left and the right. It just makes us look weak. Anything he sas should be extrapolated for its source, not because he said something.
There's a lot better documentation of the Rothschilds you can find that'll work in mainstream discussion.
I was being sarcastic about the Hitler thing. I don't believe it. Michael Collins Piper is a pretty respected name in the JQ-sphere as far as I know. Him and Alex Jones were butting heads, MCP accused him of being a shill. He also butted heads with Christopher Bollyn though, and I don't understand that one. I'll stop being lazy and get to his book The New Babylon soon.
I started reading this one
None of those people are good sources. If you honestly expect to have a debate with someone and use Alex Jones as a source, we are gonna look fucking retarded.
Start getting actually studies and documents. There are plenty right wing historians on bitchute. Conspiracy stuff sounds compelling, but it falls on deaf ears when you realize 90% of it is speculation.
The Nazis were just Yiddish theater by the ruling families to see how many goyim they could trick into killing each other. Hitler could say anything about the Jews because he was he was set up to lose; a controlled demolition if you will.
Bollyn and Piper are great sources for the JQ. Even Jones had some redpilled things to say about kikes circa 2006. Idk what youre smoking.
Oy and vey
>bluepilled on Israel
Imagine needing a reason to hate the Jews. If you don't condemn the Jews to death just for being different than you, you're bluepilled. You don't need a reason to condemn and execute people who are different than you. This is human instinct, this is human nature
There is no innocence in any Jew, because the crime they have all committed is being different. If you are different, this is punishable by death. The Jews know that this is natural law, written by nature, and it is for this reason they push people towards unnatural shit like diversity and integration. If you hypnotize people, then they won't kill you just for being different.
"Needing a reason to justify violence, antagonization, persecution, murder, and mass killings." Is the exact reason why you dickless faggots find yourself endlessly assraped by the kikes. You constantly cut your own fucking balls of with this logic. You don't need a "reason" to kill anyone, the only reason you need is that they are different. If they are an actual threat, this is now a 200% valid murder. You always say "We need evidence, proof, democratic consensus, in order to punish people, which we then must do in line with prescribed civil rights and human rights."
This sort of "logic" is 100% baseless, fictitious, and laughable nonsense created by the kikes and other hellspawn just to create hurdles in-between themselves and any reasonable, decent people. The kikes put these impassable hurdles between yourself and actually doing the right thing, and you fucks just say "well, there are too many obstacles in the way to bring the kikes to justice."
>The obstacles preventing the extermination of Jews and others are purely imaginary. The Jews hypnotize you into believing fiction and fantasy, literal unicorns and leprechauns, are preventing you from putting the kikes in their place, which is back in their native land of hell.
>"A Leprechaun will kill me if I hurt those kikes, so I won't do it."
>The Nazis were just Yiddish theater by the ruling families to see how many goyim they could trick into killing each other. Hitler could say anything about the Jews because he was he was set up to lose; a controlled demolition if you will.
This is 100% fact. Only goy puppets disagree. Look at the results of WW2, nothing but endless winning for the Jews. A free country. Illegal to persecute. Above the law. 100% control of global markets and usury.
>Kike shills leave when facts arrive...
They are not sources. Historical documents are sources.
They may say redpilled things. They may lead you to these documents. But they are not sources. If you really believe in this movement you need to fact check and know your shit. It's not enough to say that you heard a line of reasoning that makes sense.
>pic related is the JQ
All sourced. All verifiable.
When you bring this kind of evidence it makes people shit their pants and want to believe you.
Think for a moment about why this is true. Why else would the kikes let you fucks worship Hilter on this board if it wasn't 100% playing into the delight of the kikes?
>"people aren't sources"
>"Bollyn and Piper arent good sources"
Ok man, whatever you say. I think I've done more for the recent spike in redpilled American than you, but it's fine.
Extremely stupid.
Seems like the author titled his book in a fair and balanced way. No bias there
What is Irgun and what did they do? No Googling allowed. If you cant answer, gtfo
Phew buddy. Take a nap
This:is a secondary source, but a very good one and very likely to be accepted by mainstream academics. I haven't read it, but no academic is going to publish something without sources.
"The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy is a book by John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, published in late August 2007."
>"people aren't sources"
Just because an academic said something, doesn't mean it's true. That's authority fallacy. People are not sources. An eyewitness account to the twin towers is a primary source of the twin towers however.
>I think I've done more for the recent spike in redpilled American than you, but it's fine.
I'm sorry are you Bollyn or Piper?
I never said conspiracy people didn't bring some people in by questioning the narrative, but they're usually unfounded and once someone can poke a whole in them and you have no evidence, well you look pretty stupid.
But overall if you have people quoting them as official sources and not actual documents you are building a house of cards. You are slowly ruining this movement when it is very easy for you to have the primary sources to use the same argument.
Uh no clue and not interested if it is coming from a damn Nazi
>Seems like the author titled his book in a fair and balanced way. No bias there
What exactly is biased about facts Moshe?
>Uh no clue and not interested if it is coming from a damn Nazi
Fuck off kike.
You're clearly a complete dweeb. Reminder that we're arguing about whether or not the Rothschilds were originally FOR or AGAINST Zionism. Why don't your provide proof for your side? Seems like the only thing you have to offer is critique. Critique...critique...a culture of critique...where have I heard that before...
Yes I'm critiquing your dumbass sources. That's how academics work and we hold ourselves to the same standards. If I provide data, and all you have is "Alex Jones" you're a fucking moron and make us look bad.
>culture of critique
Wow a good book. With sources from an accredited professor. That's perfectly acceptable, even though it's criticized, I've actually seen these criticisms and can refute them because I didn't just mindlessly accept it. I can use this for the betterment of our movement.
If you had read the fucking book you would know "critique" is in the sense of dismantling all our institutions, not telling someone what a dumb source Alex Jones is.
Using Alex Jones is not a source. I mean are you serious? This is how you make the right look stupid. You are worse than a leftist. You need to use actual credible sources, not made up quotes or conspiracies that have no evidence.
>Reminder that we're arguing about whether or not the Rothschilds were originally FOR or AGAINST Zionism
I've already pointed you towards the balfour declaration and i thought we agreed they were for it.
Misinformation will kill this movement. The proper information will save it.
Stop spreading misinformation and do your homework. You are saying the idea of doing proper research is wrong. You are either a dumbass or a shill hoping to spread misinformation.
Phew kike, if only you faggots had the balls to start another holocaust. Sadly you fucking parasites killed your host body, now you're going extinct with the whites. Quadruple niggers will own you degenerates in hell, just because you fucked up so hard on earth.
You’re nuts.
>"you used Alex Jones as a source!"
Strawman. No i didnt. I'll say it again: youre a faggot. Probably a kike.
To put the nail in the coffin: The original notion for Zionism was the creation of Israel for the purpose of the migration of all kikes FROM "gentile nations" TO the State of Israel. The Rothschilds rejected this. Why? Because they would be abandoning their globalist banking system if they moved from London, Vienna, etc to Israel.
The synthesis was having BOTH a State of Israel AND diaspora.
>Weir fringe
stop shilling your book faggot
its legit. def a link from which is the best place to get free books of all kinds. youd be surprised what is there!
Piper and Bollyn are equally retarded. My argument is to use real documents, not hearsay. Why can't you use real sources that vindicate our arguments just the same? Why do you have to turn to people that have been known to make up shit and make us look stupid?
PROVE. IT. You can't just use a line of reasoning and say "Well it makes sense so it must be true." Your reasoning may very well be correct. But you are just speculating and it means nothing.
How can you not see the difference?
A nail in the coffin would be Rothschild direct quote or something from the Zionist Congress.
How would establishing a country end banking interests when Israel exists today and so do Jewish banks?
>"Michael Collins Piper is retarded"
>"Christopher Bollyn is retarded"
You should go ahead and kys before the storm comes, kike.
What's it about?
Pussy ass books. Read this one. The book that inspired Hitler.
>stop shilling your book faggot
How mad are you right now rabbi?
Yeah I checked it out already... pretty good site.
>Pussy ass books. Read this one.
Does it describe all the shit the Jews did from the 1930s onward? Of course not since it was published in the 1920s and is outdated.
>Does it describe all the shit the Jews did from the 1930s onward? Of course not since it was published in the 1920s and is outdated.
You're merely reading books about symptoms. Ford's book describes the dna of the virus itself.
How would establishing a country end banking interests when Israel exists today and so do Jewish banks?
You're reasoning is retarded because you only have speculation and no evidence.
>inb4 you call me stupid again without refuting anything
They ARE fucking retarded. No one accepts them as a source and are pointless to use.
Just. Use. Primary. Sources. and good secondary sources.
They are a tertiary source. Ok? Not good.
Where do you think Bollyn and Piper got their evidence from? Just use that dumbass! Stop using Bollyn and Piper as the source.
>You're merely reading books about symptoms. Ford's book describes the dna of the virus itself.
There are better and more recent books than that.
Also, some people only get convinced after learning about the symptoms. You can't know that there is a problem until you discover the symptoms.
Well you are right there. For normies its best they start with stuff that incriminates zionism, rather than nature of jewry itself.
I will continue to point people to Bollyn and Piper and Michael Hoffman II and Carrington Hitchcock and every other source that makes you yids kvetch out.
Answer the question:
>How would establishing a country end banking interests when Israel exists today and so do Jewish banks?
You will continue to make the right look retarded and nothing more than conspiratards.
There are people on the right who use actual data, actual documents, and actual sources to make their points. This is iron walled.
Then there's people like you who grasp at straws and the first time you get called out for a fake quote you will run with your tail between you legs like an idiot.
Here's a real motherfucker on the JQ
>A Celebration of the Jewish People
All your dumb conspiracies mean jackshit compared to real data.
I really fucking hate people like you. You are the first people the left points at to make us look dumb.
Yeah, the problem with starting normies off with books like Henri Ford's or the Controversy of Zion is that if they don't already see Jews in a negative light based on verifiable events (symptoms) then they are likely to ignore the material as "conspiracy" or "antisemitic" propaganda.
You need to start them off in stages.
I already answered that, cunt. The synthesis was to eliminate the Either Or aspect and have both. The origin of this entire conversation is the suggestion that HITLER was collaborating with Zionists and inplying he intended for Zionism AND globalism (ZOGs all over the world). My argument is that the original concept of Zionism was to EXILE ALL KIKES from their respective nations and that this was eventually eroded into BOTH a Zionist state and the diaspora.
Siege was written in the 80's but that doesnt stop siegetards from labeling it gospel.
Ok well Israels here and they didn't all go to Israel
Yeah Hitler was a Zionist. Not debatable at all. He wanted to send the Jews out. Do you have any idea how fucking expensive it was to move the Jews? Have you not read a history book before?
How does Zionism = globalism?
Dude you sound like you are parroting talking points and buzzwords. I mean seriously how embarrassing. This is mainstream information. Hitler was not secretly using the Jews for world domination. He wanted to send them out of Europe. Haavara agreement?
Zionism was to build a state in Israel. There was no exemption that Jews would just leave forever and give up their businesses. If this is your only argument it is so weak.
It sounds like you are good are birthing walls of text but incapable of any sort of reading comprehension. That is cancer.
Stop touching yourself at the thought of getting to put in your 2 cents and reread what I just said, dipshit.
I know in your pea brain mind that Hitler just gassed all the Jews duh? And if he didn't he must be a Zionist Jew working against us!
But in the real world, Hitler tried to send Jews away peacefully with their belongings until the war broke out. Since many Jews harbored communist sympathies in Europe, he put them in camps to avoid partisan conflict.
Your argument is:
1. Not backed by historical evidence, at all
2. Is REFUTED by historical evidence
3. Is logically unsound period.
This is the problem you have. You don't have a single shred of evidence to support your claim, but boy will you pride yourself as a proud redpilled National Socialist. You're bluepilled as fuck high on your own grandiosity.
From a real National Socialist, we don't want your kind here. If asking for evidence and research is your proof I'm a shill then you're a fucking moron.