friend’s sister just died from COVID
Friend’s sister just died from COVID
Did you grab tits before they removed the body?
Better be quick before she gets cold
Was she hot?
prove it faggot
Pictures of the dead body with time stamp
pics or it didn't happen
Covid-19 just flew over my house!!
that's shitty, but on the bright side, now she can't get pregnant
No. And stop larping.
Based and Corona Pilled.
Not a LARP. Just got the text ten mins or so ago. Albany GA, if you dyor you’ll see it’s a hotspot. They fucking turned her back several times until she was sick as fuck and refused to test her until she was put in a medically induced coma.
its all good though i mean we can't live forever right? seize the day and all that ...
also lets get the details on any pre-existing conditions
You retards know that it can happen to anyone and prexisting conditions don't matter much
hahaha oh no that sucks op haha noooooo!
My Dad works for Nintendo and he said Princess Peach had Covid 19 and recovered!
trust me i know, i am staying the fuck away from people and taking zero chances
Wtf this is based!
Just like people can die from the flu
She'll come back to life, this is a nothing burger.
Mom has it. Pushing 60, and she has asthma. Can barely stand up
Well Mario is Italian sooo
Yeah right. Shills begone, there are doubts that Coronavirus even exists.
Good luck, fren
Sucks. Seems like people with lung issues get fucking destroyed by it. Hope your mom makes it fren
There are also doubts that whites are superior to blacks. Doesn't make it any less true.
Was the L-strain released in Albany?
It doesn't exist. It's all crisis actors.
yo what up no shit for real
so i was sitting at home in my lounge and then up and walks in and WHO DIES OF CORONA ON MY OWN FUCKING CARPET but ELVIS FUCKING PRESLEY HIMSELF? he joked he was all shook up and then had a fit and died wtf????
Woman for 40 minutes is still a woman.
post tits of gtfo
Ask me how I can tell you're a sub-70 IQ boomer
they didnt want to test her? wow thats MAGA
>I instantly believe everything I read on the internet.
no she didn't
I thought this too until today. People you know are unironically going to die. Makes me feel very comfy knowing lots of nothingburger denialist faggots are about to get btfo in a matter of weeks
Oh the “they’re not testing people because Drumpf” narrative
>matter of weeks
>You retards know that it can happen to anyone who isn't white
If true, then good. One less female is a good thing. Hopefully 10,000,000 more for a good start.
Chilly tales you've regaled us with, brother.
Show us the body
What race was she?
100% not white if not a larp.
was she built for BBC?
Don't kid yourself, 90% of the people on this board don't go outside anyway.
Only if you smoke or are a old ass boomer.
Nope, anyone can get it, and anyone can die.
Alot of amerilards with no health insurance are fucked, holy based
>friend’s sister
is that what you're calling your sex doll these days Coomer?
Yeah I know, it's fucking great.
99% of the people that have no health insurance are spics and nigs btw
yeah this is bullshit. it might be a lower percentage but you can still die especially if you are an overconfident retard.
>99% of the people that have no health insurance are spics and nigs btw
And also the 3 million white people who lost their jobs last week.
Why am I seeing this so often?
checked, pic gave me a hearty kek
I hope she is in the hospital. Good luck.
My sex doll just died too man
much love... may all our greatest sympathies go out to the Jews
Jews literally fuck headless children... this is not shocking to them at all
> People over 30 can't have friends