Chew on a clove (the spice).
just pull it out, if the pain gets too bad.
You have any pliers?
Seek eugenol from pharmacy.
Or clove oil, same shit.
it's not coming out
does it really help
i don't wanna take those evryday
I'll tell you what MIGHT help. Stop eating carbs, that includes bread, sugar whatever. Only eat vegetables/chicken and wait a week. IT SHOULD die down a bit. Never touch carbs until you get to a dentist. Any type of sugar will hurt your teeth but carbs get converted t sugar so
Get really drunk dig and pull
Maybe describe what the issue is.
or just pain?
brush your teeth with soap
buy a eugenol oil and swab the tooth
Op if the pain is exteme find morphine or heroin from a dealer. Just dont get a fucking addiction. Otc drugs wont do shit
Yes, it really does numb your mouth. It'll also freshen your breath.
this....no fucking soda or acidic shit tubby
Call an oral maxillofacial surgeon. They have both a degree in dentistry and a medical degree for surgery. They are actually alot better to go to than plain old dentists if the practice is set up for normal care.
Toothaches can mean infection and danger so call right away
Literal waste of money. Its too late for him to take pills if he has actual pain.
Dont buy any pills over the counter they wont do shit at this point.
Bel je huisarts maandag, of de spoedpost als het echt erg wordt, zij kunnen je ook helpen en adviseren.
Remember I said extreme. Like dry socket level pain.
i have a solution for you, quit all carbs and sugars and your tooth ache will disappear in 2 days
root i think it's decaying inside
>mfw I will be you soon
Rinse/brush every 2 hours with 3%H2O2
Go to Emergency room. Theyll give you prescription for antibiotic which is all dentist will do too. Pain will cease in 24 hrs. Cant pull it until infection is gone anyway.
Toothache pain is among the worst. Some Dentists work by emergency appt's. I've had a couple of really bad ones. Gargling vanilla extract sometimes numbs the pain. Godspeed bro. I know that shit hurts.
Yeah user, and in the Netherlands it's even covered by your insurance!
weed, cocaine, booze, meth, opioids, go nuts buddy
Don't do this. Pulling a tooth yourself is hard and dangerous, unless it's loose.
Trust me, whatever is wrong hurts less than a tooth broken by pliars.
pull it out, faggot
Jesus Christ op. You do not want to endure the pain that comes from that. Pull it or find morphine. Or go to the ER. Please do it soon.
Wait why is this on pol
Based and Peroxide-pilled
Just pull your tooth out with some plyers or tie a string around it and slam a door
That’s what I did. Better make sure the gums ain’t infected before you pull or it can move to your nasal cavity and basically rot your brain. That’s how I almost died.
So is mine minus $3 co-pay. And Nobody but my employer and I pay for it. Im not burdening everyone else so its worth the $3.
you need a root canal rob a liquor store and cross mexican border on foot.
I was on the field when this shit started, it was like waking up to the apocalypse. Also had a tootache because of too much sugar in ratpacks, good thing its army so they just chucked me in a car and got it fixed straight away.
that'll hurt you niggers and the tooth is still stable it's not loose
Daily reminder that rotten teeth killed people in the before times.
Emergency procedures only. Tell them u pissed your pants in pain if you need a root canal.
i used those on my bad tooth and it shattered
bad idea
Smash a bottle of whisky and rip it out with some pliars you fucking pussy.
Don't cry. Just rip the tooth out u will feel better
There is evidence of dentistry thousands of years ago.
try 80% rum. Don't swallow just use it to kill bacteria
doesn't work, they put o2 into the tanks
Oh I forgot to mention veggies have a bit of carbs in them but it's nowhere NEAR as bad as the carb type you get in bags of chips and other garbage. For example my tooth hurt from eating organic blue corn chips and once I dropped them and only ate veggies with chicken it stopped. Eggs are fine too. Just quickly brush your teeth after. The concentrated carbs will make it hurt within seconds though. You can see a worse effect with candy as it hurts on contact. NO SODA.
>boo hoo, im a faggot from a first world country and i have bit of tooth pain
Eqypts manged to do brain surgeries back then when the pyramids were built
look up the emergency dentist. they aren't doing cleanings right now. there is lots of dentistry going on
Here's how you do it:
Good luck.
Cocaine was used for exactly this reason. Get some blow op and enjoy the nummers.
That can help the infection but will be extremely painful sometimes. Watering it down 50% helps, if you leave it in your mouth long enough and it can get to an open nerve the pain will about knock you over
Ibuprofin 800mg every 4hrs, and orajel or the eugenol/clove oil are the only things that will help other than antibiotics or getting it fixed. The eugenol is absolutely disgusting but its the same thing a lot of dentists will use to treat dry socket, theyll soak packing in there and shove it in
Im right there with you, its miserable
Yeah but not everyone had access to it.
Imagine having an abscess during the apocalypse
>brush your teeth with soap
Oil push pull repeatedly. You will do this more than a few times; until throbing stop. Oil push pull Google
I get tooth pain constantly (especially after eating candy) at times but then it goes away, are my teeth normal/fine or do I already have possible damage already over the years? They feel fine but idk
Sounds like an abscess. If you let it go too long, the infection will spread. It's nasty shit. Rinse with 1 part bleach and 1 part hydrogen peroxide three times a day until you can see a doctor. Also, start any antibiotics you have.
Just brush and floss your teeth twice a day you dirty fuck, it will go away in time.
Cut out the non-fiber carbohydrates.
you know what you have to do OP
Dental hygienist here
600mg Ibuprofen and one 500mg Tylenol, taken together
Works better than Vicodin but only for tooth aches.
You must take both ibuprofen and Tylenol. Not just more or less of one of them.
Best you can do is wait and manage the pain.
BUT! I should add, many younger dentists are hurting for money and calling their after hours phones and saying it’s an emergency (really just a toothache is fine, just exaggerate) WILL allow them to come into the office and treat you.
Emergencies allow exceptions to stay at home orders.
Study after study shows that tylenol does sweet fuck all. Codeine will do the trick.
Imagine needing a dentist. you faggots wont survive 1 day in an apocalypse
That means you have cavities which will eventually lead to infections if untreated.
> many younger dentists are hurting for money
Why are doctors broke?
Ever see Castaway?
If you consider "surgery" to mean "cut open skull, remove brain, oh no hims dead, try again"
>he didn’t prep for coronachan
Nigger food and water is always secondary to personal health preps. You had 3 months to get your preps right, now pull that tooth yourself.
Oragel dabbed onto a piece of sugar free gum. Press the piece right into the cavity or painful area. It will kill the pain.
ok, ask one of your nigger buddies to punch you with a brick.
that'll do it.
Get some needle nose pliars and yank it out.
americans can't get it over the counter anymore
>it’s not coming out
You’re not doing it right. You have to use a gun. Point the barrel at your temple and pull the trigger, that’ll get the tooth out
You could try:
>Gargle using a warm water + salt mixture once every 4-6 hours
>Do a "coconut oil rinse" - this involves buying coconut oil, you'll find it in small tubs (not bottles like olive oil), and swishing it around your mouth for 20-30 minutes. DO NOT spit it out into a sink as it clogs up drains. Spit it into a trash can
>Apply a wet, hot teabag to the affected area and keep it in place for as long as possible - I'm talking hours. Overnight is best but if you're scared of swallowing it, then 4+ hours is best
If the pain doesn't go away, just go to the emergency room.
Drill it out
I’m sorry hollandanon :(
Your gonna be I’m serous pain once it starts to ooze out puss between the gum and tooth
Good luck user
Hydrogen peroxide solution infused with a lot of salt. Use it as a mouthwash for 10-15 minutes.
Dilute the hydrogen peroxide in water first until you get a mixture you can handle in your mouth for the time needed. Hydrogen peroxide in high concentrations will burn your mouth and if you swallow it in any concentration you will burn your throat and end up in emergency.
Vodka, twizers, mirror, thank me later.
It leads people to near-death even now. People just don't understand how important oral health is.
They actually did surgeries (not claiming they were very successful).
Trick is that they used copper knoives. Bacteria hate copper which means there weren't deaths due to bacterial infections
>it's not coming out
Use needle nose pliars to try to rock it back and forth and break it away from the gum on all sides. Now use the pliars to twist the tooth around and around and then with one manly pull snap that fucking root like a champ. You'll bleed profusely, just use cold water.
t. someone who performed this exact operation on himself with no pain meds.
get shitfaced and YANK IT
Massive dental school debt
They are usually paid solely off commission.
Actually I don’t know a single dentist who isn't, unless they own their own business.
Damn bro I had a root canal last year cause of this. That pain is a different type of pain, on another level. I’m so sorry lel
Shit, coconut oil clogs drains? This explains a lot.
Can confirm. Had an abscess during lockdown and had to ram a steralized nail into it to alleviate pain.
Stop insulting me onlineeee
H2O2 does wonders
oh yeah, gargle with warm salt water regularly to avoid infection
>if you swallow it in any concentration you will burn your throat and end up in emergency.
Are you using fucking commercial grade H2O2? The 3%H2O2 you get at the pharmacy is totally safe to use as mouth wash. If you swallow some it wont do anything to your throat, but you WILL vomit. Giving a capfull to a dog that you want to make vomit is normal procedure.
Just imagine going through all this schooling only to be treated like common working class fodder. This can't last for long.
>he forgot to prep on antibotics
lmao you fucking retard