Hi anons
Can i get some insider info on Argentina? I dont want to live in NZ anymore. Our govvy is too heavy handed. I thought if I live in rural argentina i can escape from the world's troubles. How wrong am i and why?
Also general Argentina thread
Actually i haven't seen an Argentina flag in a long time on Yas Forums. Are you guys alive down there?
This country is going to shit bro, especially after this lockdown. Wait a couple of years.
I live there for 6 months in 2017. I was robbed 5 times. Got food poisoning several times. The people were pretty cool and it was cheap
why would you move from NZ. Seems like a great place
I want to come because it's collapses so i can invest heavily at its low point and maybe get a good deal on some properties
Lmao are you a big guy my dude? I wouldn't want to rob me.
Because your nation is a bit wild you probably see our stability as good but its very stifling and very hard to get a good life. Heaps of tax and high cost of living. Its a doomed nation.
You should move to Uruguay as opposed to Argentina.
My great great uncle left Texas for Uruguay when FDR implemented the New Deal.
Uruguay has a small population, and half of that population lives in the capital, so the rest of the country is scarcely populated.
It is whiter than Argentina, and much less known about.
Can't go wrong in my opinion
Oh interesting. I dont really care about hwhites because im a mongrel already. However Uruguay also seems cool. I heard their govvy is super left wing though.
Fuck off you meme thread aussie CUNT
I wish this user stuck around i wanna ask questions
Chile might be a better option in that region
Its got too many quakes and is very unstable. Nowhere to escape to if shit gets fucked up. Seems real interesting though. I want to explore the whole area
Ive been before. Huge taxes so no one pays them. Most of the economy is informal. Weed is legal. Things are pretty cheap. Compared to the rest of South America its expensive. Best steak ive ever had. overall. Meh.
Fucking leaf here, also want to get out of this frozen progressive shithole. Where in South America should I flee to?
>Lmao are you a big guy my dude? I wouldn't want to rob me.
Who gives a fuck what you want? I'd rob you and punch you square in the mouth and watch you whimper about it as I take your wallet at gun point, fag.
Ironic. I actually wanted to do the same think and move to a rural area in NZ.
Why do you want to leave?
I live in BS AS. Which is the center of this country, the most populated city. I don't know if I know anything worth your time but ask away.
If you want to live outside the capital, things a good and the left lost the presidency a couple of moths ago.
Argentina have great people,but the government is garbage.
New zealand is not a good place to live for anyone who isnt a multi millionaire. Things are expensive to buy. Mass surveilence. Its the most boring place on earth.
Is it possible to work riding a horse herding large amounts of cattle far away from civilization, a modern day cowboy... Is this possible in Argentina or Uruguay, which is best?
Yeah but horses are really expensive to maintain.
You'd need a really big terrain. Like 100 he to do anything worthwhile.
You'd probably have to buy something so far away it has no electricity or gas.
But it is possible.
Look into the Falklands, its got bad weather sheep and landmines.
I agree
What do you think about living in a rural area in south brazil? I need to fuck off here, and thinking about maybe going to ireland or new zealand. So we can exchange places. Also, lots of bundas here.
They elected a right wind president last year, I guess.
im not a tiny dude. It was always a few men, smaller than me, with weapons or the threat of weapons. After the first time, I started to keep a fake wallet on me with a few bucks. It's not worth getting into a fight or risk dealing with police. The extra decoy wallet/phone was the way to go if you are unaware of where you are going.
Ahh, the classic moving to Argentina meme.
How many fucking times do we have to tell you not to come here? Are you fucking blind? What makes you think that moving to a third world dumpster with a shitty overall infrastructure and millions of goblinos is a good idea? Don't fucking tell me you fell for the "Argentina is actually white bro!" meme. If you had the slightest amount of pride and decency then you would stay in your country.
thing is you are most likely gonna get robbed, im a buff dude and yet whenever i see a gun pointed at me i dont think twice and hand em my wallet(always carry 2;)), if you invest here you are gonna get ass raped by our taxes, evertything is heavily taxes, i earn 70.000pesos per month, i only get to see 40k of them after taxes, with that i gotta live
Third world shithole.
That sounds great
Come with me bra
Mentioned earlier in thread
Very true
Portuguese is harder than Spanish lol
Ah true well that's cool. You reckon youd go to jail for shooting them?Dont care about whites and the lawless nature is what i want. Im sick of this homo cage i wanna live in a place where the strong can thrive.
Theres ways around taxes and robbers. Im probably wealthy enough to not deal with that shit. I assume you can bribe cops and politicians?
Whats the political situation there? Is anyone based in the mix?
Also whats the gun laws like?
Btw im OP. Using phone internet.
I always assume pirate flags are indians lmao
>Dont care about whites
Enjoy your new politically opinionated gift from Bolivia.
You think id care about that and want to move to Argentina? As far as im concerned none of you are white. South America belongs to mutts. Muttgang rise up
Anywhere in south america you want to avoid the police. If you are tourist sometimes they will lean your way but it's just best to avoid. There's always risk of corruption. Honestly just not really worth dealing with either. And I never really felt like I was actually at risk of getting harmed. Just rough poorer teenagers/young men.
Another user mentioned Uruguay and I think I would second that. If you have the money to make that your "home base" and then do some traveling around that would be the way to go, especially with the pandemic stuff going on. The markets and food are better there as well. Although, there will probably be less stuff to do
>Can i get some insider info on Argentina? I dont want to live in NZ anymore. Our govvy is too heavy handed
this is the most ridiculous sentence i have ever heard as an argentinian.
NZ is literally a libertarian paradise compared to this populist shithole
gun laws suck, if u kill a mugger his family is gonna sue your ass and get you into jail, even if what you did was to save your own ass, cops are easy to brive but not when you kill someone, only on DUI stuff and speeding, theres even an income tax, a % of what you earn goes straight into government's hand, the secret to be happy in argentina is to be wealthy and live in a small chacra (lil farm)
for that fucking reason you shouldnt come here then....
>Fuck off we are full
We are also fucked. You will be better off in your own country to be honest.
It's really hard to move to a country where nobody knows you or even speaks your language. And if by rural life you mean raising vegetables and animals in a farm, it isn't something you can achieve in a couple of days
Argentina is incredibly left wing too.
And why is that?
That's a fucking terrible decision you'll regret for the rest of your life, this country is a literally hellhole.
If you think your government is shit, you wouldn't last 4 months living here.
We already have to deal with the Cubans and the Venezuelans, no more
This. Our president is a kike who unironically uses gender-neutral pronouns with a straight face.
You some MONEY, buy some Land in the PATAGONIA mountains, few people, you can sneak into Chile , wild very wild, and maybe your next neighbor living 50 miles away ,could tell you some WW2 histories in the EASTERN FRONT commanding SS paratroopers
>pic related
Venezuelan "refugees" and other niggers are flooding the country.
I'm an anglo norman, won't take any welfare, and will produce lots of white kids to help bleach your country. Also, I'm Catholic
is your government hiding coronavirus cases?
>Shit thats all you had to say negro
You are welcomed then. Wouldnt be too bad to have a american community of white people of good character.
Stop being a jew and sort your own country.
An old friend of mine lives in Argentina. He does remote work. Makes enough in a month to live for a year. He's in his 40s and is dating a 20 year old. He lives in a second tier city and loves it. The trick is to not have your money anywhere near Argentinian banks and to do remote work for foreign companies. Then you can easily be upper class and fuck all kinds of hotties on what would be a struggling lower middle class income in high cost areas of the bay area.
ask questions then
ask us anything
this is shitty and boring country, it's always the same retarded cycle of self destruction, we're not even relevant
Idk why you would want to live here
>How wrong am i and why?
absolutely on drugs
>I live there for 6 months in 2017. I was robbed 5 times. Got food poisoning several times. The people were pretty cool and it was cheap
people do target foreigners since they have foreign currency, about the poisoning, i guess thats sheer bad luck?
uruguay is unironically better, listen to this user
En serio, tenemos que parar a los bolitas venecos de algun modo. Son el peor cancer de nuestros paises.
Pero a nuestros gobiernos de cagada nos les importa tres mierdas las fronteras.
Argentina is national socialism in decay mixed with cuban socialism
Not only does the government not care about their borders but they dont care about having a functioning society.
the jewish blonde lady in the middle is the president of a NGO that brings those niggers to our country. It always (((them))) behind it.
>Argentina is national socialism
why is it that countries with the most "white" skinned latinos are the most safe and successful?
fuck off, we are full
has higher gdp and stronger economy than israel, 93 average iq while israel is 95 in comparison
you could choose worse locations for sure
>rural Argentina
So you’re willing to do unpaid nigger work and get cucked left and right by farmers
Look at the map of whites vs poverty rate in Brazil
lies and slander, our country is as bad as the other Latinos, fuck off if you want to live
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
come here, u will be super rich
come to san martin de los andes
or Bariloche! if u like 3 months of snow
why do you hate your own country?
this is bariloche
also bariloche
Im a foreigner living (permanently in argentina) and with 2000 USD a month u are like super ultra rich
It is over.
i think it has to be Yas Forums approved
also, almost no niggers AT ALL.
Sshush shush Argentina is a bad place for bad people, don't come. Argentina evil.
argentina is a commie shithole, every single penny you put inside that trash country will be taken from you
By then we will be at war. Guaranteed.
lies, the government enforces taxes on wealthy foreigners