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Other urls found in this thread:


Well can't you just cough on the army and they'll get COVID?

Fake news

What does this mean? War with china?

Forces have been practicing for bio-warfare response and have a huge number of gas masks. Maybe not for all reserves.

link you asshole are you're just reposting larps from that inb4 thread.

It means if a security threat happens during all of this it could get ugly and more manpower is needed to assist areas under infection.

Thats not real


I can use an office app to, op.

canada will be annexed by tomorrow

>mfw I got a 7-11 out of the Navy so I cant be drafted

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never mind

But i'm a super cute girl. I can infect them with my pussy, give them Covid, Clap, HIV and Gonorrhea all at once.



It keeps getting better

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kys barneyfag

Nigger you better hope they don't come door to door asking for paperwork.

Chinese infection agents and their Latin American sympathizer carriers BTFO and won't reach coasts. This indicates HS and DOD are aware of and have witnessed attempts to do that now that the land borders are sealed. We are now at war.

The very first and next step they need to take is a roundup and immediate expulsion of all Chinese-Americans, Chinese nationals and their families. No more political correctness; they've gone mad. This is life and death.

post covid-19 positive feet

When the national guard are lining up MSM against a wall and shooting them on live TV will I be interested

This is a lot of words. What does it mean?

>not looking up the link


Trump is calling up reservists in case if corona eviscerates the standing military's troops. We don't want to be left without active reserves. If we let our readiness levels get too low, then Chyna or Russia might get ideas.

>Dear Madam Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)
what did he mean by this

That the Secretary of Defense can mobilize federal troops which supersedes Posse Comitatus.

Meaning federal troops can operate domestically which could be the precursor to Martial Law.


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I don't speak fag. What does this mean in English?

Activating military reservists to help with corona virus.

The national guard is a fucking joke and made up of pussy as reservist. I'm in the Corps infantry and promise me when I tell you that the armed forces are a fucking disorganized shit show and that's with us being active duty and training regularly. The national guard reservist ass fucks are undoubtedly worse. You have nothing to worry about

What this means is inactive, enlisted members can be recalled into service.
Keyword -Can-
It's not a draft.

Jello, whipped cream on the side...
I'd like some ketchup with my fries...
And I won't...be sorry...
For breaking a fart.
Well I'm just...a big girl...
With a blocked up heart.

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tfw too old to be drafted
tfw too well armed not to be on a list

yea anyone with half a brain knows this. the disorganization makes this move amount to nothing but a waste of resources. thats why no one is flipping out as much i suppose

this could go either way
it could mean the swamp is getting drained
or it could mean Americans will get rogered
gun confiscations when?


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Your ass is getting drafted.

Nah joking they're activating the reserves

Q literally predicted this

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I’ll be fucking diamond hard if that happens

Pretty doubtful, if anything they'll be tasked to defending essential infrastructure, providing supply lines to hard hit areas, etc.

The blurred line is whether or not they'll be tasked in enforcing law.

>Nah joking they're activating the reserves
I don't know what that means im not a fag

Does anyone have a link to this article?

>Q cum in my bum
fuck off with that noncence

Get fucking killed

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The problem is that the American people aren't used to armed soldiers standing on street corners. This isn't the case across Europe, but we have a statute protecting the military from enforcing laws called Posse Comitatus.

Honestly if Martial Law is enacted here it'll be a lot more milquetoast than the spergs here think it'll be.

Please post time for live stream, need to get beer and popcorn

it's a dude larping as always, newfag

Texas National Guard troops could do door-to-door checkups around Dallas



Until the census needs to be enforced under quarantine and they come door to door.

Ok schizo

at least spell right bong


(RIP based anons)

> That the Secretary of Defense can mobilize federal troops which supersedes Posse Comitatus.
Explain this please. What allows the Secretary of Defense to supersede Posse Comitatus?

it's fake



Goddamn Discord tranny.


kys nobody cares fake flag retard

That's fair, but I'm not sure what they'd be doing that would be alarming. Either way, I see this as a slippery slope in terms of the military enforcing laws.

The fact that I mentioned they would be protecting 'essential infrastructure' could also mean they are guarding Walmart and Target. The semantics of 'essential' has been bastardized over the past few weeks.

Takey more med


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time to manifest some more destiny

>im not a fag
Uh, user. I have some bad news....

That's what I joined the National Guard for...to serve as a fucking border agent. Fuck this.

How so? All this proves is that you assholes fully believe this shit and accept the military parading around. Once again, Patriot Act 2.0. Thanks a lot, dickhead.

It's a miserable day to be a Shill,
A miserable day to be a Shill,
Would you believe I get paid to Shill? Could you believe?

It's a miserable day to be a Shill,
A Shill pay can't pay the rent,
Should I just die? Could I just die?

I've always wanted to have purpose.
I've always thought Shilling had a purpose.

So let's hate the Shills on this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you just die? Could you just die?
Won't you just die Shill?

Won't you please, won't you please,
Please won' t you just die Shill?

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>The blurred line is whether or not they'll be tasked in enforcing law.
not legal

Here here! All in favor say Aye!

We are in the endgame now.


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What does this mean for the Michigan Unorganized Militia?

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I really think it’s happening
I used to be a nothing ever happens guy but this shit is unreal at this point

My entire state got shut down over a couple hundred cases and 1 death, years of economic damage over a stupid ass flu that’s barely killing anyone

Maybe the new world order niggers are making their move

Anyone know what reserve units?

Fuck. Did trump just declare that I'm gay? I knew I should have voted for Hillary

no shit, newfag


Wait does this mean the draft?

It endows the DoD with emergency powers to operate on domestic soil. If they act in any law enforcement capacity it would by definition be violating Posse Comitatus. The question is whether they will work in a law enforcement capacity.

Yup, just like a president forcing Ford and GM to produce medical equipment. This is how emergency powers work, sorry to say.

It's pretty undeniable at this point.

You should have known the second they trotted out Hanks.


>I'm in the Corps infantry and promise me when I tell you that the armed forces are a fucking disorganized shit show and that's with us being active duty and training regularly. The national guard reservist ass fucks are undoubtedly worse. You have nothing to worry about
This makes me even more worried.

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Every servicemember is automatically placed in IRR for 8 years after discharge. They can be recalled to active duty

The beautiful thing is that we wont know we're going to war with Chyna until we've already hit them with shock and awe. Trump's entire military strategy is "don't tell your enemy you're attacking them". The first sign is going to be South Korea reporting a mushroom cloud on the horizon

It means looting nogs get shot by the army

Will we finally get our caesar? after all these years

Please god let it be true

>>Dear Madam Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)
>what did he mean by this

Trying to figure that out myself

If singles nothing is happening



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This as well

You played yourself

Also, checked

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>Calling up the military
Protip: Its not for corona.
Its for the impending war with China.

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President of the Senate and Speaker of the House.

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You deserve to die

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Not true, if you do a 4 year enlistment, you are IRR for 4 years after you EAS. If you serve 8 years, you are not put on IRR.

No, just the ability to recall veterans back to active duty. Both Bush and Obama exercised it during the sandnigger wars.

Oh fuck the hell YES.

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Why :(

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This. Either way this is a pretty steep escalation for a domestic operation.

San Francisco is going to be fun. Also make sure to prepare for power outages and the internet running at capacity and faltering.

Checked and keked. It's happening, boys. IT IS ON.

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Unironically could be guarding toilet paper isles

People have been saying on Yas Forums that WW3 already started in January.

That Corona-Chan was just to make the American Population practice stock-piling food, water, medical supplies, and weapons for when China invades America.

Holy fuck what if WW3 has been happening in the BG and this big tiddy corona-chan is just a distraction ?!!!

Three branches will become one

if i get quads, its a nothingburger

i know the paper is real but its just an authorization, no ones been called up yet

Yeah, or enforcing entry in terms of social distancing standards. I'm sure there are going to be emergency acts that prohibit a certain amount of people inside at a time.

Why was it typed on a typewriter?

>internet running at capacity and faltering.
That's what they've been dick teasing the last few days. It's their excuse for when the take the internet down.

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Tits or GTFO

No, sadly it's for us.
What are you willing to do when you have no money to buy food?

For being a piece of shit, plain and simple

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Keep low, defend mitten and Yoop from any and all invaders.

Because it's fake

I didn't know Lee was a filthy leaf, it explains so much. You poor boy.

Today i had to wait in line outside of market because they had a 66 customer limit

China can't invade the US. They don't have a blue water navy nor do they have the logistical infrastructure for doing so. China invading the US is a pipe dream.

LMAO reserves don't even have combat arms units
This is to provide easy access to medical resources
t. veteran