Prove that you are white

Prove that you are white

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Cool thread

good mix

im part italian

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up 37D forward down 4 color blue 17 jump tomorrow clap 19 fried eggs midnight 3 green

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What new jewish app is this?

first they let you pay THEM to test your DNA and store it for eternity. Now they're farming full frontal photographs. You fucking normies never learn. Get the fuck out


100 years ago you weren’t considered white


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Based user giving his biometrics to big corpos. I too wish I was able to suck this much corporate cock in one sitting!

Oh Grandient - my favorite 100% accurate ancestry detecting app :O

Also MFW got raped by vikings

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Ooh yikes! We got a mutt over here... Sorry about that 867 ivar the boneless raping great great great grandma.

built for bbc

>Murican education
Why are all your beliefs jewish memes

Hey hey, I recognize that result.

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Not you, apparently.


Its true lads. I was close to white supremacy.

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anglos are swarthy

>30% American
>4% Russian
lol ok

Give me a min on your face.

Onse vader in die hemel, mag U koningkryk kom, mag U wil geskiet...

jesus christ user

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Coons of the western world pal. Still fucked majorty of the world though.

>half Irish
>half Northern English and Scottish

DNA test came back 80% english. Random crap like middle eastern, Siberian, asian, 12% native American

But at least I'm not a nigger.

>being a north west euro and doing one of these
What's even the point? I'm blonde and blue eyed and live in a historically agriculturally poor part of Ireland so I know already I'm just gunna be 100% Irish.


Oi, 4% viking rape as well.

its ok im part anglo too and swarthy

Do one or you are nig until proven other wise.

swarthy bois 4 lyfe

>this post sponsored by your local fbi branch
Give it a rest Nigel. You do realise that the next generation of anonymous won’t be found on here or 8kun or wherever you’ve caught up with them. They’ll blindside you. Again.

leave this place

>American is an ethnicity
This will never NOT be stupid.

I got 100% Israeli. Oy vey. Shut it down.

Beat my genes you pack of untermenschen

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rare flag

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You have frog in you. fuck off lad.

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Unless you are Southern English master race, some fellow Bong in this thread already has

I don't like the thought of some lab having my DNA desu. Who did you do it with, 23andMe?

oh god that's funny


Also see ref: Frog

im lactose tolerant
saging for your gay guerilla ad campaign getting polfags to buy your shitty software

Why do I need to? To give my information out and lose my amount of anonymity? No thanks. Not an attention whore who needs people to see my white skin

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Nah, it says French and German as one group which is probably the Saxon component.

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ancestry bro. Fuck them what are they going to do with it? they already have my info due to being british nanny state

posting in FBI data-harvesting thread

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That is some trash right there.

im med with brown eyes and can drink milk

What the

whats the point of doing dna test if youre from europe lmao, what a waste of money

sorry mate i dont speak frog


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Currently you're considered a mutt

did that program just misgender that lovely ladygutan?

Irish are obviously white retard

Bliss 1.7 is a vsti which can also host and sample other vst instruments.

Welcome to the ethno state.

That viking rape though lad, your lot had it worse then mine.

Would breed with

This is actually true. I have the pay scale for the new orleans docks from around 1890. "Whites" got a dollar, germans 75c, africans 50c and irish 25c

Pure Austrian

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>still using softsynths
>no rugged analog hardware
>no live sets in the future irradiated wasteland
shiggy diggy

Dead on.

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Gee, I wonder why she is soo beautiful?

>INB4 she

She literally being blacked though.

They can make a clone of you, kill and replace you with him.

looks just like my great grandfather the SS commander.


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If your family doesnt keep detailed records of your lineage then youre NOT white.

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Upload your raw data to mytrueancestry

Pic related

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they can suck these balls bro thats what they can do. currently being forced to work during this pandemic they can replace me for all i care.

It's just retards falling for jewish memes

Can't help being a mutt I guess

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Why would you have to have a dna test to know who you are descended from? Oh yeah, jews are all sluts so they push this crap.


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The family coat of arms is for that. There’s usually a motto too.

so you are not a leaf you are a kike?

Not bad at all lad, pay no attention to that trace BS. I had 0.1% African, now they updated it to unassigned.

wash your dick, bucko

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Just like brazilian, am i rite?

What app is that?

Who knows man maybe your great great great granny concencually wanted to Börk the cøck

north africa is european land

55% fish face

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go do homework, zoomer

Show your flag, kike

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maybe leaf, maybe that was the crack but i doubt it. Them boys did not sail the channal with the intention of making friends and settling down.

whiter than you abdul

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american isn't an ethnicity

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Was.*** But I meant the kike trolls at 23andme gave me 0.1% sub saharan African kek


>4% white

>Prove that you are white

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I knew it

yuck. I'm med and didn't get any thankfully. Wouldn't trust 56 and me.

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kek le 56%

The site isn't even accurate, got diffrent results with the same photo

This, theres an extremely high chance you're from the country you were born in

Imagine paying money to give chinks and kikes your DNA

no u

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