Am I going crazy?

I'm inside eating a MRE and this dude is selling ice cream in my neighborhood.
Nashville TN fag reporting.
Am I crazy or is this fucker crazy?

Attached: 20200327_172508.jpg (3072x2366, 3.71M)

Kids wont molest themselves

Listen Jack, happening is over.

He's a hitman using the ice cream truck as a cover to scope you out.

>selling weed


Well done for doxxing yourself. Looking at your house right now on Google earth. Nice patio.

not in that neighborhood. i guarantee that.

He trying to save up for a new flatscreen.
Selfhish piggie.

What are you going to do, hack into his penis?

idk about him but my ports are open, if you know what im suggesting

If he plays his cards right

If you think there is any ice cream in that van you are easily duped. Those stickers can be bought on Amazon and that van can be bought at any used car lot. It's a very common van.
That guy has ulterior motives. I won't guess what they are.
Instead, you should go ask him.
Please report back.

the elite need their adrenochrome

hope you are drinking 8 gallons of water every day, otherwise enjoy shitting twice a month


Drunk gchq agent here Its legit. Tires look right. Truck balance is fine. Driver is black lack of long term thinking is their mo.

feds, one shitpost too far user.


Why not? You don't know shit OP probably traffics black tar heroin

I'm from Memphis, but Tennessee is a meth state, so I mean anything is possible.

my god my dog hates that guy, him and the postman

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Another Memphis fag here just sayin

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How can you dox him with just that photo?

>Am I crazy or is this fucker crazy?
You're just highly susceptible to propaganda.

haha no you aren’t. post proof dumb nigger. this board is so shitty lately.

No one gives a fuck about the quarantine and everyone loves dabbing on faggot cops

Oh boy


Noice! By the way, that's some art from that old ass anime, its called lain, right?

What is it?

Go buy some ice cream, retard

Nashville fag here, what neighboor is it?

>he doesn’t know every user is equipped with an AGM drone with GPS

>dude is selling ice cream in my neighborhood.
just go outside

Attached: fuuuck08.08 PM.png (887x470, 601.42K)

he's being paid by some rich people to kidnap some kids so they can torture them & drink some adrenochrome

there is a line right now at your local McDonalds

no one is eating fucking MREs but you

Papa Johns is open. Order a pizza

Besides the fact that you're a retard for buying meme MREs instead of basic non-perishables, no, you are not crazy

Jesus Christ is that a real icecream truck?
Does he wear a balaclava too?

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dude is probably broke af
give him a break

You sound like a pussy

Not sure just thought it was a cool pic

Guy is most likely selling drugs, perfect cover.


Lol the grocery stores are open idiot

An essential job.

You doubt the autism of Yas Forums

I'm pretty sure he's going to spend more in gas than he'll recover from sales right now. Probably not the best business decision.

Hey iceman

I just seent an icream man drive by today as well, same looking van too, I'm in SWMO.

ashamed to kek but I did

He looks like an illegal spic. Spics are confused by sanitation, hygiene, and laws.

I think it's the number on the image. My phone has the same style of labeling and I have geo-tagging on my photos.

Steal the van and start your new life as a roadwarrior
Modify the van to be apocalypse fit and you're ready to go

I totally get that, the art does look great! Yeah but that does originate from that anime!

Nashville became a city of fucking hipster faggots. you’d have to be insane to pay current real estate prices.

There are no street numbers on that picture. Looks fairly generic. And if you found out, what would be the point? Random person from a random place goes on Yas Forums?

for me, its the Wendy's Jalapeno Bacon Cheeseburger

Attached: unknown (8).png (596x684, 590.41K)

Some may recognize the neighborhood has happened before never know



Is this really what ice cream vans look like in USA?

Dude that looks like some "get in my van I have candy" level shit, what the actual fuck is wrong with you.

In the UK they are all variants of this, they don't look like some fucker just bought an old white van and slapped a couple stickers on it.

Attached: 800px-Ice_Cream_Van_at_Heath_Village_Fete,_Derbyshire[1].jpg (800x536, 101.27K)

It's the man, spying on you.

Attached: RapeVan.jpg (571x319, 29.7K)

Came in here and was not disappointed

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the van practically glows

Holy fucking shit I want american big burgr, so fuckin jealous

Btw my friend keeps talking about wendys chilli, is it really good or something? I only ever had the burgers.

That’s because we do everything right.

oh hell yeah wendy's chili is the bomb

The spicy chicken sandwich version is better, but neither one of them have any fucking right to be as good as the are. Wendy’s is the only fast food I eat anymore, but goddamn I love it.

All what these autists like myself need is a good photo
These are the same people that located a terrorist training camp by cross reverencing photos in a video made by said terrorist
Afterwards they got a contact who has ties with someone in the Russian army to bomb the camp
They did this 2 times

>selling drugs in a very descript and conspicuous slow moving vehicle that plays loud music
>perfect cover
Watch less TV kid

Let me tell you pal, nothing better than getting a cone on a hot day. A nickel' get you two! Then you have the grass. It just keeps growing till the cows come home. My friend, Jamaican fella, maybe a black man, always comes down the street to shovel the driveway. Nothing like it!

how is the trim out in nashville? your neighborhood looks comfy

For fast food chili, it’s pretty fucking good dude. I get their chili and their baked potatoes semi regularly

Lmao why’re you eating MREs

The ice cream truck means there was a recent transaction involving methamphetamine in your area. It’s just a front.