Alright, Q cultists

So where are we now with the grand plan? I took this a few days ago and I'm wondering when is all this is supposed to start? If nothing happens can we finally put the Q larping to bed once and for all?

Although I will apologize in advance if this cap looks like shit.

Attached: Corona Qcap OP.png (934x500, 104.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

There's this one too. Same concerns apply.

Attached: Q Prediction Corona.png (541x768, 312.36K)

Neither of those are Q posts.

Who the fuck cares, I’m going to cash in my trumpbux and build some lambright antigravity.

Qmap dot pub
All Q posts are here
Qreaearch board on 8kun dot top to study drops.

Q is certainly an insider and definitely trying to wake people up. Its possible the patriots will lose though. We can help them by spreading information and exposing people to challenging ideas
Wwg1wga is a beautiful and true statement. Our fate on this earth is bound. If a meteor hits we all are fucked as equally

Try the Fed happening. Trump's the manager now

Attached: WHOS_SIDE.png (600x900, 767.24K)

>Q is certainly an insider
lol then why did he predict the US would go into lockdown 5 days ago and it never happened?

Haha, your shilling is glowing brighter than the sun.
Since when can you hold Q accountable for what random anons write?
Besides do you realize that 9/10 Q threads here are shill threads, like this whose goal is to discredit Q?
Both LARPing as retarded Q followers, and like yourself posting complaint threads.

It is a perfect symbiosis.

only trust real Qs

Attached: 1582926568005.jpg (772x953, 122.87K)

Where did it say anything about lockdown or quarantine?
Went and checked and I cant find anything...

Attached: 1585249877270.png (1501x6285, 3.63M)

you think everything always goes according to plan?


Qikes are the worst. Fucking boomer LARPfags.

you fucking morons don't seem to understand that there are two different cabals fighting for everything, you are not going to awaken to shit, whoever wins doesnt matter, you are truly fucked and there is nothing you can do
this timeline is doomed

Yeah, you have to be absolutely mentally retarded to listen to anything from random anons who claim to be "Q followers" who make prophetic threads, considering the level of disinformation.
It is the most shilled topic on here combined with pedogate normally, maybe the chinese are temporarily worse now, hard to tell.

Q is a LARP, that is why the board has been absolutely destroyed by shills since Q/pedogate broke.

Attached: 1576340544570.jpg (1024x525, 36.01K)

Q people constantly repeat "trust the plan", now everything doesn't always go according to plan? Which is it?
My other question is why does a somali cum chugging swede care so much?

Yeah, says people who parrot the same talking points as:
David Brock
Mainstream media
Chelsea clinton
Payed shills

I mean if it is just a LARP, why pay people to shill this place? An anonymous forum with like 150k monthly visitors... Makes sense.

w-what does that ring mean?


Its shilly in here.
Why do you persist to hold Q accountable for what random people says on a board?
You must be a god if everything you do goes 100% according to plan.
Even in project management and operations management one accounts for a large margin of error and do contingency planning.
Even if working with philosophies such as six sigma.

Well, generally planning also consists of alternative outcomes and contingency planning, even in the military.
Are you implying a private cant trust his sergeants orders, because it might not go 100% according to the plan?

Oh you... they don't send their brightest....

You just said a lot of nothing with a lot of words. You can cry shill all you want but that isn't going to make you right.

bro, think about it for two seconds.

This is an absolute horseshit thread, and anyone who takes this schizo bait is a terminally retarded goof.
That aside, this is prime entertainment

Attached: F931FC5B-9948-4064-AC83-00801376D4EA.jpg (1242x1839, 1.22M)

user is correct

Probably nothing dramatic, but who knows really?
There is definitely some symbolism, I don't know how likely it is that they refer to the same thing though. Red is a pretty standard.

>Its possible the patriots will lose though
The very badly Q team definitely is losing.

Because Q is a retarded loser, that's why

Yeah and you are a shill, or mentally challenged.

I was just jacking around. I hope the Q deal is positive but it feels like 90's style Waco/Ruby Ridge militia setup shit on a mass scale and that someone could do something very stupid and discredit a whole large group of people who other than getting into Q were good people trying to save their country.

Come back when you’re 18

Attached: violin.jpg (1697x965, 189.1K)

About 1 year ago the shills were using the "zionist" argument against Q.

Attached: cattle.png (374x935, 58.94K)

Attached: q666.png (379x906, 62.7K)

Attached: israel_last.png (422x831, 120.27K)

>Takes cap from an user
>Blames Q
OP is a complete and utter faggot.

Q broke the normal distribution.

Common shill talking point:
>Any kid can write a script and post when POTUS tweets.
The thing is, Q had posted before POTUS tweets about as many times, and the things alluded to make it, let's say close to statistically impossible.

Attached: 2660a0d3f433025d19a2e49a7aaa173a9a1b48f3d68a9a998ebcb67f4ee19f0d.jpg (1024x834, 102.37K)

This is great for us though!
Because it is this kind of stupidity that validated Q.
It is by a large margin the most shilled and deleted topics on here.
Yesterday I was in a thread with around 30 shills.
You notice how they come like 3-4 at the time, like if they are using software which notifies them of posts being made.
And then they all jump in "1 post by this ID" to drop a cringy one-liner like "schizo" "take meds" "QqQQQQQq" etc.

This is just helping us by providing infinite evidence, which is permanently archived on here.

>Aliens exist
And then what?
What? You think this crazy human ride's got a happy ending? Like a history spanning thousands of years of being bastards to each other just - goes away one July? What about people who are starving? Do you think passing away just after being informed that aliens exist and that the galaxy is potentially at our fingertips is a good thing?

And then what, user?

BTW everything Qanon reads like schizophrenic word salad, or a gumshoe detective from a low-rent crime novel taking about connections in the case out loud.

cheap alien slave labour

You clearly don't understand the ramifications of being accepted into a hyperadvanced oversociety. If you can't accept it from a fringe standpoint, go watch Isaac Arthur on youtube. Lots of you concerns would be assuaged after learning how silly it is to think that "aliens are coming to get us", when they could easily machine gun nuke the whole planet from out of orbit.


They don't send their brightest...

If Q is in control like he says why did nothing happen to the Awan family who were all guilty of defrauding the government and theft of government property?

You didn't trust hard enough. Also, Kushner probably delegated the Q posting to an intern after he got busy with the Trumpbux scheme (designed to hide the trillions funneled elsewhere). Just stop asking questions or they'll call you a glowie, shill, or a kike.

then everyone says "ayy lmao"

ayys use us as giant sweatshop like americans used China and it backfires in the same way, down to the details

Gitmo is not really a place where civilians come
Basically it's not a person, it's a white hat information group or system that Trump relies on because he has no trust in CIA and FBI

Attached: gitmoweareq.jpg (1200x882, 144.16K)

>human slave labor is much more cost and resource effective than self replicating machines that would be capable of so, so much more labor
This is why cognitive dissonance is talked about so much with disclosure.

That won't ever happen not now not in a trillion years, the powers that be has infiltrated every level of government and finance, they have a back plan for every possible scenario, they've been doing this for hundred of years, for any of those things to happen you need God himself to act personally, Donald Trump doesn't have power remotely close to deal with the, power, money and sheer malign intent of these elites, anyone that believes it is delusional

it doesn't matter what Q started as, maybe a massive larp but it's taken on a life of its own now. It's better to have around than not considering it makes people search for the truth a little bit more than they used it.

Who are you to say "nothing happened"?
The biggest logical fallacy and dishonesty you keep repeating is to assume it is "done" and "over with".
Despite the fact that the turds have not hit the fan blades yet.
When the Durham investigation concludes and we approach election time, I would expect to see some action.

You concern trolls are just like the people who say "why are no pedophiles arrested", "why is X free".
The answer is the same, no moves have been made, it would be non-strategic to hit these characters mid term 1, as POTUS is working with small margins in terms of support.
Busting dem characters will only rile up the opposition and give them more ammunition.

But you surely understand this, else you can't be very bright. They don't send their best...

Yeah not to mention the expansion of GITMO. A facility which was supposed to be closed long ago, that officially holds like 30-40 people.
There has been insane amounts of construction projects there, meanwhile the US withdrew from all its shitty fake wars the kikes and previous administrations got them into.

Job requests up for GITMO almost all the time.

Attached: builder_in_chief.png (708x918, 263.21K)

You are a cuck who believes the elite are almost equal to god. If they are so powerful why are we still here? their grip on power is tenuous and needs constant tweaking to continue.

You types are the worst
>hey this thing just went on sale

>Q people constantly repeat "trust the plan"
No they don't, that's what people like you constantly do

That was some random fucking user making predictions based on his own subjective interpretations of clues. Q never said that and you know it. Stop lying. It's so fucking tiresome at this point.

Haha, indeed, and Nick Fuentes, what ever his plan is lol.

Where are the shills today? It is awfully quiet!
Q threads almost always have 5-10 persistent shills constantly attacking you and 10-20 drop in shills that come with "1 post by ID" and drop one liners with insults.

Attached: 1577605850344.jpg (238x212, 7.29K)

It is tiresome, but it is also great for us, it is so painfully transparent, and I think even the dumbest "Q AM LARP HURR DURR" teenagers on here are starting to realize it too.

Big brain post right here. Capped for future use.
This was the only Yas Forums/pol/ thread ever linked by Q

>How do you 'safely' & 'securely' communicate through a backchannel w/ the public and bypass the FAKE NEWS MEDIA?
>How do you 'safely' & 'securely' communicate w/o breaking the law and violating NAT SEC?
>>Add multiple layers of 'coincidences' which mathematically proves legitimacy (standard deviation)

"From darkness to light" AKA the first beast of revelation to the second beast. You're the great deception, that will lure many unsuspecting Americans and others to take the mark of the beast.

Attached: illuminati-eternal-oath.jpg (800x800, 119.4K)