Tainted Chinese Adrenochrome

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Time to cash in your chips, mum.

>let's her people's culture get nigged for the past 60 years
Yeah she deserves it. Coronavirus is the best thing that's happened to the modern world.


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Me in the back.

KEK she went as long as she could without hitting the tainted supply, and she too got bit in the end.
Rest in piss baby eaters.

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WTF I love Coronavirus now

autism speaks

Built for the BBC


Take meds schizo. Just a coincedence

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She dead

fake news

she's totally gonna die, right?


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There are fewer things more annoying than fake news snippets.

Can it be some of her princes playing the game of thrones?

I’ll be honest that theory just sounds gay

Drop the link


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No. That's the only website that says this. All the others say this:
>"The Queen remains in good health. The Queen last saw the (prime minister) on the 11th March and is following all the appropriate advice with regards to her welfare,"
There is no real quote about anyone reporting a positive test result for her.

You idiot

If this doesnt kill the queen, the virus doesnt real

yeah OP is a faggot

It's this and it isn't real.


>where all da whyte waymn at?
Right here nig, you can have her.

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American education everyone

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I'm an idiot too :(

No shit she has it, her son has it.

>Fake news
BP public relations say "the Queen is fine", they are not directly saying the has tested negative, or for how long she'll be fine.

>tainted chink adrenochrome
haha based and redpilled


Apologize for the inquisition euromexican

Nothing wrong with killing degenerates.


Based Brazilbro


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Deserved. I hope she dies.

Reminder that the British royalty are all satanist and the Rotschilds are their lords.

God save Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

fake news

That can't be real.

Wasn't Prince Charles detected first?
Could be he eats babies and she got it from him, could be they both eat babies, idk
If he eats babies tho at the very least she would know about it

Just so you're all aware, anyone that has consumed human blood in the last year is going to become infected with this virus.

Just had shit thrown at me by standing up and belting "God Save The Queen" in the house.

I did my part, anons. Now you do yours.

what does wormwood have to do in all this?
the fuck are you schizos talking about? seriously can't find a single thing to tie it with what you are saying

Iron and Ferretin (FeFe) - andrenochrome marker
COV- Corona Virus

COVFEFE = Coronovirus tainted andrenochrome

google the crown of liechtenstein

fucking christ i hate you people

This is fake.

Welcome to next level trolling the royal family. Their legacy is in ruins, the killing blows are coming.

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She’s gonna die.

She has no test yet.

She has a based 1980s style phone.

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Albinism is a hell of a thing.

The BBC was built for her.

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Bet that nigger and her cucked husband move back in after she dies. RIP Britannia

I was going to ask if this was real or clickbait and it's obviosuly click-bait.

"X FAMOUS PERSON NOW HAS THE VIRUS!" is the way to get clicks right now.

Fake and gay. No sources reporting this

This is fake, but they haven't specifically said she has tested negative, they keep saying she 'is in good health'. She almost certainly has been tested and if she tested negative they would say so. The fact that she is instead 'in good health' suggests she took a test and tested positive, but is so far only displaying mild symptoms. Watch this space though, she could go down very suddenly.


Why would she 'not' have been tested and if she has been tested why hasn't she been confirmed as negative?

Man I fucking wish

T. Chang

This tainted love you give me.

Broadcasted tribunals confirmed

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wrong flag, mutt

So the higher ups are really starting to head to the bunkers for the great impact or Ayy Lmao takeover...

Kek, I loved that Greek shitposter.

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o lawd

More likely so we won't miss the Ayy takeover speeches held by our (((leaders)))

Why do they keep taking it if they know its tainted?
You'd think the queen would be able to get the stuff right from the source, some kids arm with some synthetic Chinese shit.