How will he be remembered

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Might not be. Jury is still out on if TRS stands the test of time.

hi mike

I’m not mike


Looks like his new gf is feeding him well, he’s had to have lost 150lb from the early days.

As an important figure who did a lot to normalize white interests and spread awareness of the jewish problem.

As just another casualty, unfortunately. Nothing personnel, kid.

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>will he be remembered
No. Maybe by some autists. Nobody in somewhat broad public remember the names of antisemitic yellow press writers from early 1900s. But maybe he will affect someone who will be remembered, even if a little.

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Literal cuck who loses 80% of his debates

He will be remembered as grifty mcgrift, because of all the paycucks he suckered out their money for "content".

Hi Mike! Give me a shoutout! I’m captain banana!

Is his content bad

Basically this, shill answers incoming in this janny approved slide thread

How the fuck is this a slide thread

> everyone who doesn't produce things for free is a grifter

> he held a gun to people's head and forced them to pay for shit

I subscribe to trs because I work a job where I'm by myself at a computer all day and it's hard to find background content that is entertaining. I don't mind throwing them a few bucks to sit around and shit-talk about jews and such. helps me pass the day

what's with the beady snake eyes?

At best a footnote in an autistically specific book read only as a reference by a handful of historians for citation in more important books.
His and Anglin's role in crashing the Alt-Right is the only noteworthy thing he has ever done, and probably doesn't really warrant remembering his name specifically.

A hero of the ranch race

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He lost that debate though

Yup, you sound just like the kinda paycuck trs suckers their money out of.
Join a cult instead, atleast you can actually meet the people sucking you out of your money.

Hey Mike, when are you kicking SVEN off the show?

Post today's TDS for us then, payfren

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Cool then since Sven is bored and posting on Yas Forums, can I just mail you guys a walmart GC with a few hundred bucks loaded up on it and just have a lifetime sub?

He won't be.

Was posted well earlier:

ooh 10 whole dollars a month yeah he's really fucking me over. how poor are you that 10 dollars is even a noticeable amount?

He sadly thinks he is more intelligent than he is.


As a pretty alright guy


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The point is that the content isn't worth ten dollars. Maybe if they did a show every day? Their takes are kind of boring desu and since they don't work every day, they material is stale. Mike needs to stop drinking on the internet. I've seen him make a fool of himself before.

Yas Forums these days is like 1/4 hasbara shills who always zero in on Mike because he vocally promotes the removal of the jewish parasite to a large and growing audience. Can't have that!

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Grifting faggot.

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Mike Jones

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Back then hoes didn wan me now they all on me

Of course 10 a month isnt much for a guy like you, you probably spend 100 a month on some girl with braces to dress like video game characters for you.

I'll remember him for his lisp and also I never read Gorilla Mindset.

Back then they didnt want him but now he's got that TP.

Pretty annoyed with Mike and Sven's "stay home and don't go to work rants". Must be nice to be able to make 6 figures from sitting in your bedroom. I'm out of work so my paycuck 10$ isn't coming out next month. See if they care about the economy when all of the subscriptions dry up.




>I’m not mike

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he can't, Sven is literally Mossad.


So, I got redpilled in 2016

Mike did a lot of early work with Spencer on white identity, as of late i really haven't tuned in

Funny guy, can't say i know what he's up to now

Hi Sven!

Didn't some heroin dealer get a gig on their show which led people to think he's an informant in return for his drug charges being dropped?

I honestly dont know whether he glows or not

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We know you're sliding something, fucker.


Retarded or autistic kids put ranch dressing on their food.

Based leader of the alt-right.

His content is just good enough to lure unsuspecting fools into his honeypot. The FBI is happy to have your PI.

>kroger brand
based millionare white nationalist getting the best deal to use his funds for enhancing white racial confidence

He will be remembered as a Right wing radio host like Father Coughlin but with less Grace because he's grug on religion.

Nothing fantastic, nothing stupid either

When you sell your soul to the feds, your body naturally reverts to its reptilian ancestry. If he lives long enough, scales will replace his skin.

>all those records
confirmed cultured gentleman

conservatives listen to radio pop country and those lame classic rock stations that play the same Boston and Foreigner songs infinitely

the alt-Right are cool and would be lefty hipsters if the Jews hadn't jumped the shark in the last ten years

>literal who

Alcoholism is the sign of the sellout. They can't live with what they've done, so they turn to booze to kill the pain of being sellouts.

Champion for his people, defender of the Nordic race.

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TRS gave all of their subscribers a free month. They know a lot of us are out of jobs due to COVID19. They're also ramping up their content to keep us occupied during our quarantine.

mike is one of the few that says trying to go back to europe as an american is for grugs and to solidify on the concept of "whiteness", this image is complete garbage and yikes, delete it from your computer I know you have the PSD lamppost

I just heard the new shit and those guys (Sven and Enoch for not calling it out) are either dumb or shills now. what a shame!

as based

Same basically. I like to listen to podcasts at work. I think Mike is brilliant. I think he pairs really well with Sven who has kind of common sense every man type thing, I think it is good because he brings mike back down to earth when he gets too big brained.

How honorable of them to give(some)subscribers a free month of "content".
A literal saint.

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holocaust denial is cringe
alt-righters are playing the heel, contrarianism for its own sake
if everyone was fascist they would be communist

Jews will go to any lengths to smear any public-facing white person who stands up for their people and talks about the problems jews have created in the west. It's a psychological warfare tactic that unfortunately seems to work on a lot of dumb people and entry-level zoomers. Mike has done a good job of withstanding that and staying on message. Can't be easy but won't be forgotten.

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