The Sh*llish Question

This thread is meant for lurkers or concerned anons who have noticed an uptick in shill threads, slide threads, and disinfo threads.

These threads would include the following:

>landlord hate
>Drumpf bad!!
>Interracial promoting
>America bad, burgers dumb
>Anti-“conspiracy” (in quotes because it’s the buzzword they use to discredit theories based on evidence and current happenings)
>15+2 alphabet letter hate (compared to pro 19-2 alphabet letter threads)

>most are meant to demoralize or hype the “collapse” of “normal” life

Within these threads, and any GOOD threads there has also been an uptick in MEMEFLAGS and SHILLS. Memeflags (any flag not of a country, used to hide an anons country out of shame or fear of being down played due to their flag status). They are trying to divide and conquer Yas Forums through extreme replies (hang landlords!! gas kikes!! etc), through “trolling”, and through demoralization. (Take meds! You’re schizo! This cutie won’t ever like you user! Corona is gonna ruin the economy and normal life!)

>Anyone else noticed this? Lurker replies much appreciated in the first thread.

If so, why do you think?

I will post why I personally think there has been an increase of shilling. (And no, it’s not just the CCP or China at all. These shills speak pretty fucking good engrish)

LAST THREADS! (full of shills of course!):

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You're absolutely right but this thread will get ignored. Fuck em all.

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What a timeline. We've gotten to the point where you idiots bitch about safe spaces more than SJWs.

>implying adrenochrome and Q larpers don't need to take their meds

>What could the current save of shills fears?
>Who is behind this onslaught on disinfo and sliding?
>Why are they so fearful of the shitposter seeking truth?

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You again? TAKE. YOUR. FUCKING. PILLS. How many times do we have to say it to you?

I think it’s just memefags hypnotized into baitposting because they think it’s funny.


Well, it got your attention at least user!
Look below.
>original post is about shills ruining the board
>compares it to a safe space
Go back.
>neither of those things were mentioned in the OP, but this bot/shill still shoehorns and tries to discredit by doing the TAKE UR MEDS SCHIZO meme that is obviously shills playing damage control

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After Easter when relative normalcy returns Q if no major arrests/deaths, and no deep-state takedown after China and Bill Gates/Soros tried to take down the global economy, then that's it for Q.
Q is cancelled... No anons are allowed to break this rule.

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>take ur pills
I hope your VPN fails and you get fired.
Possibly, but most seem to get angry or just make themselves look like fools. If it was just for “lulz”, then they must have a club dedicated because they almost ALWAYS act the same.
Based britbong bump, bless

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Deal, but we all know there is something coming from the amount of shills and happenings in current events.
>nice try though, might turn some new fags away

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It's a fucking flood of these waterheads.

Schizos seething that their boring shit threads are on page 10.
Take your fucking meds and focus on things you can actually do something about. You all want nuclear war on China for Soros anyway.

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True, it’s a tsunami of retarded shills shitting up good threads or sliding good threads

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>be unironic schizophrenic
>say insane shit
>wait for someone to call you on it
>use the universally negative response to schizoposting as evidence of organized shilling against schizoshit
>convince retards that the jews totally don't want you to waste your fucking time scouring celebrity social media for god even fucking knows what you retards are looking for instead of doing literally anything else
>rinse and repeat
i hate jannies because they delete all the good threads but i also hate them because they don't ship these fucking retards over to /x/ where they belong

Jannies have been compromised and are deleting threads or sending them to /Bantz/ if they don't fit those categories.

No matter. Poison those threads with red-pills and have (((them))) promote /our/ message.

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I tried to call this out and the faggot mods instantly locked the thread. Use a chainsaw as a buttplug you faggot mods!

>page 10!!
>take ur meds!!

It’s on page 2
>pic related
and no, I just want world peace with sovereign nations maintaining their own cultures.

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Fuck off plebbit this is a schizo board

>Deal, but we all know there is something coming
Good I hope they're all killed and the Eurasian Soviet dies. But Q shilling has to stop taking over investigation threads after 2yrs of unfulfilled promises

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>reads first line
I already know what’s coming.
>ship this shit to /x/
How would a thread discussion about THIS board, Yas Forums, be off topic or conspiracy?

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If you mention schizo or meds - shill

>Jannies have been compromised and are deleting threads or sending them to /Bantz/ if they don't fit those categories.
If they don't support Q you mean

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PLEASE for the love of god can someone get anderson cooper some adrenochrome??

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Yep. Drop redpills, and create good threads to counter the shit sliding ones.
Mods are fine, just doing their job. So far they’ve been okay with my thread because it stays on topic and is political.
>that flag
You sound scared Moshe, but of what?

Q is a boomer larp gone on for far too long. It could be real, but there are too many impersonators to know for sure.

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Yas Forums = fedchan

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NO... shit up THEIR threads with /our/ red-pills.

They will be forced to bump the truth.

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Trump has done a lot, especially the last two years. Q has proven he is a real asset.
>pic related
Synthetic adreno is being made en masse due to their real supply being cut dry
Kinda, but it’s mostly not engaging in the thread discussion and going straight to
>take ur meds!!

This thread isn’t about the conspiracies themselves, but the board and shills.
Not what he meant. But of course try to get people disinterested before they even have a chance to engage.

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>This thread is meant for paranoid lurkers


Look at
>pic related
Eh kinda, but it’s a mixture of shills, glowniggers, and regular fags.
Sounds like a plan!

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So simply noticing a wave of shills is paranoia? How about engage with the threads TOPIC?

Thanks for the bump anyways shill.

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because you're trying to poison the well by inventing insane narratives about shit that doesn't matter (what celebrities post to social media) that don't make any fucking sense (they're in some kind of secret military base??? why?? and they're coming off some kind of drug they get from ritually murdering children? can't you just synthesize chemicals in a lab? why go through the trouble?) and is completely irrelevant to political discussion, the purpose of this board
politics is an understanding of the meaning of events and of advocacy for future action. crazy schizo shit about celebrities running out of child murder drugs:
a) has no meaning, celebrities are not a different species, they have generally the same desires and drives as normal humans, and most normal humans would not go to the trouble of murdering children for a drug that (according to erowid) doesn't even do anything
b) (and this is the important thing, which makes me suspect that you have malicious motives) this information is not actionable in any way. they're all locked up in a military base, so just relax! you won! all part of the plan, q predicted this! you didn't really do anything, and you never will, as long as daddy q's in charge, so just shut the fuck up and keep "digging" at shit that doesn't matter so bigger people can totally do important things, for sure :^)
Q is a pied piper, and he's going to get what he's due some day, and i don't think you're going to like it when it happens


Half honest, just say the full truth and your flag status will be forgiven.

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>because you are blah blah blah
Where in this thread have I promoted that? This thread was created to discuss shills ruining the political board.
>it’s all part of the plan!!
Haven’t mentioned it, but I don’t fully trust it. I simply am hopeful of it.

Why are you willingly to type a post full of lies and false accusations to discredit a thread meant to point of the shilling as of late? Why go straight to those talking points?

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>>landlord hate
All by commie parasites that want to live on someone else's property FOR FREE.

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>Where in this thread have I promoted that?
you complained about anti-schizoposting (telling other people to take their meds, etc), that almost exclusively gets applied to people who call Q niggers schizos. denying all association with them makes me think you are a concern troll quite frankly, since i don't think anybody who wasn't a Q nigger would get upset about people calling out well-poisoning when it happens

I’m glad they finally got someone good on the job. I just wanna know what’s wrong with the OP, and the thread. (Besides yourself, because that’s obvious)

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this. it's all the leftistfags that have infiltrated the board

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Lol basquiat is such trash

Show me some proof. Link me their post. Prove this enemy exist and has enough power to do such a thing.

Also, why would “lefty” Yas Forums be able to understand Yas Forums speak, and half ass bant AGAINST a Yas Forumsack.

>lurk moar

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>scaring people away by accusing that this is somehow collecting DATA on a used when it’s questions about Yas Forums itself?

What is your purpose?

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Oh these are redpills. You gotta add context leaf bro. They are able to look into people’s psyche logging their chats anywhere and here.

>hello glownigger, got milk?

stop tripfagging you are new

>celebrities are a different species

Just a different monster. Vampirism has been going on behind the scenes for awhile

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Nah. I wanna make it easy to log. Plus, it’s an epic one

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>15+2 alphabet letter hate (compared to pro 19-2 alphabet letter threads)
What does this even mean??

>oh and also, not acknowledging digits and calling ME the newfag

Lurk Moar Faggot

Do basic math and find out.

Why wouldn’t you just write Q?

It attracts bots and shills.

But the words

Yas Forums has been consistently around 80% shill content for years no

Not as many, and not the type that ruin political threads.

Nah, 70% lurk, 20% actual anons, 5% shills, and 5% glowniggas