Brit/pol/ brave soldier edition

>The Royal Mint to manufacture medical visors for the NHS Heroes

>Brexit: EU-UK trade talks to go ahead via video link

>Coronavirus: Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests positive

>Health Secretary Matt Hancock tests positive for coronavirus

>Coronavirus: Chief medical officer Chris Whitty self-isolates with symptoms

>Belmont moorland fire: Huge grass blaze breaks out

>Tunnock's factory shuts down production amid coronavirus crisis

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Thank you for your service, brave soldier man

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Turn off your VPN, mutt.

>prisoners to be released

what could go wrong?

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We're starting again now, all welcome

First for mass execution of journalists

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I only clap for Israel.

A good way to spot if you live in a Deano village is if you've got loads of beauty salons and betting shops.

Did you get Aussie flu in 2018?

Beth rigby on suicide watch

Having a regular cold when this shit is going on sucks. Everyone thinks you're a walking death machine.

What happened to Tim?

That’s pretty much most places as high streets have died.

I and the wifey are currently debating baby names.
I'm thinking Arthur, Henry, or Bartholomew for boys.
For girls, Elizabeth, Victoria, or Ruth. She is telling me that Victoria is a name for prossies these days.

>Woman passes on coronavirus to her pet CAT: Belgium's public health body says vets found infection a week after owner came down with it

>Dog that caught coronavirus DIES after the 17-year-old Pomeranian was declared disease-free and returned home from quarantine in Hong Kong
reminder that mass animal cullings need to happen NOW

thread theme

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She is much too old for Eddie.

Boy William or Charles harry

Girl Charlotte Katherine Meghan

What's with people having posh names for kids these days? Even working class are now doing this.

Isn't he the famous Brit/pol/ nonce who talks to children about penises?

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The Super nonce, that cant be stopped

Attempts at social striving as real social advancement is dead.

Naming a child after a monkey.

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Calm down Dave

So he's a sex education or biology teacher then?

whats the situation tonight lads? any developments?

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She is royalty now its all good

What are you talking about? Most names these days are most definetely not "posh".

You could say he's the leader of the gang.

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evening keith

>British Heart Foundation
>Cancer Research
>Phone shop
>William Hill
>Pound Bakery
>Another phone shop
>Another Ladbroke's
>Empty BHS
>Another phone shop
Thank you for joining me on this tour of Blackpool town cntere

Boy - Dean, Jack or Steve
Girl - Kirsty, Claire or Donna

boredom increasing by 4%. curtain twitching growing at an exponential rate, up 300% since wednesday.


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do you get paid to post this? or do you think it's important?

She was always royalty, descended from kangs and kwaans

Not forgetting e-cigarrette shops

antibiotic resistant pneumonic plague would have the same symptoms as corona, rats would facilitate the spread also, and ive seen research papers on using rat traps with the metal smell masked by horse manure because rats are clever fuckers and can smell the traps and stay away from them, that would also explain the chinese spraying pesticide against fleas if this isnt a corona strain at all and is infact plague thats spread person to person by coughing and by rat fleas, and many animals.

ive also heard from people a lot of councils have been doing drain cleaning reccently, even at night in the cities, so you've got my conspiracy mind going, yersinia pestis is hard to culture because many common bacteria out compete it in standard growth medium, you have to do a really selective special growth medium so unless you are kind of looking for it, you might overlook it.

Wow looks a lot like the guys i did my service with, trekking mountains, climbing icefalls, fire assaults constantly :D

Eating nothing for a few days, no energy, 30 below zero. shaking from the cold.

Falling in a mountain creek -2C water could not almost move, pain in almost all of my body.

Crawling up on the shore lying down for 20 minutes or so completely paralyzed from the cold, screaming in pain.

Yeah we had some good times :D

Not any more, Harry had to renounce when the Queen caught her swinging from the chandeliers.

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>Follow loads or right leaning people on my twitter

>Get notified my normie friend followed someone

Do all my friends get notified about who i follow

When I was in my early teens my mother was depressed a lot of the time, several years after her divorce,earning close to minimum wage, in her early 50s. She would listen to the song Out of Reach by Gabrielle on the CD player in the kitchen while ironing. I would walk downstairs after having a lie-in on Saturday or Sunday morning and find her in the kitchen crying in her dressing gown. Sometimes she would take things out on me and rush to her car saying she didn't know if she was coming back and I would run after her and we would drive around in silence on rainy evenings before calling in for a McDonalds or something and going home. We used to listen to Lighthouse Family on a CD and also on a tape I think in the car; their songs always remind me of my mum when I was growing up. She would sing along to the music sometimes and I really liked that. Sometimes she would be in a good mood and would try to make me laugh and I would laugh. We pushed the settee closer to the television and the gas fire and watched Armageddon on the television and we were both upset by the movie. She would drive me to football every weekend and once, when my team went on a tour, she played in the opposite team when it was a kids vs dads game. I love my mum.


t. Doomong

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Evening Deano.

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>web 2.0

They're all quite ugly names m8.
My mrs is Scandinavian, so I'm stuck convincing her to choose names that sound good in English and her language.

The sewer cleaning is because people are using newspapers and baby wipes to clean there arse because of the tp shortage


Nobody cares lol

Varg if it's a boy, Varg if it's a girl.

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>Wow looks a lot like the guys i did my service with, trekking mountains, climbing icefalls, fire assaults constantly :D
>Eating nothing for a few days, no energy, 30 below zero. shaking from the cold.
>Falling in a mountain creek -2C water could not almost move, pain in almost all of my body.
>Crawling up on the shore lying down for 20 minutes or so completely paralyzed from the cold, screaming in pain.
Noncing young 'uns in the evenings.

> Sorry, no democratic and liberal freedoms refunds :^)

>not having separate twitters for irl people and right wing shit posting


>The sewer cleaning is because people are using newspapers and baby wipes to clean there arse because of the tp shortage
lol not quite come to terms with this but i have about 2 days worth of food and supermarkets in town are breadlines. mildly worried.

Was half expecting this to end in either Fresh Prince of Bel Air or raunchy incest. Disappointing.

I just want more time off work m8, stop attributing shit takes to me


Shit. Meant for

Bet you're mad Magaluf and Ibiza have been cancelled this year because of Corona


Is that manhands?

Not joking. Honovr yovr ancestors.

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Anyone got eddies latest twitch?

We are both considering Sigrid for a girl. But I'm not sure how that would work in the UK.

>flat arse

the doom is the global state debt that will now need to be paid off to cover this boomerbailout.
fucked at 18 in 2008, fucked again at 31 for this depression. not happy.

Thank god. I was puzzling hard lad.

lads how long will this 'lockdown' go on for? im pretty sick of it already and its only been 5 days. can't imagine joe public will tolerate this much longer

Eddie looks like he's in the north africa campaign here

2 weeks

lol looks like a sherman commander

freya? good vikang larp name and sounds nice

>he doesn't want to call his son Deano, Jacko or Ste

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it's permanent lad

Black brets was the panzer forces, we had medium blue berets with a sword and a wing.

"several months, possibly 12 or more" was the line out of the state the other day...


He wishes.

The only campaign he served in is the noncing campaign

but really you should just name your kids after your parents or grandparents

the virus is never going away and the lockdowns aren't even slowing it down. it's airborne and waterborne.

>The global economy will be destroyed just to keep some boomers and diabetic spastics alive for a few more years, most of whom will die before any economic recovery anyway, rendering the whole thing fucking pointless
Life truly is a sitcom.

Sorry mate, bit drunk right now so am partial to the odd brain fart.

3 weeks until they review it, but expect an extension.

Why do guys do this with their facial hair?
Why would they think it could possible look worse to shave? I just don't understand.

>The sewer cleaning is because people are using newspapers and baby wipes to clean there arse because of the tp shortage

Indeed, the likely explanation. There were reported deaths and isolation cases of pneumonic plague in china in late november too though. Just a weird synergy/co-insidence i bet, but kind of freaky to imagine this corona might be a cover for it being something worse like an incurable form of human to human plague, parts of italy has had major rat problems in the past 12 months too.

Until review.

Freja (as it would be spelled in her language) is one we have also talked about. I would be happy with that, personally. Albeit, I am inkling more towards Britsh names.

and jason bourne

Answer this Brit/pol, if you're so clever right then why doe ..

I doubt it will be paid. We are heading for a hard reset. The DOW puked today on the news they're throwing another 2 trillion at it. It's a fucking shambles. US is staring down the precipice of a downgrade by the ratings agencies and the only answer they have is BRRRRRRRRRR!

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Why does Brit/pol/ gossip about Eddie like women gossip about other women

>The global economy will be destroyed just to keep some boomers and diabetic spastics alive for a few more years
the virus is killing everybody, including athletes and healthy teenagers. this is only going to get worse once reinfection kicks in.

If you report your neighbors that they go for a second or (God forgive) third walk they'll lower the lockdown timeframe for you by a few days.

just call her Jade or Courtney or some other chav name, none of that Nordic larp shite