Hey mutts, what the fuck are you guys doing? You know this isn't a contest, right?

Hey mutts, what the fuck are you guys doing? You know this isn't a contest, right?

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america numbah one

I coughed all around the grocery store today. Doing my job to get us to 150,000!

They still aren't number one when it comes to deaths. Make predictions when they will be number one. My guess is next Tuesday.

China is lying

America’s superior healthcare means there’s more testing which inflates numbers.

Number 1 bitches!!!

im only 20. I keep seeing 2 or 3 stories a day at this point of people even younger than me getting it and dying from it, and then it occurs to me I might die. Does the 1 in 500 chance of dying from it on this graph if you're 20-40 mean anything?

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Actually testing people great amounts. Surprised there are cases. People like you are retarted.

Yes it is. We've got to crash this stock market with no survivors.

Shut the duck up, germany! We're gonna kick your ass!


Congrats, Burgers. USA! USA! USA!

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Funny how china hasn't changed its numbers in several weeks.

> i
> p
> s

If your under 44 and apply the .02% to everyone in the states then you'd get roughly 372k deaths.

>isn't a contest
Watch us win anyway, america always wins!


>expecting China not to lie
>expecting a country with over 3x the population of most European countries to maintain European numbers
>half of US cases are in Jew York anyway
Bait thread, saged.

>1/3 US population
>still has 50% as many cases as we do
I wouldn’t be so fast to be smug, Dieter.

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That's without the healthsystem collapsing though. Even if you're 20 and fit you might need oxygen for a while if it fucks you hard.

the thing that worries me is that now i accepted its basically unavoidable that everyone here will get it. Some people seem to have it worse than others. One guy who was 44 said it was the most horrible illness he ever had, meanwhile some others get over it in 4 days.

We're ahead of you in the timeline, bro and our infection rate is actually slowing down, yours is speeding up.

Fuck you, we win at everything. AMERIKEE NUMBURR WON

Godspeed user

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Everything's a contest if you try hard enough.

it will, don't worry be happy.

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If you are 20 and die from (((corona))) you deserve it.

No this is the 2020 Olympics

Not even 2,000 deaths in a nation of 330,000,000.
Its a fucking joke.

It turns out that the mortality rate of this virus is less than 1%, not the 3% we were lied to about.
Warm weather is starting to come to the US.
This thing won't even kill 20,000 people, less than your normal flu.


It's only like 2x more than your chance to die from anything this year.

>Chinese communist government actively did everything in their power to cover up the virus even existing or being a threat
>China owns the WHO; they also cover for China in every way possible by first claiming wuhan coronavirus is not a threat, then when that didn't work they started campaigning to rename it COVID-19 because they feared anti-Chinese sentiment. Can't have daddy china getting dishonored!
>Now Chinese propagandists are actively pushing the narrative that the virus didn't even originate in China, the US did it!
>Definitely not covering up their case numbers too, right guise? China is the most trustworthy place on earth, right?

Let’s look at the death toll ya fucking kraut

How’s your dumbass Mussolini cuck brothers the Guineas doing? They’re dropping faster than their pope hides the priests molesting 10 year olds

America, you fucking Nazi

NYC and LA are HUGE transportation hubs FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD.

It is only natural that they have more exposure to the people to people transmission.
Happens EVERY time we have a seasonal flu.


yes, but there are modifiers as well.

0.02% is the base

+5% for mutt population
+10% for people without health insurance
+5% for diabetes, obesity
+5% for nutricional deficencies
+5% for lack of excercise

so, we're going to see about 40.000.000 deaths there.

comfort me pls. There's still a book i've wanted since last year and it kept getting pushed back until june 20th. I can't die.

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China is over the bell curve, idiot. Their curve is flattening to the bottom.

Guys, your infections are just starting to ramp up. You won't see the deaths rolling in for a while, but they'll come and they'll come hard.

I like your optimism, user

Thank you Corona-chan.

Italy: "Holda my pizza, Imma still the champ!"

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china just isnt reporting anymore

Funny that your Guinea buds have less yet higher death tolls

Maybe it’s just that you faggot Europeans can’t help but suck each other’s dicks.

Does anyone have China’s real numbers?

Why the fuck are you comparing countries smaller than most of our states? Add all of EU together and compare it to the US and it's a joke.

>You know this isn't a contest, right?
and that's why you're losing.

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1.they are ahead of you on the curve
2. their rate is slowing down
3. their death rate is lower
4. population is irrelevant since you have almost as much cases in new york than germany has in its entire country, even though they have 4 times the population
5. you're a nigger.

Leaf: flawless victory

A few days ago Italy had more infected and more deaths then you. Now you have overtaken them in infections and since people take a while to die it will also take a while before you overtake them in deaths but it will happen.

Yeah no shit radu

give it two weeks, when you'll have 10000 dead each day.

Not to mention chaos on the streets. Guys from pic are just looking for the right moment to go grab what they want.

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Bitch you jelly

We have 330 million people and Italy has 60. China lies.

We're testing more so we can prove it's a nothingburger.

>j-just wait 2 weeks
Europe is far more fucked than the US and you yuros should probably worry about your failing union first. Poor Italy is being left to fend for its own.

Diversity is our greatest strength.

>a month ago
>just wait 2 weeks
>2 weeks ago
>just wait 2 weeks
>j-just wait 2 weeks
fuck off with this shit

Trust me Hans it's for the better.

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Your math is nigger tier
372k is .02% of 1.86 billion. The US has roughly 350 million total

Mass testing, so numbers are higher

Not testing enough and hyperinflating death count.

>believing the chinks have no new cases at all
They're fucking lying.

We're #1
We're #1

More specifically what the fuck is wrong with New York?

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>muh two weeks!
It's been two weeks for three months now.


Considering China is lying we are actually only in 2nd place. I also don't doubt that Italy doesn't have the capacity or ability to record every single confirmed case. Just because we are keep on top of our numbers, kinda, doesn't mean we are the worst off.

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>We're testing more
Yeah. That's the whole point. Flu deaths are not counted. They're estimated. Let's say we Krauts have 50k (we had 25k dead from the flu in 2017/2018 season) dead boomers this year and don't know a shit about Corona. Krauts be like "Fuck Hans, this was the worst flu since 30 years. Prost!"

Checked and truthpilled

Why does anyone give a shit, it’s only in the parts of the nation nobody likes.

>2 weeks ago: hurr durr we don't have any deaths!
>you just give it two weeks nigger
>2 weeks later, 1k deaths
>today: hurr durr, only 1k death with 100k infected
>2 weeks later, 15k deaths
You're so fucking stupid, I'm impressed you can actually manage to breath.

We have multiple epicenters in metro-New York area, all fucking Hasidic kikes, who refuse to obey the quarantines. They're infecting each other and spreading it everywhere. We have hotspots in all the Jew neighborhoods from Rockland County, Westchester down into Brooklyn and Queens. They are assholes. Throw in one of the world's largest public transportation systems, subways, trains, buses, etc and the virus is everywhere.

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2 weeks ago you had 2000 cases, now there are 100 thousand.

Today you have about 1600 dead, in two weeks if this doesn't slow down and your hospitals are overflown (which they will be) all hell will broke.

I thought I would be safe in my upstate New York county of less than 5,000 people but we already have 2 cases

Most confirmed cases doesn’t mean the most deaths honey.