How will kike on a stick worshippers cope?
Destiny BTFOS Christcuck Kent Hovind
oh wow cool twitch debate its like im back in 2015 again
stupid faggot op kys
Isn't Destiny a girls' name?
>militant atheist owning the believers
What is this 2008?
How do we stop him bros
Reminder that this guy is a self-admitted cuckold:
This. Though to be fair, Destiny seems fairly polite at least early in the video.
Destiny taking candies from kids now
>drinking onions on camera
You cant make this shit up.
Destiny never BTFO's anybody. He's a mod here you know.
>Not a single real argument from christkikes
I bet this debate is like any other desTINY debate, he gets wrecked.
Also op edgy atheist
Hurr durrr, a gross faggit said a thing
Kys niggerfaggot
Who the fuck cares? Why would anyone want to waste their time watching this 'debate' Shit?
Who BTFO whom?
I'm not a christ fag, but this guy is right about evolution.
Doubtful. Has Destiny ever won a debate?
I'm not a Christian or Catholic but I bet Destiny wouldn't debate a Muslim.
Built for the BWC
Destiny cannot "BTFO" anybody. Just watch his vids with Alternative Hypothesis.
Did Destiny just btfoed Judaism?
>Young earth creationism
This is like winning the special olympics
Destiny also thinks transwomen are real women know...
also for destiny fags itt, come on here
Hi Destiny. Stop posting your stupid ass (((debates))) here. Everyone laughs at you and you'll be remembered as that weird midget that advocated for child porn.
Fuck off faggot.
They are both the biggest faggots in their respective faggot fields.
Destiny is a literal faggot.
good work user
Destiny is a literal cuck faggot, and couldn't beat his own dick in a debate.
Yelling over people. Replying only with sage. Mother not dying in their sleep. He sucks cock at debating
For anyone calling him a cuckold
You would attack his arguments, it would be more producing to fuck them up
What about his arguments any disagreement there?
Never heard of the so called christcuck. Why would this be relevant? His interview the christcuck nigger 'Amazin' did was good.
Who? Destiny?
literally who?
>can only ad hom and post coombrain pics
>gets every one of his grifters shit on by high iq manlet
do I look like I want to watch a 2 hour video at 12pm
everything I do is biblical
Destiny is like 5'2"
No you look like you would like to create a thousand year reich.
Destiny has never won a debate.
literally nobody here listens to Kent. dude's a fucking idiot
You should never fuck with a dude thats got a female name. Especially a stripper name. Those guys always got something to prove. Its their parents fault they are so angry
His body is so tiny holy shit. He must be below 100 pounds
It's a nickname, his real name is Desmond Tiny.
>Kent hovind
Fuck that guy
Destiny literally lives with a whore who comes home after seeing clients
>Kent hovid
There is low hanging fruit and then there is picking up rotting fruit off the ground that fell off the tree days ago.
Holy fucking filters
He's so desperate that he has to resort to hooking up with dumpster crack heads.
At least you know him.
Fuck off rabbi, go suck satan off like every sabbath.
Christianity is dumb.
Hovind’s version is the dumbest version. Literally American southern baptist style the world is 6000 years old shit. Not even actually Christianity that any Christian from history would recognize. Some goofy George W Bush era shit.
Destiny is basically picking on a retard.
i respect destiny more than i ever will you sheep. he's confident in himself, isn't reliant on other people to feed him conclusions.
not really
i'm agnostic/atheist as well, but listening to this the Kent Hovind dude is shitting on Destiny with physics and logical problems and Destiny isn't able to follow him so just keeps repeating dumb shit...
wtf are you talking about? if anything this debate taught me Destiny is just a sophist.
No one has ever beaten Kent Hovind in a debate about Creationism. You honestly have to be a complete dumbass to think so.
built for bbc
Confirmed by Magic Digits
Yeah we were all edgy atheist teenagers but then our brains finished growing (it grows until 25) and we realized how wrong we were, and how we were led away from Jesus by Jewish atheists and their tricks on young impressionable minds.
Small sample of people destiny will never debate because he knows he'll get destroyed:
Matthew Raphael Johnson
Didymus Sumydid
E Michael Jones
Tim Kelly (thkelly67)
Myth of the 20th Century
>posting this retarded adderall addled faggot manlet brainlet efag twitch twat soiyulent cumm stain
no one cares and kys
who ?
>bros how do we stop the ineffectual effete 4 foot something mental masturbator
ok brah
just take a peak behind the curtain and see the imp struggle to open soi cumm juice
This sounds nice, but as a past believer I can not just force myself to believe something that seems illogical. I can live by the Bibles teachings and just not be a shit person but I can not force myself to believe in things just because I want to.
>butthurt Taoist triggered faggot detected
literally butthurt too