Punishment for coal burners?

Punishment for coal burners?

Work camps for the rest of their lives?
Sent on a boat to Africato live with her kind ?
Forgive them and castrate their goblins?

Or locked up in cages for the rest of their lives getting ploughed by incels

Ugly ones used as slave labour??

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being a single mother to a half nig is the punishment

This is the result of fucking your customers.

Damn my boy Warf must have been hungry for some KFC when he met this woman

hahahahahaha that fucking orcish forehead with the bump i can't even ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaUHSDAISDÜ*OP

Attached: tongachadeugenics.png (1180x2362, 3.62M)

Long and miserable life without a man after hitting the wall is enough.


Her child is a Klingon.

Attached: klingon.png (648x348, 345.41K)

obnoxious chest tattoos are a clear indication

so close

Sterilize and deport goblinos.

Sterilize the passable minority and keep for non-procreational sex only.

Ogres like in OP's pic can be shot then incinerated. Really they deserve to be incinerated alive but we have to remain at least one step above niggers.

Send them to Africa with their mutant offspring. They made their choice already.


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Their life is literally the punishment. I have never seen a white woman toting niglets around happily.

came here to post this

This. Social ostracization is enough of a punishment. Anything else is unreasonable. We can only look to the future to prevent further cases.

Realistically, you could meet up and shank her. Use a fake name and fake profile and just find every burncoaler on the app and start blinding them for their sins or whatever

The nature of sub-men comes to punish them always, soon enough. They do need to be sterilized, however.

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That Klingon half breed seems punishment enough.

Is that mother fucking Lt. Commander Worf?!?!?!

Coal burner vigilante

ay dios mio...
el monstruo americano..

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having a black mutt hell spawn is God's punishment... you really can't do worse than that

What's your reasoning for using violence?


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Wait so... this really was on their mind when they were naming it?

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ctrl+f klingon

darn, i'm too late

>"not getting rejected bc of personality or status" bitch you are, your status is coal burner, personality type is dumb liberal cunt

>orcish forehead
the kid is like: nigger plus the mother's orc forehead. total win.

Thank you user. That screen-cap has warmed my heart.

>Punishment for coal burners?
Monkey on her back


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Sent to Africa. They *decided* to spoil their bloodline, so we aren't doing anything to them they haven't asked for.

>>"not getting rejected bc of personality or status" bitch you are, your status is coal burner, personality type is dumb liberal cunt

Exactly whether we explicitly say it or not and often we do. Any man that does that is seen as joke.

Why won't she date a nigger then? You are not entitled to have a white man to support you.

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Shunning was how they used to handle that shit.

black men don't even want to raise their own son and you think they'd agree to raise someone else's??

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One Banana for Mama,
one Banana for el Goblino.
Now send both into gulag. She can work in the fields, Goblino can play with the other orcs in the mines.

Bitch gave birth to the fucking SPLICE


>Why won't she date a nigger then? You are not entitled to have a white man to support you.

Why won't she marry or date niggers, seen as she bred with one.
It says it all really she's had the realisation that black guys are shit dad's.

Is there a website for women like talking about problems where do people find these things?
A list of coalburners should be made. And we should be making fun of them, maybe they will spare us some work later and off themselves out of shame.

ew that nigga ugly


she had dreams of riding the cock carousel to the end of times but before she knew it she became PUNISHED ROASTIE.

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They get the rope, just like all race mixers and race traitors

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>Shift manager at KFC

Probably how she met him.

what about a galditorial arena? we can group mud sharks into teams based on what race they mixed with. have them fight the beasts they consorted with.

> (OP)
>One Banana for Mama,
>one Banana for el Goblino.
>Now send both into gulag. She can work in the fields, Goblino can play with the other orcs in the mines.

Practical as always Germany. I'd also castrate the goblins though

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> (OP)
>>Shift manager at KFC
>Probably how she met him.

You know I think your right haha
Probably some ghetto monkey who frequented the place often

Pity them, for they were brainwashed

This is me right now reading this sweet sweet post.
Ah karma they lied with monkeys and they got HIV.
It's so poetic that these people were leftists, they deserve it.


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castration and/or deport them to some american free state or some shit

Why do you believe anyone will ever be punished?

>Shift manager at KFC
She is every nigger's dream

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FPBP and I'm a half Nig

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>what was the reasoning to shit out an ape?

Pretty sure one of these reasoning's are sound.

Some (K)iller (F)ucking (C)oochi?


Their hellspawns will be punishment enough

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is that monster fucking her?