lets have a thread about sweden and its people,what do you think about sweden,i love them
Sweden thread
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It's pretty funny actually, I've met a handful of different Brazilians in different "third" countries and many, if not all, of them seem to a bit obsessed with sweden and swedes. I'm just curious why this would be the case? Also, much love to you as well brazilanon.
slide thread
Suddenly Sweden has hope. Corona is disproportionately wiping out 3rd world communities.
Ten days ago there were 1196 cases and 8 deaths, 2 days ago 2526 cases and 62 deaths. Today 3046 cases and 92 deaths. More than half those numbers are recent migrants
Fingers crossed they get their country back.
we have a kind of brotherly love for sweden,love you guys
This. Third worlders congregate together in shitty unhygienic conditions. In the no-go zones, I wouldn’t be at all durprised if a load of corpses are found in a few weeks.
hope the native swedes will be fine
I hope everyone who doesn´t vote Sverigedemokratene dies of a fucking disease.
I used to love you guys. I have swedish ancestry from my maternal grandfather's side (along with italian, german and portuguese), but after seeing what happened to Sweden I don't feel anything but pity for you guys.
We have had terrible governments here, and I know how much they can make a country break.
I hope one day you guys have a country of your own again.
why do you care so much? you aren't even swedish
i dont have swedish blood,but they are so nice and lovely and friendly,i cant help but love them
I would never go to Sweden though, by the way. Not even before all the invasions.
I've always seen you guys as some sort of angelical place where you should be left alone. The people there, the landscape, it's not for foreigners, not for people like me.
So sad that you couldn't protect it.
Stay away! you guys are so infected, vote smarter, virus scum
Here, have an angel:
Another beautiful day in Sweden.
Didn't notice any degeneracy and didn't hear of any immigrant crimes.
Mind you, I didn't read the news, stayed in bed all day, jacked of five times and didn't look out my window once.
Still, didn't notice anything bad.
your news would not tell you of anything bad anyways
both my parents are lebanese, but Im born and raised in sweden. Love this country and its people. Some people here are a real cringe fiesta though. Overly PC swedes are the sadest cucks in the world.
This is what blå linjen looks like right now
Stay away!
I've been to Stockholm before, lovely desu
I'll never forget nor forgive them for their response to the A$AP Rocky fiasco. They will always be unapologetic cucks with few exceptions who'll get what they deserve.
Your future
True, the state media and the PC newspapers definitely wouldn't.
pls go and pls stay go
did you draw that yourself out of your own sick fantasies, burger mutt?
>"pls go"
why would you ever listen to a beta-cuck like you, faggot?
Show back hair or gtfo.
because my skin tone perfectly reflects the light shining from heaven
you didn't hear the explosions?
how would you know about my lebanese heritage just by seing my back hair? är du så pass pantad i skallen?
inte för att jag tror att jag är "white", jag är dock en blek jävel , säkert vitare än dig, cuck-head
Hör tidender från huset
Hör vad nytt de högsta vet
Hör sanningar och sägner
Hör om makt och ärlighet
Se spegel som förvränger
Se den göra grus till guld
Vid skranket står förvånad
Nu talas det om skuld
Paria paria oberörbar
Förkastad och förnekad
Själv sin rätt nu tar
Jag skyller er för pesten
Som härjar i vår tid
Ni bannar den som talar
Och går på egen stig
Sitt så på höga hästar
Och titta lystet ner
Glöm ej för allt i världen
Vem givit makt åt er
Paria paria oberörbar
Förkastad och förnekad
Själv sin rätt nu tar
Jag ser ni skolar folket
Och håller dem för lika
Några skolas arma
Och andra skall bli rika
Jag skådar ej jag siar
Hur maror varje natt
Rider era själar
Och leker tafatt
Paria paria oberörbar
Förkastad och förnekad
Själv sin rätt nu tar
Paria paria oberörbar
Förkastad och förnekad
Själv sin rätt nu tar
Paria paria oberörbar
Förkastad och förnekad
Själv sin rätt nu tar
>didn't hear of any immigrant crimes.
so you didn't hear of any crime at all then?
See? Fucking Lebanese nigger is LARPing as a Swedish. Fuck you African nigger. Go back your fucking nigger country
Then I would know you are from the general area, A.K.A en babbeluring, and I would have no reason to dispute you are in fact Lebanese.
All swedes are cucks. Except him.
This brave man can say the N-word.
Ruined my comedy
Have they shut down their country yet or are they still in denial?
Nä, men helt ärligt. Libaneser står ganska långt bak i kön till deporteringsverket. Dina föräldrar var riktiga flyktingar från mussarna där nere under kriget I guess?
so if your parrents are lebanese are you another müslim? Do you ever consider the statement that god is dead? not really dead but societal death of god has occured since the lutheran reformation which made god a question of personal faith.
Hence many brain dead people now a days who are not cape-able of thinking for themselves have zero faith in the devine. Some of us still do doe but its a very personal thing.
Everybody can pretty much agree doe that the religious dogmas and rituals things have to go no matter if faithfull or not to the great one.
Basically stop being muslim i guess, almost nobody is really christian.
>Not this again
I'm depressed today because I realized it's too late to stop it now and that me, the person I care for through my work, my mom who works with elders and is in the risk zone herself,, and everyone else in this godforsaken society is gonna get infected in the coming month and I'm pretty sure I can't survive it due to my poor health.
Oh was that it? Must have confused it with the sound of absolute nothing because nothing else ever happens here.
varför blir alla babbar så arga?
yikes im happy im chose Norway
Don’t focus on him. He is not a Swedish. He is a fucking filthy shitskin.
alla utbölingar som vajar fel flagg borde veta vad som väntas multikulturella stater.
I had sex with a Swedish girl, it was nice but I just wish her body was better
>no american is technically white
>More mutts than white-skins in the US
>thinks that lebanon is an African country
the stupidity of burger people knows no bounds.
All the best man. My aunt is in Uppsala, she works in a nursing home. She said the country has no restrictions, everything is open, people can come and go as they please. I fear those gamla folk aren't gonna make it.
t. Alejandro DeShawn Gonzalez
kys 56% mutt
yea and I fucked your mom hard, she loved my BBC
You filthy nigger pretend you are a white. How do you feel that living as a non-white in Sweden?
yes min päron flydde från kriget. Att bli sönder-bombad av isreal va tydligen inte så jättenice har de förklarat för mig.
I’ve banged all 3 of these girls
Visualize your death and take it like a man like our ancestors did. Or pull an anton Pettersson
never felt that I was white you fucking dumbass, but it feels pretty good ngl
kolla idioten som faller för narren
* Gamla
Fan, should be gammal. I've lost most of my native tongue. Feels bad man
I'm not a fan of those grenade attacks.