Why are they so scared of "white people"?
Why are they so scared of "white people"?
Because they hate white people.
I thought the girl in the picture was young Hillary Clinton for a sec
Of course an evil aura surrounds white people. They are literal Devils, Everything the white man has today he got it through robbery, exploitation, extortion, slavery, rape, murder, genocide, violence, pillaging, vandalizing, bloodshed, trickery, oppression, brainwashing, insurrection, corruption, biological warfare, deception, death, thievery etc
What do you accomplish by niggerposting?
Down with whitey! Race war now!
Das rite
they should be scared
we are really nice until we're not
Retarded OP publicizing some retard's retarded bullshit. Fucking moron.
Holy shit, is that what black people do in their free time? Just stare at pictures of white people? Fucking kek
Well they are scared of dogs and swimming too. Irrational fears typical of low iq voodoo practitioners. Of course, they should fear whites since they get btfo out by them every time.
He that ledeth into captivity shall go into captivity. He that selleth a man shall surely be put to DEATH !
Evil always gets uncomfortable around the good.
They know that a United and health White population would put up with their nonsense.
He eases the sense of extreme self-hatred attained through public education for the "misbehavior" of being white himself. Give it a few months, these shitposters become good operators more often than not.
She's a nigger. Niggers say stupid things. Worst thing is, they don't even have to be crackheads to be like this.
Because most vintage photos are of white families having fun in a normal and civilized environment.
Most black people don't know that, and it gives them a kind of horror feeling because deep in their minds they feel that this is what they are missing, what their life should be. It seems so distant and weird because they are scared of something they don't know they actually need.
Same with childrens being scared of old people or disliking or finding old people decorations weird. I was the same when i was a child.
Or maybe niggers always stay in the state of mind of a 12 year old boy and never grow up in their heads.
Ok chang
>Holy shit, is that what black people do in their free time?
>Just stare at pictures of white people?
that pic
In time, everyone will learn their place again.
You'd be surprised.
photos of black people scare me sometimes..
it is almost like there is a dark presence attached to them.
>an evil aura surrounds white people
Nigger, no God is putting a Halo around this bulb headed motherfucker
It's knowing that we'd be better off without diversity. The darkness they feel is the subconscious knowledge of being nothing but a burden. They deep down know that their presence is making us suffer and are fearful of our reaction to that.
This is why every white person is a secret racist in their minds. Because why the fuck wouldn't we be?
>Or maybe niggers always stay in the state of mind of a 12 year old boy and never grow up in their heads
That's why whites always called them "boy" and treated them like children
They really are mentally deficient
This is probably from watching documentaries/images in textbooks associated black and white pictures with ‘evil whites’.
digits of truth
Thats human kind.
lol K
Darkness hates the light. Evil hates goodness. Satan hates God.
Niggers were freed by WHITES. If it wasn't for slavery you would be chucking spears and living in mud huts in Africa. Thank a white man today, dumb nigger.
This. It's embedded in their genes.
Thia. They realize that the white world was happy. They know they are too blame for every ill.
Good thing me or my family never owned slaves then. If you want to talk slavery it's the Jews you need to speak with. Most White people didn't have slaves unless you were rich elite.
Brilliantly put Hans.
niggerposting to the max, why the long larp user?
>society is better off without your or diversity
That's the eerie feeling they get.
It's like why they hate metal music. Because teams of people working together to make something in concert is anathema to the negro. One person mumbles, maybe someone hoots, and homie made a backing track earlier.
well said user.
White people are confirmed Jews.
>>society is better off without your or diversity
>That's the eerie feeling they get.
Simeon Panda, stop claiming natty, start admitting that whites are the least racist people on the planet, to the point that they will allow third world niggers , sand niggers and spics into their countries at such an alarming rate and makes them a hated minority in their own countries and if they detest the invasion of the third world into their once great nations they are labeled as “white supremacists” or “Nazis”, the later of which is a derogatory term, the equivalent of calling blacks niggers, they were/ and are National Socialists. So fuck off nigger or at least be thankful you have whites in this world to parent you. And also, you might want to start spot injecting in your delts, they are overshadowed by your synthol-ridden pecs. Thanks.
P.S.... Sieg Heil!
They are smart to be scared, underneath every white hide is a remorseless sociopath waiting to pillage your village.
>Just stare at pictures of white people?
To be fair, a lot of us do that too.
>they're literally all fat, disheveled mutts
good god
Niggers kikes and muds are the devils children
They SHOULD be afraid
You say that, but then post a pic of an African enslaving whites.
So youre saying you're gonna die cause god said so?
My god niggers and people who pretend to be them are stupid as hell.
We just have to make sure that when we get back to pillaging and raping, we chill out on the raping, we don't need more mutts.
You might want to let Jews and Muslims know since they had the slaves also the black African slave owners. I guess Jews and Freemasons are fucked then.
the fbi wants them to genocide white people in 20 years or less
Primal fear of the unknow, they don't understan the superior culture just as they don't understand work and clean clothes, our vibrations are too high
All pathetic smoothbrains
imagine staring at a picture of a happier world and realizing you're the reason it's gone
They sense the superiority, the aryan power and feel inferior, knowing they are the subservient race. Dumb bacon covered jew.
>black people cannot ever achieve beauty or strength like whites have
>they know this
It doesn't "scare them" it makes them insanely jealous. But they always lie.
doubles prove me right.
*glances at 3gb folder of black foolishness images*
I mean
good post
Shitskins KNOW that we don't fucking need them, but they fucking need us to survive.
They know we are the Superior Race and this makes them KVETCH hard af like nothing else.
This lack a source
They must envy civilization, without knowing how to properly be a part of one.
They hate being what they are & wish they were white.
Real stupid logic.
If you get down to the basics
“white” = clean pure beautiful, & “anything not white” = dirty unpure ugly.
Psychology speaking the only thing which comes to mind that would make people believe in this manner is “teeth”.
They start white & progressives get yellower/darker with time/not maintaining.
Plus shitskins have less developed frontal lobes so there’s that.
fucking bulbheaded nigger
because they have fathers
because we are simply better than them in every way that matters.
but, why would a wolf concern himself with the opinions of sheep?
So long as there is one European breathing they know they are in danger.
All we need to do is wake from our slumber
you scared niggers?
The state of the current world plus history proves whites are superior.
Although letting women have right to vote is throwing a wrench in things.
It has held back whites in unimaginable ways.
& the zions constantly killing us off with ME conflicts & repelling gun rights doesn’t help.
>trained by the ussr
Well that's just not fair
Jews foisted them onto us,
WE freed them.
Never should have accepted them in the the first place.
USA would have been a utopia by 1960s.
whites means trash
ok g*okoid
They hate happiness.
Niggers are the parasite that has been left alone on earth for too long.
>he that selleth a man
Africa confirmed kill.
Blacks know we are the master race
Our simple presence or a photo scares them on an unimaginable way, God it feels good to be white.
> Eerie feeling
It's called envy, nigger
The baboon did specify "vintage".
Hearts filled with love that builds nations, when empty destroy worlds. Yeah....
>bulli white person
>they unleash the power of the sun