Is Brazil really that bad?

Learning portuguese right now and planning to move to Curitiba with my brasilian girlfriend.

Everybody keeps saying Brazil is a shithole but why is that?
There are crime Hotspots in every country. And most parts of Brazil look quite normal to me.

Any brasilian anons here who can redpill me on the current situation in Brazil?

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>There are crime Hotspots in every country

Brazil IS a crime hotspot.

Portuguese food is disgusting. Portugal was Al-Andalus for centuries, their people being Morisco descendents. It would be a biological impossibility for them not to be. So they occupied Brazil and imported 10,000,000 niggers during the Transatlantic slave trade, and also blending with the indigenous, most notably the Akuntsu and Kanoê, who are descendents of Australian Aboriginals. I'm not even memeing, the deeper into the Amazon you go, the darker and darker the nearly uncontacted indigenous people are, this is also proven through genetic science. People laugh about America being muttland, when we're absolutely nothing like Brazilians in terms of blended phenotypes and haplogroups.

okay injun

>Everybody keeps saying Brazil is a shithole but why is that?
go to and find out why

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Oh shit, here we go again. That depends solely where you live+income. Range of your income? Where you going to live? There is a shit ton of variables/question I could ask you and give you a answer.

Is Brazil an absolute shithole? No. Is a good portion of Brazil a shithole? Absolutely.The same rules you apply to Europe, US and a bunch of other countries is the same here with a plus. Our urban areas are crime infested, we probably are among the top ones, I think only Mexico beat us in how bad shit is. If you live in any rural area and got a decent income, it's heaven, low crime rate, people are nice, nobody bothers you, you can shoot any nigger that tries to invade your property. Ask specific questions and I will answer.

out of 50 of the top most violent countries in the world, Brazil is home to 19 of them. 42 of them are south of the US border. 4 are within the US.

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Vinho Verde is disgusting.

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injuns can't take alcohol that well, we know

2girls1cup was favellawhores that needed money for McDonald's.

Built for b"""Asian"""c.

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Hey man don't get angry about it, it wasn't my ancestors that saw forest niggers in the Amazon and thought it would be sexy.

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Nice bro.
Curitiba and most of the south is pretty safe is that correct?

Monkey killing monkey should not be considered a crime.

It's good, at least you don't take the monkey to Europe like 99% of the cases.

angry about what?
brown women are sexy

please stop talking about brown women now

> implying that he has any knowledge what is real food besides burgers and pizzas
Do you realize that Portugal has one of the best gastronomys in the world

>Everybody keeps saying Brazil is a shithole but why is that?
they aren't white

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>I think only Mexico beat us in how bad shit is
Brazil is in the lower end of violence in latin america.

This is very outdated.

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If you got to the part of brazil where niggers aren't allowed and germans live, then you should be fine.

And who do you think commit all that homicide?
1)The small percentage of whites or even somewhat mixed "whites"
2)Low IQ black, browns, mostly the northern part of our territory.

I will give you a hint, it's not 1.

No. Thing is, like the guys on North America, our "whites" here in the south overestimate their regions. It is somewhat safer than the rest of the country, but some neighborhoods are worse, others safer. This is some common on most third world countries, nicer neighborhoods get better public service, more cops, the usual. Favelas/slums are infested with what most here would call subhumans (and I would agree with them).

Research prior to moving WHERE you are going to move, choose wisely, if able to live outside urban centers like Curitiba itself. We can see "gringos" from a mile and and favela niggers here think the same. Gringo=rich=gonna make bank.

What this guy said.

Drop to any random location on in Brazil on Google Maps and see for yourself the conditions; this is a 3rd world mutt hellhole.

Just what we need, another germ and his gold digging escort.
She's bringing you here to get shanked by her negro so she can live with him in your apartment you dumb fuck.

Curitiba is pretty violent. I lived there for 10 years, user. Avoid Capão da Imbuía neighborhood at all costs.

Alright I'll stop talking about every woman within 250km of where you're currently sitting.

Even those egg tarts you faggots make are a ripoff of Chinese custard tarts, remember Macao and your ancestors farting around there?

Bro, I might accept it, but hard to believe.

As I explained to him, Brazil like many 3rd world shitholes is absolutely divided in term of "nice" parts, "hellhole" parts. We got extremely nice and safe places, specially rural parts.

Just go on google and type "luxury real estate brazil". Be amazed (at how expensive it is LOL).

>brasilian girlfriend.
kek honeypotting gringos is what our whores do the best

He's right. It changed in the last few years under Temer and Bolsonaro.

so they found a way to get paid for eating McDonald's.
based favelawhores.

The tarts they call "Portuguese tarts" in Asia? Aren't Portuguese? You sure?

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>Jewburger saying that someone is not white.

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Everyone would leave this shithole if they could and you want to come in?
Sure, come live here faggot, you will fit right in with your double digit IQ.

The vast majority is hellhole 99% perhaps. Living in a gated "luxury" apartment surrounded by millions of subhumans in flip flops the next block over is just stupid.

Brazil is a fucking hellhole, at least we contain our spicxist-niggerism to inner cities, and ruthlessly exterminate whites and non-huwhites alike that try to export their animal ideology beyond their ghettoes and trailer parks as ordered by Christ himself.

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It's a chaotic fucked up third world country with a huge and shitty nigger population. No idea why you'd want to be there.
Capão had zero homicides last year, CIC is where the gang crime is but I used to go there daily for a while and I think I'm still alive, the center has more robberies per capita but that's expected.

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I would live in Baltimore over any city in Brazil.

Fixed it for accuracy

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Seems plausible.

The upper class in Brazil live quite well. 2nd world developing nations just have a level of poverty afflicting the vast majority of their population that is shocking to 1st worlders. Stay away from the places they tell you to stay away from and you will be fine.

How retarded you can be? Must be french. Most of our country is RURAL. How the fuck most of the country is a hellhole if it's just forests LMAO? I can agree most of our CITIES are hellholes and living in gated communities is shit inside said cities. I will use myself as an example. I live in the middle of nowhere, and I would only move to Montana, or the bush in Australia. I will never live in urban areas again.

>McFried Niggersauce dares talk about food
We kill our food cleanly and we eat cleanly
More than 99% of the world can claim

You should soon consider Rio de Janeiro an example of a city. Your white population is insignificant to save your country, Drake.

who cares leaf

>I think I'm still alive
Know that feeling.

>e*ropean food
Mmm what is for dinner today? baked chicken and white bread? or maybe an unseasoned potato?

Dios Mio!

IDK man, the Culinary Institute of America is 5 miles from my house, I see an awful lot of you Morisco rapebabies here. That ONE SCHOOL bankrupted Le Cordon Bleu, Escoffier School, Careme Academy and hundreds of others. Please stop sending your apprentice Chefs here to learn how to cook. Thanks again!

When germs get out of europe they show their true colors - As you well know mutt
With the italians is were it's at

How do the elites even get rich in Brazil? I can't think of any major Brazilian corporations or tech companies and you don't have an abundance of valuable natural resources. You could say government but don't they pay public sector workers shitty salaries?

She's Cuban, which is essentially Spanish. That movie about that autistic retard working at a hotel was horrible btw.

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Que raio, macaco? Quem é que te ensinou a falar assim?

Old money and with such a big country you will have a big economy.

>white bread
i thought it was a meme, but i didn't know that even american bread was 56% white
do you deep fry it too?

speak english nigger

Pastel de nata is a rip-off of the Chinese variety. I mean, unless you think ancient Portuguese people discovered vanilla bean pods first and not the South Pacific Asians who traded with Chinese people...

The portuguese monkey love to have sex with monkeys. That is why they are present in the poorest regions of Brazil and even though the Germans and Italians of the south are affected by the fiscal policy and the distribution of resources, they live in more developed places.

I see my brothers are cleansing your institutions and even managing to teach you mutts something Truely the hight of European culture

At least in Brazil, it's extremely common to call foreigners "gringos". It never occurred to me that it might not be the same in Portugal.

Sao Paulo looks alright

Rio looks a bit sketchy though, even outside the favelas

I was born and lived most of my life in Canada and then lives in Brazil (Sao Paulo City) for 3 years.

Once you settle it and stop being paranoid about crime then you are going to love it (since Curituba is pretty tame from what I know).

It's a whole new world and every day will be an adventure and then people are very warm.

The vibe of warm people and the very warm weather is what is going to make you feel pretty damn good about life.

I've been in various European countries since leaving Brazil and I really miss it.

Depends on what race you are. We epitomize everything white boys hate the most.

>white boys tried to whiten Brazil
>it ended up both racially and culturally blacked
>they tried to whiten Brazil again in the south
>it just keeps getting blacked

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i've never heard anyone in portugal say that

Bem, estou a ver que estás tão judeado como os anglos.
Reza que a tua prole não tenha o mesmo fim que tu

There's more than just white bread.

The Mexican and Latin American students pick on them a lot from what I've heard. I don't speak to the college kids much outside of small talk while they're patronizing my business up the hill from their school. Shockingly there is no "Cuisines of Europe" classes available at that school.

Brazil has has one of the highest crime rates next to Mexico and America.

OK CIA shill

CuritibanHuebro here

It really depends on your income, my family turned rich a couple of years ago, so I was pretty Lucky, I never had to Work and I still earn money from my investiments.

Anyway, yeah it's a shithole and the population here tends to be quite violent, be really careful with what you say around here, we hate freedom of speech, so don't expect us to respect your opinion.

Now does it mean that all of brazil is a shithole? No, there are good places, Curitiba seems to be from my experience the Best major City in that regard, but i have to say that there are some pretty good cities in the center west region, although most of them are just small towns.

Btw, most brazilians don't speak english... At all! Like they know jack shit about that, my gf has gone through 4 courses of english and she still doesn't know how to write nor spell in english.

Anyway, ask your gf and their family about thr safe regions in Curitiba, try to avoid the suburbs, and avoid going out at night all by yourself. Stay safe hanz.

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It's a spic term we imported, funnily enough they only use it for burgers but we expanded it to any foreigner.

.t Shill.

I've seen your posts before, my memory is extremely sharp; you made a similar thread touting America as "best in the world" and how Blacks were amazing people. You just make things up completely to get a reaction.

Após mil anos de guerra não há pior crime do que falar espanhol nesta fronteira

she is fucking sharia law ben afflek

fucking dumb bitch

I'd rather go to Johnson and Wales, if I were to have wasted time in art school. I'd never go across the planet to learn art lol.

It's important to consider people from Curitiba are considered to be cold by brazilians of other states. So not as warm as a typical brazilian is.

I have a best friend for life from rural Castrolanda, near Curitaba, in Parana, so I'm well aware of how decent life can be outside cities. It makes me sad to know there are so many decent Brazillians who look like Italians or Spaniards whose children get constantly caught up in nigger culture. It's like America in steroids, where you either have to live in a hyper-racially aware community (castrolanda lol), or suffer the consequences, and most likely have a child end up in jail.
I really do love Brazil more than any other American nation (besides the USA, of course), because you guys are an unlucky version of the USA: cursed by colonial history, geography, % blacks in your country, and the culture of the nation, I salute any few Brazillians who still follow the noble and true ways.

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Effectiveness worthy of a portuguese monkey.

>Learning portuguese right now and planning to move to Curitiba
Ok, cool
>with my brasilian girlfriend
I'd strongly advise you against that.

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Nice fanfic bro

Poor kids just don't know how to approch their betters. mutts like you wouldn't understand
>Your business
Mr.Goldenberg's, serf. Don't get upity goyem

I've noticed that almost every Yas Forums poster from Brazil is from Parana; if Americans know anything about Brazil, they assume Rio Grande del Sul is the best (due to the ostensible German connection), but there's something about Parana which breeds the best people.