Trump just ordered a car company to start making ventilators...he does realize they don't make medical equipment right?
Trump just ordered a car company to start making ventilators...he does realize they don't make medical equipment right?
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you do realise you are a faggot right ?
Rolls Royce, General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford all made tanks and planes during World War 2. I guess somebody forgot to tell them they were car companies, huh?
Trump said when NY needs 30k ventilators he doesn't believe them because "most hospitals only have 2 vents. I swear to God I'm losing more confidence that he gas any clue what he's doing. Why wouldn't we be utterly expecting every patient in the hospital to require ventilation for 1 month and we should obviously expect rates 3to mirror rates in worst hit places like italy. Why does he keep underplaying everything wtf? How is it that he thinks we can open up counties with less risk and not have spread to them just like we had when the virus spread in the first place. I can't believe the ship I'm reading. As kissing China like nothing ever happened too... really?
not like they have anything better to do
no one is buying cars
what's wrong with this? they should have prepped to do that right away
kill yourself retard
Name one general motors car that isnt a pile of shit?
>I’m waiting
>still waiting faggot
This is a better use of their company than to just sit on their dicks all day
it's just a show brainlet. stop caring.
Yeah, it's not like a company that deals in fluid mechanics could ever build something like that.
James Dyson in England is making them at old ww2 air field
They do now
>Rolls Royce, General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford all made tanks and planes during World War 2. I guess somebody forgot to tell them they were car companies, huh?
among other companies?
SINGER sewing machines, made millions of rifles for the russians back when they were our good ally.
MOST large corporations with manufacturing facilities? can be "re-tooled" to produce almost anything
1997-06 full size pick ups
>can build 2 tonne machines that go 200 miles per hour and cost half a $million dollars to produce
>cant build $5000 box + vacuum pushes around a bit
kill yourself retarded nigger
holy shit, how retarded are you?
they will now
They did. Initially told Trump they could have 30k ready to go. Then backtracked and said they could only have 6k ready and they wanted to over-charge the government for the work. Trump stopped this by using the Defense Production Act.
GM should do whatever the government requires of them seeing as they are only still around due to bailouts. Of course, their CEO is a woman.
Who are you voting for, Chiam?
Neither does Dyson but dammit they're willing to try!
You do realize this board is 18 and up
They do now, faggot. BEND THE FUCKING KNEE. #WhiteSamsonOption
Mitsubishi fucking built the Pearl Harbor planes, fucking based.
I’m pretty sure modern cars are a bit more complex and expensive to produce than ventilators.
Open by Easter huh
Don't forget BMW had to get out of aircraft manufacturing because of the Treaty of Versailles.
holy fuckin based
literally any company that uses a vacuum in their equipment is set up to make a ventilator
They do now.
Imagine being as stupid as OP.
Your mother sucks McCains cock in hell.
So, are the Republicans going to lose their shit over the president going full Socialism? Government of the people->ordering a private manufacturer to do what they want = Socialism. He's literally seizing the means of production.
Alex, I will take retooling factory for 500.
Jesus, our burger education system sucks ass
Notice how Trump is focusing on GM... the company that has closed down plants and laid off the most.
Don't anger your dictator! GET BACK TO WORK!
Isn't this socialism?
AND he’s doing it for nationalist purposes...
Its a fucking law that has been around for ages. In times of need the government can force a business to produce what America needs. He hasn't had to use it until GMC refused to make ventilators. other American businesses started doing this on there own without being asked like Yuengling. Where do you fucktard liberals get your information? its so fucked and misinformed. Also, fuck GMC never liked their shitty vehicles with their Rear end seal leaks and tranny problems.
Are you retarded?
corvettes are the the best sports car value in the world, have been since 1958
Socialists like Trump aren't the brightest of people
yeungling or however you spell Americas oldest breweries name. They started making hand sanitizer in mass quantities weeks ago. GMC just likes to accept bailouts and build shitty vehicles and close plants.
>Of course, their CEO is a woman.
I wonder if she's jewish
>Of course we can make you 30k ventilators for 1 billion dollars by April! Don't you worry Mr. President, those 25k ventilators are really going to be helping a lot of people out, and you can bet that with the 1.5 billion you're giving us, that they will be ready in a timely manner, no later than May! But do you really think 15k ventilators will be enough? Maybe we should up the numbers to 10k, just to be safe, and we'll only charge an additional 10% to make it a nice even 3 billion. So we have a deal then? 6k ventilators for 5 billion by june?
Op is an ignorant person. Bang and Olufsen started off building medical equipment
Whats this sudden ventilator stuff?
Here its all talk about respirators
Id still rather drive a cobra any day.
OP dont be stupid. Manufacturers can retool to do anything. We in the UK are experts at it see below, a VACCUM COMPANY has designed ventillators, ready to produce thousands for Queen and Country
chebby SS is supposed to be pretty good, I'd like to have a manual one but they are $30K+
only a leaf could not see the irony and shitheaded nature of its own post. No wonder they elected Justin Castro, Prime Minister Dresup faggot twice.
I will explain it you, leaf, since simple concepts must be too much for your weed addled dogfucking brain to comprehend.
Yes, Trump is targeting GM, a car manufacturer who closed down plants AFTER they promised they would not. He is forcing them to make ventilators at cost under the Defense Production Act AFTER the CEO of GM promised to do so anyways for 5k ventilators at cost then reneged at the last second to only deliver a few hundred at a premium cost. GM CEP tried to bluff Trump, but Trump wasn't bluffing because the DPA is a fuckton huge authority bat. Now if GM does not comply Trump can force the CEO and Board out under national emergency provisions for non-compliance.
GM is going to open those factories, put those workers back to work and make those goddamn ventilators at cost and deliver them on time because if they don't Trump is going to make some Jews fucking pay. Not with just losing money, not with losing cushy jobs and golden gibs parachute but with actual fucking jail time.
Now go be a nigger somewhere else.
Genuinely Trump could nationalize most large companies in the US with the explicit goal of bringing manufacturing back and I'd give him my full support.
The ventilators are for hospitalized people with flooded swiss cheese lungs.
This is Americanism you stupid kike.
OP you're a Huge Faggot. STFU.
The absolute state of dumbass shills
Fucking pathetic mouthbreathers
It's not the 40s anymore it's not that easy for companies to retool modern production lines are highly automated and designed so that a person with a room temperature IQ can run them.
t. runs CNC machines.
They do now.
The real problem in all this you douchebag is relying too much on market systems.
We are literally seeing a market being created in response to something that was easily preventable. The demand was only met after the problem with no fucking supply.
Get back to work wagie, go make the ventilators you and your family will be on them in two weeks time.
>He's literally seizing the means of production.
Freedom is a first world problem for when you have nothing else to worry about. This isn't the first time American companies have been forced to produce something and it won't be the last.
Didn't GM volunteer to do this like a month ago ?
Or was that masks.
they lied to get the gibs and then he dunked on them. honestly, this isn't the last time he's going to do this.
They do now! Make ventilators or go to prison, Your choice GM.
fuck off faggot. How many people died from the flu during the 2017/2018 winter? 80,000 and nobody gave a fuck. it's a sever flu that impacts old people way harder.
85% of Italy's deaths have been people over the age of 70. These people would die if they had got pneumonia or any severe flu or respitory illness.
>why does he keep underplaying everything
If Donald trump went on live tv saying “it’s time to panic and a shitton of you are going to die outside of our control“, what the fuck do you think would happen?
>he does realize they don't make medical equipment right?
GM already said they would shift to make them with the aide of another company.
0/10 shitpost
Well they better figure it out, they don’t really have a choice now,
Why not generators
Lmao its the 2020's. its easier now you retard. we are asking for ventilators and hand sanitizer too compared to tanks and planes. This may be one of the dumbest posts ive read today.
They can manage that just fine
>85% of Italy's deaths have been people over the age of 70. These people would die if they had got pneumonia or any severe flu or respitory illness.
Average flu season for 2014-2017, including the worst one in decades in Italy, saw on average 62.5 deaths per day. Yesterday there were 950. You're a fucking retard.
>Pope does Pope job
>Water wet
>Fire hot
all this leafNEET cope, can't address my statements, can't formulate a coherent statment
>easily preventable
>market systems
sounds smart but is far too generic and broad to actually mean anything
>being created
No, nigger, a company tried to shuck and jive and got caught flatout and is now paying the price
>go back to work wagie
No, I am an OWNER. I own you, you depend on me, I don't depend on you and if shit ever got rough you are going to be selling your ass to me and my boys just to drink our trench water and eat whatever our dogs leave behind.
Leafs, some of you are okay but then you have these mapleniggers
Car companies can still produce medical equipment. They use the same base materials.
china lost over 8 million people, but lied about it. The real mortality rate is closer to 60%
Remington-Rand was a type writer company. I have one of their 1911s.
Now Remington only makes guns
Magna does this in Graz... and it works.
He would be far better off commandeering sex toy manufactures. They're already equipped for injection molding hygienic reusable plastic and their hardware is already to scale for something that would fit down a person's throat. Minimal retooling required.
Doctor on the radio yesterday said ventilators are fairly simple machines. They don't deal in pure oxygen, just in air.
fuck GM. they got a mega bailout through king nigger, let them work for it now.
I want my respirator to have a Cadillac badge on it. I can hardly wait.
>he does realize they don't make medical equipment right?
As long as they have the money to set up the specific machinery required for fabrication, getting how to advice from people already making ventilators will not be an issue. Many manufacturing plants were re-purposed during WWII.
It is common for companies to do this in times of war or crisis.
For instance our truck manufacturer Scania is now helping other companies here make ventilators.
I'm waiting for homos go to camps order... hurry up
>he does realize they don't make medical equipment right?
They do now, faggot.
Factories can be retooled relatively easily.
Also, no one buys GM garbage so it's not like they have anything better to build.
>LOL not bailing gm out all of the time
GM tells the government what to do
>Muh millions of nigger jobs going to be lost
They do now, dipshit.
You are the stupidest gayest faggot on the internet. I hope you die tonight.
that´s true. Even the company I work for could be retooled to manufacture ventilators given enough time and resources (like 10 years and 100 million). The real question is if that can be done in a relevant time frame. we are talking about weeks and months here.