Switzerland is the only Western country that has peaked

The only one... what do the mountain Js know, that we don’t?

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They reach climax fast

But why?

They have been really strict about local lockdowns. Italy getting devastated scared the shit out of them.

Swiss Pride Worldwide

Yeah, but the Austrians are also on full lockdown and their numbers and deaths are exploding.

Maybe, maybe not. Just checked in with a friend in Switzerland and she says they had 1300 new cases today.
Says they're doing about 7000 tests per day.

LMAO look at your fucking graph bro
They have not peaked and clearly your data is shit
Look at that fucking shitty graph hahahahaha

Still... looks like they peaked

make no mistake, we are fucked until we introduce a full lockdown and keep it that way for at least 2-3 months, the eternal normalfag is too retarded to understand the severity of this situation

so far it's only a partial curfew, meaning we're not allowed to go outside unless it's for a good reason, as in to procure food or medicine or those of us who still have to work

I live in a small city and I went outside yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks, and guess what? first thing I see is a bus jam packed with people, literally nobody's wearing a mask or gloves except for one really old lady, seen multiple boomers are going out for a fucking jog, nobody fucking gives a shit and frankly I am not going outside for a good while after seeing that again the swiss people have chosen to act like mostly NPCs, I've got enough food to last me 3-4 months now so I'm good if I haven't gotten the coof from some asymptomatic coofer yesterday

>I live in a small city and I went outside yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks
Kek, you retarded Nigger. Unless you are 50+ fat and a heavy smoker you should literally stop to breath, for your own and the sake of Switzerland

No, he could be an asymptomatic carrier so it's best for all that he stay inside.

If your goal is to have the lethal versions mutate further and maybe become more virulent or lethal and have those with asymptomatic versions quarantained so their milder version doesn't get a chance to become more dominant, that is good plan.

Partly I would agree, just quarantain old people, let them die and keep milder versions from spreading, would solve a lot of future problems

>we are fucked until we introduce a full lockdown and keep it that way for at least 2-3 months
Only leftists say that.

Just stop any measures and go back to chocolate, clocks and hiding money.

Corona is a hoax.

not a hoax, a scam

there are a bunch of young people who end up with pulmonary fibrosis you fucking shills, how are you people still deluded into thinking this is a nothingburger? sure the government can abuse a state of emergency but frankly it's either that or by the end of this millions die and millions more have their lungs scarred, some american cities have literally had their police departments cease fucking function by now, how are you idiots STILL worried about the state if anything we're going towards anarchy

I know people who have it you fucking imbecile, and you will soon as well

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>so far it's only a partial curfew, meaning we're not allowed to go outside unless it's for a good reason, as in to procure food or medicine or those of us who still have to work
What? I was outside today and I saw a bunch of people outside too.

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Look at that noise lmao. I'd wait a little.

>so far it's only a partial curfew, meaning we're not allowed to go outside unless it's for a good reason,
are you retarded? you're allowed to go outside and do whatever you want. only stores and restaurants are closed.

>if anything we're going towards anarchy
Would be great, but the Chines Boomer killer flu will not be the one. Tbf, I was worried till early February because there were only butchered numbers, now that we got more reliable numbers, this is truly just invisible meat. H1N1 reloaded with more patriot act

I've had multiple friends in Bern get sent home for "being outside with no reason"

>boomer killer
>it's just the flu bro
I don't remember the fucking flu causing american police departments to cease function:
keep acting like this is a nothingburger faggots, you'll see soon enough

Which also explains the reluctance of gov to do something. Because they have experts.
Only when media creates panic the gov moves because uninformed scared voters will fuck them over if they dont move.
See Trump. Everyone gets $1200 and back to work. Problem solved.

decentralized economy with self consistent cantons plus effects of early containment by closing off events three weeks ago.

Then the contagions will undoubtedly rise given the nature of the virus (stays in the air and objects for hours) until the summer heart kicks in. Now the only question is how many people will die due to insufficient medical equipment.

More or less, counting the asymptomatic, we'll be at 300k contagions with around 3000 deaths ending at most in june.

Now that I think about seems the houses' heating plays a major role in containing the virus. e.g. In italy it's up to the tenants, but in switzerland it's for everyone.

>fucking flu causing american police departments to cease function
Thats not the flu idiot, thats panic. Media induced panic. Get a grip on reality tard.

As a mountain jew you should be able to grasp why police departments seize to exist. Average age, not enough qualified personal, budget reduction. And as far as I know, nogs nig no matter if there is popo or not.
>keep acting like this is a nothingburger faggots, you'll see soon enough
We will see. But either way, thanks for giving a bunch of losers in national and international politics power they should never wield, and will probably not give back without blood shed.

>the media is causing cops to be understaffed and not respond to assaults
ok retard

Because every single citizen there has a big fucking gun. Helps to keep distance from others.

Spreading in the US fast mostly because of jews and niggers.

>implying there ever was a way to get out of this without bloodshed
don't throw stones out of a glass house EUcuck

you can be outside and do whatever you want, as long as you're in a group of less than 6 and as long as you keep a safety distance from the others

>They reached the peak!
>There's no chance it could go back up or that they're downplaying this like every other country!
>I can predict the future!

What's with the influx of retards claiming it's a hoax when it's now assfucking countries? The time to be retarded nothingburger posters is over. This is a full happening.

From all the failures in public positions, Trump plays this the best. Here around, if our Soros puppet keeps the shutdown up for another week, some people will go on a shopping spree for KMUs for a discount and might get some cheap workers free on top.

The curve never lies.

because people are disciplined and stay home. people are fucking paranoid here.
as soon as people will start to go to work again, the numbers will spike as well

lmao not in Zurich

Go to work again. It’s the only way.

Show me the place where corona death are above normal death rate. U cant.
A pandemic to fear has 10 times the normal death rate. Normal daily death rates are 200 for CH, 2000 for Italy, 2600 for germoney. Must be 10000 for usa. PER DAY!

We're expecting purge levels of deaths in the US over the next 8 weeks. California especially, which is going to be short by a huge number of hospital beds and will see the hospital system collapse.

You should kill yourself to avoid anything bad happening to you ever

No niggers?

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>We're expecting
Here is the problem. Hospitals around here are empty, and we are way ahead of the US. One hospital considering "short work" because no clients:

Here's the problem: New York's hospitals are full, the morgues are full, and they're not even close to the peak. They're building temporary morgues at the moment because they expect not to be able to dispose of bodies fast enough. And we're nearly out of protective gear and nurses are wearing trash bags. Same will happen to California soon, we're not far behind.

Lets wait 2 weeks and see.
Maybe dont trust media but visit a hospital like i did today?
btw it was empty.


the fuck are you talking about? there is no full lockdown and rates aren't exploding at all

Switzerland is also the only European country with fully established 5G.

Let the fake virus commence!

Their death rate doubles every two days. Any spare beds will eventually be filled. I don't get why your conspiracytards are still doing your thing after seeing what happened in Italy. It's like this disaster is too slow for you to process and after two days you just forget it's happening.

Rates are exploding and you are on lockdown. Look at your deaths and your infected.

Nope, plenty of area refused it.

It feels like a full lock down desu senpai.
Cops are chasing people out of parks, fines are being written, basically every business has shut down or changed to home office, Vienna from 18:00 on is a ghost town, beside roaches and cleaners, there is basically nobody on the streets

Hiding in a vault counting shekels is a form of self isolation

If you want something to be a conspiracy nut about, ask what the $2T "stimulus" plan was for. Our businesses are shut down, what is there to stimulate right now? It should be used as food money since we're depending on business to feed the people rather than have a government program, but they're telling people this will be over by Easter so they're going to spend it on luxury goods instead. Ask anyone on this site what they'll do with their money and they'll start listing luxury goods that are largely made in China. We're sending China $2T, fucking why?


I am too tired for this, just check the rates mate.
Don't really know about Vienna desu, I am in the carinthian nowhere right now, things go pretty slow here anyway. Number of infected is gonna grow anyway, the peak is gonna be lowered and the numbers gonna spread until autumn. basically it's a good thing that we can "practice" on a virus that is not too lethal, cause we gonna see something way worse in our lifetime for sure

H1N1 didn't even come here as far as I can tell except for some faggots on the coasts (what you mountain jews think is america).
This shit is serious it's in my heartland.

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We got raped nationwide by H1N1 in December-February of this year but it didn't get talked about because of corona. The posters in the US that say "I must have already had corona as I got this extremely bad flu back in January" had H1N1.

>ust check the rates mate.
I did


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The second derivative of the growth curve is zero, so only linear growth. It's already an improvement, but numbers are still rising.

Certainly the number will grow, probably about the same that testing capabilities and subsidies for the medical industry grow. The issue is there is not really anything to practice for, just a lot of power to grab by making the sheep panic over nothing, the argument of one might need those authoritarian an nepotistic policies at some time in the future, I can't accept; we are already at the point that the government without the parliament making a peep break the constitution.

Sure, but it still has the most established 5G connection in Europe?

lol so much for the conspiracy. Enjoy your lung-aids, Austria.


I still don't get it. All that's significant right now are death rates in relation to a countries inhabitants. Number of infected highly depends on the numbers of tests.

>what do the mountain Js know, that we don’t?

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>lung aids
>still quoting the poo study
Stop watching elder ecelbs user

I don't think it peaked

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no more than 2 people

You got a point. Anyway imagine having Kickl in power, the retard would enrage and we unironically had the fourth reich - be happy those fucked up morons blew themselves up

Don't you think by that logic it'll never "peak" until it's gone

Yes and no. At least there wouldn't have been more clandestine imports of living bio weapons into small isolated villages.

criminally underrated. To answer OPs question: Swissland controls its own borders and kicked out all the foreigners when the shit started. They don't fuck around.

Italy is peaking and has flattened the curve btw