I keep hearing about "paid shills".
Is that real?
Can you prove it?
How many of you faggots post her professionally and who pays you?
Remember Ebba
I do it for free. Because the truth is not measured in shekels or gold.
I post here because I have no friends.
do you, or have you ever worked for Chy-na?
I'm your friend.
>Remember Ebba
>I do it for free. Because the truth is not measured in shekels or gold.
Oh yeah i too care about some random kid who died in the middle of nowhere.
You faggy white knight, you dont give a fuck about ebba, you dont want that to happen to you or to your kid.
If 100 kids would die in that "horrible truck of peace incident" i wouldnt give 2 fucks.
But tards like you might be on twitter sending prayers and thoughts to the victims as if that means something. Utter morons man.
Never forget
>middle of nowhere
wasn't she in Paris nigger?
STFU achmed kys
Are you offering? bc you can slide me some BTC
Who's the kid on the left?
Made for BTC
I observe the world for free.
Yeah, like we'd expose ourselves.
You don't know what I care about gypsy.
>wasn't she in Paris nigger?
So? It wasn't in my house or on my street. To me it is the middle of nowhere. As if i give 2 fucks about paris.
You dont care about paris either.
I know that it is overrun by muslims and niggers begging/mugging/stealing. How the fk would that affect your day to day life? It wouldn't.
>Lmao just ignore the inbred sandniggers flattening white children on your streets
Gypsie nigger
How are they related.
My name is Ted Neumann. I work for the CIA. I haven't gotten my login yet but I look forward to shit posting with my fellow anons. I get paid about 35k a year. I miss my old job where I used to read emails that Jihadis were sending each other.
Haha, what's a waifu guys? Hope you're looking forward to your neet bucks from Mr Trump.
Paid shill AMA
>You don't know what I care about gypsy.
Oh but unfortunately for you i do know what you care about.
Ok lemme pull out my magic globe and take a wild wild shot here. You care about:
breating? yes.
Money? yes.
Fucking? yes.
Attentions YEEEES.
Now lets take another wild wild guess and see if our leaf over here is spewing bullshit because he wants attention and applause????? SAY WHAAA QUEEN??? NO waay, i didnt saw that one cumming.
Now if we go down the line even more, how do people nowdays get attention?? Ow good question brah. Well usually they virtue signal cuz if they say taht they only care about themselves oh no that is bad daddy cuz its a mental disorder called narcissism(bullshit term, every fucking one cares about themselves).
Now that the science is settled you are safe to say that you dont want to be mowed down by a truck of peace.
>Lmao just ignore the inbred sandniggers flattening white children on your streets
Is not like ur gonna do anythign about it you toothpaste. Are you gonna gather some sort of movement? No. Are you gonna get position power? NO./ Are you gonna get military power? NO. So wdf are you complaining about a problem that you dont do anything about it? Cuz u don't rly think is that much of a bad deal. IF it would be youd take actions for it.
You just posted her you faggot. Fuck off
>virtue signal
On an anonymous paper folding board. Sheesh dude, you should take a break for the day. This isn't facebook, twitter or reddit. there is no upvote here.
>On an anonymous paper folding board.
It still doesn't fucking matter.
You take the safe rout paved my the mosque shooter cuz u know he garner attention to that little cunt ebba. And you know is a tiny fkn church like that praise her as some sort of diety so you bank on that virtue signaling.
I do that too, i know all your tricks cuz they are my tricks, everybody's tricks.
The real heroes in my eyes are the ones that can hold the libtards feet to the fire. Of which they are none of. Cuz pol along with many other so-called alt-righters are always busy justifying themselves into oblivion.
For once in my entire faggot life id like to see some libtard spewing bullshit like accept more immigrants and having 100 dudes telling her:sure how many are you going to take in? For how many are YOU going to pay for? That would be more effective than what has pol been doing for over a fkn decade which amounts to NOTHING.
Indeed... you are about to watch the richest men in the world get BTFO by broke ass civilians.
Best Timeline
If you think Yas Forums hasn't changed peoples world view you are retarded. Am I doing anything while I shitpost and kek and drop the bantz? Probably not. But if even one person has the mist lifted from their eyes then that is good enough. I am an old man, I had my family, they are good lads. I am not a violent person, I have been able to make it through this life with my words. I would like to go out having sided with my beliefs instead of selling myself and my childrens future.
Yas Forums and imageboards by extension don't virtue signal, we vice signal
>If 100 kids would die in that "horrible truck of peace incident" i wouldnt give 2 fucks.
Jewish hands typed this
Where do I sign up?
alive in our memory
live forever in freyas garden aryan angel
It’s Mossad trying to fan the flames between Christianity and Islam
Does anyone have the Millennial Woes video where he goes over the attack and talks about her death? He took it off his channel for some reason.
we are all paid shills
are you retarded? are you posting for free faggot?
kike detected
No... the difference between you and me is that I always tell the truth... you are incapable of it. You are the enemy of humanity.
By the time that the world realizes that Israel attempted to unleash a biological weapon on humanity... you fuckers will already be pinned to the wall.
And then when they know it to be true... they will tear every Jew apart. They all are complicit in protecting genocidal criminals and I have zero sympathy for any one of you.
You decided to attack the entire world at the same time... and when you lose all you will have left is to cry "Nazi" which will fall on deaf ears.
You will be executed by the people you intended to enslave. A fitting end to the most evil group of people who have ever existed.
Im mexican and and id post her all the time for free if I had the time. Why doesn't our US media talk about her death? I'm sure it is because it would humanize the guy who committed the massacre. A stretch? Not at all considering the attitude the left likes to foment, feel victimized over anything and have sense of privelege its ok for you to get revenge no matter what. It's funny they only let this apply to nonwhites and are not about equality at all. The left doesn't get to decide through their identity politics who's identity matters more and what they can get away with even though they'd rather have it that way. Fuck the left with an red hot iron pike up their shit hole and out their eye. For the side clamoring for fairness they use a lot of the opposite. In their world, deep inside they understand that justice was had when all those muslims were killed due to them killing the innocent including the girl before. I only learned of her through pol.
>If you think Yas Forums hasn't changed peoples world view you are retarded.
Oh yeah the joos did this. That is real progress.
No genius its not the joos who did this.
Think hard and long in your life who are the biggest virtue signalers on this entire planet?
Who cry the most when they see a violent act on the internet? Be it over a kid, animal or another human being. Is it really the joos. You say you have a family right? Have you ever noticed your wife spewing bullshit about some sort of crap that she has no fkn clue about let alone taking any responsibility for the crap that she just said?
I'll spare you the thought process, its not the joos, its women dummy. They virtue signal cuz man are too bitches to tell them that they have down syndrome when they talk about well literally anything. Their job is not to give orders their job is to execute orders.
Men are the brain woman are the hearth, but now men force women to be the brain. Is it any wonder that 80% of the most dangerous criminals in USA prisons are and were raised by single women? Pol is literally an echo chamber made out of retards.
And nobody gets to the root of the issue cuz they are too fkn scared to question what women do, cuz every fucking imbecil thinks that they are pure and they can do no harm, while at the same time inviting refugees everywhere. You see the dillema now? So wdf were you talking about mist being lifted when the "mist" is tightly placed in its place and firmly hold?????
Explain that pic to me. How did pol ACTUALLY change the mind of literally millions of people into voting for trump? Cuz i think that pic is full of shit. I think that it was frustration that change peoples minds, seeing how their life is going down the drain slow and steady.
Not really, its more of a common sense. Here i will prove it to you.
After the Christchurch mosque attack, the muslims retaliate with their own tiny attack.
The sir lanka attack.350+killed. How much did u cared?
Probably not paid. Just a bunch of kids thinking they're making a difference by organizing raids via a discord channel that found on reddit.
i started an ebba thread a few months ago "i am forgotten" and mods banned me for 3 days
I do it because I like to bitch.
And there is a disturbing number of people in the world that have no idea what's going on.
They pay me 3,50 every month
We will always remember Ebba.
She will be avenged.
>Israel attempted to unleash a biological weapon on humanity
Maybe the joos might want to eradicate the whites i dont deny that.
But how are they gonna do that without literally fucking themselves in the process? They need what "white factories" and white countries produce. From food to medicine.
I mean you see how well it went for america waging tariff wars with china and now in the mids of this gay pandemic every retard on the planet realizes that china produces all the antibiotics. IF china wants to fuck us now, all they have to do is cut those 90%+ of medical antibodies that they produce and mby then ameritards would learn their lesson.
The same would happen to israel. I doubt they can be this fkn stupid.
Who is that girl ?
I disagree. That should be the end of our chat. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. Only they can. You seem to think you had a right or mission to force everyone to agree with your delusion. I only care about my own beliefs and delusions. Perhaps you can see the difference. It is nice when I find kindred spirits though. I would bet you aren't white.
>I get paid about 35k a year.
infiltrated for years now
I can't wait until we have every one of you "religion of peace" cock sucker against the wall. You'll beg and plead as you always do. I only pray that the suffering your kind has brought the world is replicated 10 times before you're allowed to die.
>That should be the end of our chat.
And this is why you sound like a woman, you are a woman and you complain like a woman when women invite mudslimes in your countries.
So my question for you is, why do you complain about something that women create when in your delusional worldview you think that all they do is perfection? You should embrace the muslims, the multiculturalism and the trucks of peace. And THAT should be the end OF YOUR discussion.
I know that you believe that women can do no harm and this is why i see you pathetic, and a plague on this society. This is why you even hide behind the joos, cuz its easier to blame them than women. You dread pointing the fingers at them when they wear those plankards saying:refugees welcomed.
You need to come clean and accept that they are not pure, they are not angels and they are deeply flawed women just like you, but unlike them you have more than 1 neuron in your brain to not be such a white knight cuck.
> I would bet you aren't white.
You even argue like a woman.
I bet you have a small penis. I bet you are still a virgin. Never adress the hearth of the matter, cuz u are scared. Man up or shut up.
if you werent a newfag you would recognize it too.
Maybe they arent paid but they are definetly here.
>You'll beg and plead as you always do
Oh christ the cringe.
yeah yea i know you are soo brave, thats why you cant even blame this problems on the real virtue signalers which are women. Shut up loser. Go blame the joos or something, whatever you do with your pathetic day. Stupid ass.
WTF are you on about? I never said anything about women? Not once.
I literally said.
>I do it for free. Because the truth is not measured in shekels or gold.
When you go complete schizo.
They don't need to fan anything. Islam has been a destructive force since it's pedophile warlord founded the cult.
One day the muslims and jews will answer for their centuries of barbarity.
Why would a shill be Ebba posting? Who's agenda does that serve that it's bought and paid for? If anything more of us should voluntarily Ebba post.
the fbi wants you to post greta not this beautiful white saint
Whoever believes that people are being paid to shitpost on Yas Forums... that's just a person's last living brain cell drudging through. It's a mind that just has no idea how the real world works, like those flat-earthers, where any theory is as plausible as the next one
>WTF are you on about? I never said anything about women? Not once.
You are dodging my criticism and my arguments like a cumdodger and this is why i think you are a cuck.
Adress what i said or stop wasting my motherfukcing timeeeeee dumbass.
Butthurt feminist ditected. Tell me more about how i hate women without rime or reason. Cuz we both know that when you hate something it ALWAYS has a reason. ALWAYS. But when i hate women it is WITHOUT REASON. SOOOOO STRAGE SOOO STRANGE.
It feels like you are a piece of shit liar. It feels like women who vote in laws that try to milk men of their money and sanity is NOT HATE-worthy.
You fucking dumb cunt. What do you want? Come out and say it like a man or a transgender, or whatever the fk you are nowdays. Oh mby a maggot. Yea definitely a maggot.