Here's joe Live!!

Here's joe Live!!


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Ol Joe used to be sharp as a tack though. Look at some videos of him 2 years ago, and he would actually really have a shot at this.

I'm Riden with Biden.
Trumpfags BTFO

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>I'm Riden with Biden.
Hope yer wearin' a seatbelt lad....

There's a minimum of... anyway

"Take the wheel you fat dipshit I need to finger blast my granddaughter"

Who the fuck would vote for this guy lol

For those wondering.. yes he’s still mumbling

I'm hidin' from Biden!

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Someone please record this

>>official biden YouTube account
people watching
>>started 44 minutes ago

Joe is just ahead of his time, like mumble rappers were.

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I'm hiden my kids from bitem bidem

>636 people watching

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a dead body looks healthier

does he have dementia? is this real?

This is almost painful to watch.. we need more of you faggots watching.

This “round table” isn’t being heavily covered by his social media accounts, isn’t sponsored by YouTube etc so they have to know he’s shitting the bed.

Zionist old fart


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Diddling kiddies must be very exhausting.

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the struggle is real

use your fucking eyeballs?

Listen here JACK! THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT MALARKEY! The only reason there's so few viewers is because of these god damned no good slant eyed dog faced pony soldiers invading the cybers spaces.

How's a AR14 gonna be secure in the hands of an enemy like that? You think you can yell fire in a crowded theater pal? I don't think so. Grape Sasquatches don't fall from trees and damnation neither do I. So you take that to the bank bucko and shuffle your socks into the library GOT IT?!

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The worst kind of illness is when you break your arm


>chat is disabled for this live stream

lol cowards that they are

Of course he does. Everybody know this. He is a wreck! He and the people he use to protect are using him as cannon fodder.

Now think about this: He is the best they got!!

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>these digits

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CORNteened ?

selective surgeries? what the fuck is this? why are so few people watching?

I don't see any round table .. what's happening here ?

Is that anything like cornholding?

The way you can tell his brain is buffering his thoughts is akin to coming down/side effects of short term stimulant abuse.

If true it would explain why he has such stark differences in his good va bad days.

Yikes he looks bad.

lool i cannlt wait for trump v biden debates. Will be a bloodbath

You can hear the cameraman coughing loooool

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Holy shit. Those numbers are embarrassing.

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unreal CornPop.... unreal

It will be the greatest time of enjoyment we've seen in years

the only people watching are from Yas Forums

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Dims can never recover

Why in the fuck would nurses be performing cataracts surgery!?
This motherfucker has lost his mind

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my english is better than his :)
even tho I butcher the pronunciation of a lot of words
30%+ are from Yas Forums laughing about his bullshit

Can somebody with some skill do a mashup with Biden and this song

Biden has become the Chris-Chan of politics.
Only people following him are the people laughing at him

That's a creatura if I ever saw one.

>>repeatedly refers to a trained medical professional (MD/surgeon) as “doc”.
>>apologizes for calling him doc, says he knows it’s Doctor
>>immediately calls the Doctor doc again

Your pronunciation probably isn't that bad.
English is pretty error tolerant.


>Loohan virus

>>asking an Asian doctor if he thinks Trump calling the Coronavirus the “Wuhan” Virus is racist/if it’s important to dicuss

You're welcome Joe. I'm here for you too

He's reading off of a teleprompter, follow his eyes

how can the front-runner for the opposition party's presidential candidate feel so irrelevant?

White house is currently at 19,639 viewers and the stream hasn't started yet
there are easily 1m faggots waiting on different streams while nothing happens and Biden cant get 1k viewers.

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he's talking a lot but he's not saying anything

I guess he learned a lot from Merkel

Corn Pop got to him

Well that was painful to watch.

Are Democrats serious with this old faggot?

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how can this man ever hope to become president, this was just sad to watch.

When you cancel out pol and his campaign it's probably less than 40 people.

Jeezus H
I can't find a record player to listen to.
How are my kids going to hear words?


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Jesus Christ he looks like a reanimated corpse

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You don’t have to be a Souix Ste Marie ball-gagger to figure this Covid-14 stuff out folks! This is America, man! That’s how things are getting done around here been getting done this way for thousands of years! Listen Chaz I’m not afraid to call your bluff on this rigamorole. Reminds me of stringing up olde String-Bean by his hind quarters so he could steal a slice of Ms Abernathy’s sweet deviled eggs from the windowsill. I, fat, you think that was easy? Hell no! Pony faced shit head

Listen Buck I’m not done

I am convinced Joe is a cudgel to beat Bernie. Once the nomination is secured, he will have a 'disqualifying incident' and his VP will take over.


this is some serious delusion are you actually equating youtube viewership as popularity you are in for a rude awakening

My 80 year old East German grandpa looks more vital than him. Wouldn't be surprised if he already has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Just think how Bernie feels, he lost to this corpse

he is the democrat front runner. I would expect more viewers

Wait Biden's second name is "Robinette"?

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Honestly hate to say it but you are a massive faggot

>Hi everyone. Today I’ll be live on the tube, you know.. the thing

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