There are MASSIVE protests developing right now on the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge that joins the Hubei and Jiangxi provinces in Eastern China.

The situation is rapidly evolving.

Vids related.


Attached: hubei jiangxi riot.webm (448x960, 725.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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>mandate of heaven

A revolution in China over this would be so kino

Situation developing. There are similiar events across parts of china right now.
CCP didn't ban foreigners and deny entry while kcikign out journalists because of 'infections' they are trying to hoodwink the world with (((msm))) and fucking Wuhan Health Organization help to make themselves look strong when in fact the entire world knows they are fucking lying like a motherfucker.
Chinese see the difference in the propaganda news vs. reality. Infections, deaths, and disappearnaces are not stopping. CCP is lying through its teeth and everyone knows it.
It starts small. It starts with something. But everyone knows the guilty are in beijing.
criminals must be held responsible, and SHILLS in global times etc need to pay for their disrespect against the people.

Were with you

Chinese people are sick of the government.
They want a good country with rule of law.
Not this cronyism. Xi Jinping IS the disease.

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the Chinese need to move or STFU. Everytime they get together thinking they are protesting against their government, the rest of the world gets a stupid ass virus because their gov wants to destroy their progessive dumbasses.

Darth Vader: *Nukes your home planet*
Darth Vadar: Go on...

B-But Xi Jinping just got his lifetime term...

These "riots" are carefully staged performances by western agent provocateurs and you're all falling for it. There is zero divide between the people of China and the government of China.

Gather as many of these as possible, spread it far and wide. webms, clips, anything.
People need to see and know the sheer monsterous lies being pertetuated by those in power who believe themselves cattle managers and invincible enough to treat people this way and dump millions into the fire, alive.
People's well being is under direct murderous threat by inhuman, psychotic power mad bastards in beijing who not only created this thing, but are lying about everything surrounding this now, just like how they killed dr. li chen qi shi, and many more.
How many sons and daughters disappeared while CCP elites cackled, smirked and laughed at the people?
How many PLA recruits, medical staff, and police went without proper protection thinking they are doing the right thing and are dying along side the people they drag out, while CCP elites get top class doctors and army specialists to tend to their every need as if they are all little emperors?


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Fuck off and stop spreading lies commie nigger.

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You are done. Finished. You made the same mistake every single ruler in history made.
You underestimated the pain and anger of the people.
Chinese people will do just fine without you.


It isn't lies, no matter how bad you want it to be. The people and government of China are the same. You can never drive a wedge between them no matter how much you desire to.

In b4 the CCP kills them all and then denies it after hundreds of recordings of it happening get on the internet.

Tienanmen square massacre, nigga.


>t. Chang

T. Yangwang xang

I live in New York.

sounds like a good time for a nuke, fuck those chink bugs, they need raid more than ever

>The people and government of China are the same.

The fucking

Something tells me the People know better then [you] what they see in their 'selfless' rulers pretending to be servants while taking everything from their own.
If I were you, I'd hop on the nearest private jet you chinese elites and their servants love so much oh wait
Lame last ditch attempt to legitimize yourself, you shill fuck.

China will go on just fine without the likes of you.

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go die of coranachan boomer

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this, several days ago news went out that their makeshift hospital (雷神山醫院) construction workers being locked up in quarantine despite having been already quarantined for more than 14 days with no clear days when they can get out, some clashes went out with the police and when news finally reached out to the public, the government let them all go
>pic related is the construction work reaching out for help

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ching chong commie faggot, dont you have better things to do like eat dogs or whatever you uncivilized chink retards do

Death to Xi

You’ll be killed alongside your CCP masters, dog.

lol people get mad when you call out WHITE ACTORS in china rioting against police...lmao if they really did some of that shit to the cops there they would be caged or caught in a net on site.

yes go on, i believe you

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Your words carry no significance and do not change the truth of the divine marriage between chinese citizen and servant. You can shout until your lungs bleed, it makes no difference.

Why are bugmen so weak don't they eat meat?

.5 Social credits have been deposited into your account.

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have you ever seen a skinned cat, not much meat there, i believe domesticated animals are the only meat the ants eat

Surely, you must have some evidence that doesn't come out of your asshole?
Oh who am I kidding, you drones just do as you're told, you don't think or reason.

Watergate - Assassination of John Kennedy - 9/11 was an inside job - Vietnam war

Fuck you. The CCP are just traitors with power. The People’s Liberation Army should turn against them.

Why do you fucking niggers ALWAYS project? The only lies are the ones coming out of your filthy dead bat smelling mouth

The evidence is the action itself. Chinese citizens do not act this way towards their servants. You don't know how it is in China. Just look and you will see the truth.

>fack you boomer
>no, HE's the jew
>CHINA STRONK Those protesting against us are ANTIFA

Enough is enough. We all know how active and obvious you fucking idiots are in these web spheres.

The medical wokers, PLA soldiers on the ground, police officers are all basically as naked as any people they go after to quarentine and lock down. Only thing that can legitimtely keep this shit out of you is military grade nuclear/biochem suit lvl A (full internal oxygen system and not a single exposure point, complete enclosure), with 110% decontamination every time you come back from the field.
CCP sent them there knowing this, knowing that virus was unstoppable, not to "save" anyone for whom they won't spare the medication and specialists they reserved for their elite. They sent these people there to lock down the population and herd them like cattle while sacrificing them to the virus all so CCP elites can keep their positions and roles in power.

That's literally the only reason why people are dying alone and scared in their homes. All so these fucking fools can evade the responsibility of being who they are.

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So? How do riots in China affect me?


bump, good thread

so two regions bickering with each other, remember that hubei has a population of 45 million and jiangxi has a population of 58 million, these are practically different countries, I'm guessing the ccp gonna send in the army soon to sort it out

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Oh no webo! Is coronachan kneecapping xi?

China will fall forever.

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>bugman soiwars reference
>twatter comment format
lurk moar

Insted of reading dumb rumours here, go to www.weibo.com and searh for 九江长江大桥 (Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge). Then Google translate. Pic related is the first result.

The issue is that people aren't allowed to drive or taka a train across the bridge and instead have to walk five kilometers. So they chimp out.

Sorry but the shills in this thread are lying to you.

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>Wuhan 400

fuck china

The only ones screaming their "lungs" out online are you stupid spamming fuckers.
We had enough.
The entire world had enough.
"divine marriage" jesus christ that's a nice way to say "here citizen either we rape you and you tell me you like me or I kill you and throw you into the fire"
You fucking idiots are so full of shit and held under power you have no idea you are nothing more then disposable pawns to the CCP elites.
YOU don't understand the dynamic of POWER and what it feels like to be under one because you are nothing mroe then a traitor who sold himself to your superiors.
The PEOPLE who are being killed off because of bootlickers like you, they know better. MUCH better.
Time of reckoning has come.

PIC related. Your lies will DIE. TODAY.

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well this is Yas Forums, it's full of autistic people who will jump on anything to build a strawman, then they'll get disappointed that xi is still in power after all these "riots against him", which were prefectural police forces bickering with each other and didn't really had anything to do with the ccp or xi

this is the spiciest b8 i've tasted for a long time

>falling for blatant b8
nu/pol/ is a disaster

wuhan-xi virus is best virus

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Yes, good slave.

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I'm glad you like it. AHEM.


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Wtf are you talking about?

I lived there for 6 years, I saw the shitty low tier farmer cops beat up old ladies selling clothes on the sidewalk. I know what the relationship is.

who would have thought that millions of people suddenly vanishing would get people PISSED

>A literal warring states period

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>we are construction workers of the Thunder God Mountain Hospital (雷神山醫院), the construction has been finished for more than a month, a month ago we were working in Thunder God Mountain (雷神山), risking our lives, working day and night, regardless of the weather, we risked being infected. Everyday we saw patients getting in and out from ambulance, a lot of patients were sent to the hospital. Now the we were being quarantined for more than a month, some even have been quarantined for a month and a half, my body now doesn't show any problem, also pass the blood test, but we just can't leave, being detained by the government. The salary compensation for the 14 day quarantine has been given to us, but after that there are no compensation, now they even lock us down here. Our problems can't be solved, everyday there are securities watching over us, now I want to go back to home, want to get back to work to put bread on family's table, but the government just won't face the problem now. Several hundreds of workers had been clashed with for many times, even started fighting, the police have been here but they just couldn't solve it, there is no sign of further compensation, we are completely hopeless, everyone please retweet and help us out

I hope they all get slaughtered. Vengeance for every dog they tortured. Fuck, I'd pay good money to drive a tank over those bugs.

Nothing will happen. The chinese goverment will crush them. This Is not like Hong Kong

if you think the chinese people as a whole aren't happy that their insect kingdom has become the worlds 2nd largest economy under the CCP you're dreaming.
there may be pockets of dissent, but as an insectoidal mass they're living out their borg fantasies,

PLA already lost a brigade's worth of grunts to this shit. Cops and medical personnel deaths are higher.
None of that is being reported, but is very thoroughly purged out of news cycles by the chinese government propaganda machine.
To put it simply, the virus has become unstoppable long term unless people can put someone else in power who can take measures to protect the people instead of simply trying to silence them. Not to mention pissing off the whole world by telling insane lies (hurr durr italy had it first murica made it).
CCP must be held responsible for this bioweapon attack on the world, including their own citizens.


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this is why the ccp should suck some dick, desu

The PRC is fucking finished.


When Xi's dickless corpse is swinging in Tienanmen Square can you imagine to queue to take a selfie with it?

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Thread theme:


They're probably trolls, dude. You paranoid faggots fall for everything these days. It's literally never been easier.

Remember they hate being called chankoro.

how soon before they just bomb their own cities

>t. butthurt KMT diaspora
You were just as bad when you had your chance.

This kind of stuff gives me hope re:China...

Imagine a China without the CCP, it would be glorious...

You can see what Chinese are capable of without the communist mental poison in Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc. they can be amazing.

It's telling how fucking idiotic these shills are right now.
>"servants of the people"
>"great harmonious relationship"
What a laugh. CCP leaders are smirknig while they send out one chinese to punish another chinese for trying to live.

>no compensation
So we are living in a bizzaro world where 'greedy orange man bad' can do something like sending extra 600 dollars a week for 4 months to families with nemployd husbands and wives, and send $1,200 check to over half of American house holds, yet those 'champions of workers' in CCP can barely be bothered to show themselves in public after this shit started early on.
The entire farce of these elites there is a fucking joke. The fact that they think they will get away doing this to people is clear evidence of their treason to the nation.


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+0.01 social credit points have been deposited into your Ali account. Keep up the great work solider.

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>he doesn't know yet

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Couldn't help but notice everyone is wearing surgical masks.
I thought the glorious people's government had defeated the Wuhan wobbles, and everything was over?

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just what the world needs- more effective chinese dominance. you'd be fucked ivan

>pretend you were 'trolling'
>use every means to pretend those agianst our agenda are 'minorities' and must be sidelined

Game's over you fucking weak bitch lol
The entre world knows, and you will be made to pay the price.
FUCK XI FUCK THAT COWARD and servants of cowards like you.

>i can't accept my retardation and the fact that i fell for obvious bait

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fucking state of this place

Wrong flag but eh, close enough

This shit happened ALL THE TIME when I lived in China.

It is so utterly unimaginable to mutts to even raise their voice against their masters they cannot fathom that people jst riot every once in a while to politely tell their government to fuck off. The Chinese are one of the most notoriously rebellious people on the Planet, whcih is why the Governemnt is lso careful to keep acting to their ultimate benefit instead of, you know, giving billions of tax Dollars to Israel.

The CCP allows only the most kosher narratives on Weibo. The real issue here is that cops from two different states literally started fighting eachother. Do you know how stupid and EMBARRASSING that is? Imagine if cops from different departments started fighting in America. That's symptomatic of a much larger problem. The Chinese have been fucking starving for months and now there's factional warfare kicking off.

Then why does China spend more on “stability” than it does on military development ?