It transferred from person to animal
It transferred from person to animal
Noooo not the kots!
The dog story turned out to be bullshit, this one will be too.
Will this be the end of feminism?
Well if that becomes a serious issue I guess I gotta kill my critters.
Get better kitter.
>Corona-chan turned into a catgirl
built for BBC
Get well soon kitty
Chinks deserve wholesale extermination for their crimes
Is this testing accurate ?
Get better kot!
People killed their pets in China. They are fomites, they will kill you.
This was 1 month ago:
Pets are fomites.
Stay safe, retards !
>Sorry, there was nothing we could do for your mother. Our test kits were sent to the veterinary clinic because they pay better.
Good. Fuck cats
>have absolute cunt neighbours that break corona rules
>hope they die
>but they have based cats that they don't deserve
I want to pet them but no want the corona. I know for a fact these cunts will get it soon.
Looking for a Cat house, Is this it?
Veterinary clinics asked the french gvt if they could help performing PCR. Nope, humans aren't pets, your help isn't needed, we have standards !
that cat was made for BBC
makes sense
I was actually worried about this. It makes complete sense that the virus would pass on to other animals, especially mammals. As far as I know, cats are also fairly related to pangolins who also can get the virus. This is real bad news if true also as cats would be extremely effective disease vectors. I'll have to keep my lil' mates inside if this takes off
You’re not funny and these posts are incredibly annoying.
do you have pictures of the rear?
hard to tell willingness from face shots.
Just looking for the right bitch
The msm is trying to pass the same lie in my country despite the fact that our medical experts said that human-animal transmission is not possible.
year right!! at least post pictures, you tease
Hi there, I had a good time last week in Zeeland with my cycling buddies.
I hope I didn't infect some old people there.
eat my hairy 58 year old ass you mutt
>the cat
Forget that.
You had one job Amerilard
I would not recommend that in the current situation, the ships doctor says no
>romanian medical expert
This. Poor kitty looked like he still wanted to live. Then they brought in the brick. If you've ever doubted the theory of evolution, the screams remind you we're related. :(
You can only stretch the 'surreal' concept so far!
this is a real shitty drawing
How is the anarchists doing?
Yes give the daddy complexes, makes it easier for me
Fuck off
I love my kids ,kitty cats , and Adolf Hitler
My wife loves Adolf Hitler and our kitty cats and our kids
Mike Pence looks not like himself!
Where is Happy Magic Mike?
That cat's life is more valuable that 10k chinks at least.
How old are they?
The kids, just a ballpark timeframe?
I'm not a creep in the general sense!
How the fuck did it passed to humans then you massive retard? We're animals as well. Having so many infected only makes higher chances for mutation higher.
bahahahahhaah catfags BTFO. you're all filthy disgusting people to start with. fuck you catfaggots.
What sewer do they find you pathetic fucking faggots?
go get your lint roller and clean yourself off, filthy vermin. while you're at it, get rid of that shitbox that stinks up your house where your filthy animal shits and pisses in all day. you people are so fucking asininely unclean it's unreal.
We've known this for literally MONTHS. Pic related from Breitbart in January.
The first dog to test positive in China died.
I warned you lot-fluffy and fido get that shit on their fur when you let them out-they lick their fur and their asses then get it in their systems. If your pets don't go out, lock the pet up before YOU go out so you can get your now contaminated clothes off before fluffy rubs against you. Letting your cats and dogs outside now is a death sentence for both pet and owner.
This is why the Chinks were tossing their animals out.
The sticky particles of the virus in the air sticks to their fur. Literally walking the dog is stupid AF. AIRBORNE. Pic related had LOW viral load but died anyway.
Lotsa cool wine aunt cat ladies are going to jump when their "kids" die-or kill them with their furry love and disease spreading cuddles.
Why are people surprised this can transfer to animals?
The chinks got it from bats. If it's transmissible from bats (an animal) to humans, it's gotta be transmissible the other way around too.
Still, shame about the kot. Hope he gets better soon.
except fomites are inanimate sources of infection.
this is very sad if true. it will mean mass euthanasia of pets. probably voluntary, then mandatory.
just saying. sorry to be so negative.
always wondered why supposedly all these viruses go from animal to human but not the other way around. lmao peoples "furbabies" getting btfo. sorry catto fren.
>normies lost their jobs
>cant go outside
>cant go clubbing
>cant' meet with friends
>can't go shopping
>now their pets are going to die
normie holocaust NAO
It's a UK tabloid, it's not real