Well he kinda broke his word but only God knows what he went through and what they convinsed him off. What are your thoughts and does anyone have a link to a full video of the sentencing?
Branton Tarrant pleads guilty
He doesn’t look so happy
I mean, wouldn’t he be smiling if he was happy?
He looks like he's been starved/tortured. Enough of that and you can demoralise any man.
Look into how they got the confessions at Nuremberg and then follow the trail of 100 years of black budget development. I doubt he's being treated fairly.
Yeah burger, he doesnt seem too happy
If you only knew how bad things really are...
This is psyop bullshit to create stress and wear people down.
Go fuck yourself!
Blow it out your ass! Say it or shut the fuck up already!
He probably realized he should have suicided by cops after his first day in there.
That goes without a question
Deep fake.
Show flag kike
He also looks thinner. Prison food will do that to you. Do you think he’s on a hunger strike like Nelson Mandela? Do you think he’s dreaming of shitposting on Yas Forums right now? Should we use this picture as a deterrent to mass murder? Anytime anyone fed posts we can share this photo as a reminder not to murder innocents(Muslims aren’t innocent, but I mean someone who didn’t literally attack you)
Tommy Robinson came out very gaunt
Not a kike. Lol this is my flag , it was good enough for my greatgrandfather to give his life on the eastern front and it is good enough for me to shitpost with Sven.
Tommy Robinson didn't kill like 70 people
I dont think that he is on a hunger strike. Why would he be. But he is deffinetly being tortured or something
Show flag, Kike
Probably would have been better for white people desu
I Dont trust a memeflag a bit
Stfu nigger
What’s your point?
My point is that prison changes people in many ways, including food and weight loss.
Based indeed
Hows the shitskin hordes you cant even legally complain about in bong land? Eat shit and have your daughters raped by paki scum lol. Next?
Whoopdy dooo. I don't care.
He said in his manifesto that he would be viewed as Nelson Mandela. Maybe he’s striking because of unfair treatment.
We all know you're from Israel kike. No need to hide it
t. Mohammed.
Show flag
Good. A time will come when humanity is so good, that we have forgotten racism or sexism or homophobia or transphobia. We will learn not to fear words. And at the same time, we will all be delighted with what we each are. God bless anons.
Eat shit nigger
What difference does pleading guilty make in cases where there's solid evidence of you doing the crime anyway?
One Thing is sure. He prepped some niggers in there.
Well my point is that he became a symbol of bad people. I may be a national socialist, but I’m not Brenton Tarrant. How am I supposed to go around telling people about the ethnostate when /our guy/ is locked up in prison for mass murder. If he would have killed himself we could move on, but now he’ll be in prison until the day he dies. Since everyone is literally fat weed addicted dirty dick beaters we won’t have a revolution anytime soon, but instead we’ll get a few lost youths that make irreversible decisions. I think Brenton is a hero, he did what we all know is right, but now he has become propaganda, he should have fled to Brazil and got himself a cute trap like uncle adolf.
>Livestream yourself shooting 52 people
>plead not guilty
Kek seems cut and dry but they still give the chance probably in case of insanity or something
Please post the template for the black/grey/red picture
he will be ethnically diverse when muzzies eject their semen into his butthole
Looks starved
You are angry because you are afraid, and we forgive you.
Fucking McMutts
If he would have claimed innocence it would have been a political statement. Because he admitted guilt he admitted that he was wrong. I think it’s a big deal.
He would be able to meme the shit out of them more. However, corona-chan destroyed chances for good memey during the hearing
filter>distort>lens correction>red/blue fringe
filter>sketch>halftone pattern
In his manifesto he uses the MLK Letter from Birmingham Jail defense. If he admits to breaking the law, but argues the law is unjust, the charges against him are unjust, someday the unjust law will be abolished and his sentence will be rescinded. He had vowed to plead innocent but appears to have changed his mind.
Just like I sad and you can see it on his face. He hasn't had the best time in there
Yeah man it seems high security prison is not as fun as we thought. I really wanted to go someday but now I'm really starting to have second thoughts.
>If only you knew how bad things really are.
Now that he is getting raped daily probably thinks that things weren’t that bad before killing 50 people and spending the rest of the time in prison.
He was raped
>it took a year of torture to break him
He lasted quite a while
Perhaps, but it was fucking worth it
Way more than a averige Joe would
That’s what he thought and did it only to be remembered, but he didn’t expect the Coronavirus is going to take all the spotlight a year latter and even here except for few threads nobody cared
t. didnt read the manifesto where he specifically says he will be forgotten
True. Tommy is a faggot and doesnt have the balls to oppose his jew paymasters
He def got the bbc
look like he need more of it,,, boi lookin pasty af
well, he's spent a year in solitary at the most viscous prison in new zealand (paremeremo). I'm sure he's absolutely lost his mind at this point, and doesn't even have the energy or political will to do his retarded "N0t goolty dew to UNJUST inVASUIN11111!!"
fucking faggot
Thank you fren. Can you also post The Brenton version.
By pleading guilty he has shilled, most likely to not have to sit through all the heartache he has caused in a trail.
Why didn't he just go to middle east and kill some muhammads desu
It's a really fun place, Tarrant is just pretending because it's so awesome he doesn't want to share it with anyone
Any idea how we can write to him?
This, thinks of the 80 people.
How can someone possibly kill 90 people? Only white men are so evil to kill over 100 people.