
Can someone tell me why Coronavirus is specifically destroying this country so hard?

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It's not destroying nothing nigger,we are immortal,look our history

Italians are social people and like to hug and kiss
plus it was initially played down so people weren't aware of the danger
hopefully it will come under control soon

imagine you wan to take over land in an area, well first you have to remove the occupiers

It’s population distribution skews toward the elderly. Also social and cultural customs that involve close contact.

Wut that..summary plz.

G-d hates them for what they did to the holy Jewish people.
hopefully millions more of them will die.

Be careful of what you wish for Moshe.

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Read the highlights at the top

I just posted this in a duplicate thread:

Italy has had a significantly higher mortality rate than basically every other country's. As of Tuesday, they were reporting just north of 9% fatalities in Italy - meanwhile in Germany that figure is as low as 0.3%.

I am not outright saying its a nothingburger, but one has to wonder if a number of other factors are playing a role. The most likely options, to me at least, seem to be:Italy's aging population (85.6% of deaths in Italy have been 70+), or that perhaps they are liberally attributing the cause of death when there are multiple ailments exclusively to the virus.

Because they need cover to arrest the pope and his underlings.

Even more strange is the fact that the victims are basically elderly lombards. That region has top healthcare so there must be something else happening in the background.

We're telling the truth.

air quality? so old timer lungs are fucked to begin with?

>muh kisses

By that logic the swiss with their 4 kiss greeting would be the worse by now.

if italians are telling the truth it's becasue they believe others will think they are lying..

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I'm saying this as a man who loves both Ancient Rome and pizza, but modern Italy is a terrible, pathetic nation-state and has been for over a century.
This is just another example of it sucking

Jews need the closest country to enslave and give them resources, since global trade is shut down

Mostly old people as well

because they are communists participating in a global general strike

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Italy has a very old population and are very family orientated, all the young people visit their elderly all the time and gave them the hug of death back when they thought it was a nothingburger.

Italy is the hearthland of Catholicism,
its destruction is part of their program

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Touché,bastard of a juden.

they just got the bad strain

the US got the strain that's just super infectious but doesn't kill people

italians have a big chinese comunity, and a lot of those have family in wuhan.
Lot's of wuhan chinese went to italy before the lockdown in china.

Also italy signed the belt&road project of china and now they are getting fucked over because of it.

We have a disproportionate amount of very old people. Average age of death for corona is 82. I have two grandmothers, one 88 and one 90 and are pretty average age for old women

They had that "Hug a Chinese to prove you're not a racist" campaign

holy jewish people my ass
a nation of hyenas and vultures , fuck you i hope you coof

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one town closed down early and is doing fine but still on lock down cause their neighboring towns that took too long to respond got swamped

Maybe they got the deadlier strain?

There was a study recently on where the virus came: apparently there were two waves, one from g*rmany and another from china, probably during those "hug a chink and die" events.

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Italy has a shit load of old people. This pyramid is way more top heavy than comparable countries.

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Many Chinese work in sweatshops in Italy for the fashion industry.

Can you redpill me on belt&road project?

That good Mediterranean diet keeps them going for years.

they have more cases than you per Million

Saw a Chinese earlier. Closed the car window as I passed.

any updated chart of age/death stats in italy?

italy sold textile industry to china, had 100 000 workers flying back and forth from wuhan. has super old population full of lifetime smokers and the mob has been dumping toxic waste all over italy for at least 2 decades leading to a high cancer rate.

Kikes know. Shut it down

How about I tell you the hard truth
>Italy is the only country not lying about their numbers

Enough material about that on the internet, but in short, if the chinese pull it of we will be even more dependent on them then we already are.
And countries like italy who jumped in to the program did it for the promise of being the western counterpart of that trafic&commerce but dont realize the chinese never honor their promises.


Attached: italy in one pic.jpg (990x658, 83.32K)

>we are immortal
Legio Aeterna, Victrix

I wouldnt mind dying with the nurse on the left holding my hand

Reasons to gas.

Cause we have to sign down the MEF. If our corrupted euroass politician do that, we will fo over this shit

shitty health care system
very old population
also they are panicking so making lots of mistakes
lockdown has severed their informal but fundamental in italy mutual social care
meaning that anyone is on his her own
that alone probably meant the death sentence for many
also, whatever they are counting as coro deaths, they have to continue doing, nobody can admit any or a series of errors/misunderstandings now
the snow ball must continue growing

one simple answer:

Because they are filthy gypsies.

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italy is honorary southamerican country
like aaspain


Japan is a really densely populated country where people are constantly crammed together and yet they barely have any cases, probably because they don't allow a bunch of fucking immigrants into their country.

We will destroy your temples again, we will burn your sacred books.

Déjà les chiffres comptabilisant les morts en Chine sont faux ! Idem pour nous, la France : ils comptent seulement les gens qui décèdent dans les hopitaux, ne sont pas comptabilisé les gens décédés chez eux, ni
dans les maisons de retraite.
La France a onze jours de différence avec l'Italie. Bientôt nous aurons autant de morts que eux.
les américains cela va être terrible le nombre de morts. Vu que leur gouvernement veut sauver l'économie et que leur système de santé est privé.
Already the figures counting the deaths in China are false! Ditto for us, France: they only count people who die in hospitals, are not counted people who died at home, nor
in retirement homes.
France is eleven days apart from Italy. Soon we will have as many dead as them.
americans this is going to be terrible the death toll. Because their government wants to save the economy and their health care system is private.

No, I won't tell you our secret

300,000 chinks

thet's exactly what our friend gonna find out

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Because kikes want to destroy Rome.

>Jewish "people"

Stop the facade demon.

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Italian waste mostly cardboard and plastic. Not as much of a biological hazard as the open sewers in India.

Italians can't walk down the street without kissing a stranger. They never had a chance.

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Because is full of negros that dont follow the common sence of staying in home. In Spain are the spics who dont follow the order.